Spring Security – Request Rejected Exception – Spring Security – Request Rejected Exception

最后修改: 2021年 10月 1日


1. Introduction


Spring Framework versions 5.0 to 5.0.4, 4.3 to 4.3.14, and other older versions had a directory or path traversal security vulnerability on Windows systems.

Spring Framework 5.0至5.0.4、4.3至4.3.14等旧版本在Windows系统上存在目录或路径穿越的安全漏洞。

Misconfiguring the static resources allows malicious users to access the server’s file system. For instance, serving static resources using file: protocol provides illegal access to the file system on Windows.


The Spring Framework acknowledged the vulnerability and fixed it in the later releases.


Consequently, this fix guards the applications against path traversal attacks. However, with this fix, a few of the earlier URLs now throw an org.springframework.security.web.firewall.RequestRejectedException exception.

因此,这项修复可以防止应用程序受到路径遍历攻击。然而,通过这一修复,一些早期的URL现在会抛出一个org.springframework.security.web.firewall.RequestRejectedException 异常

Finally, in this tutorial, let’s learn about org.springframework.security.web.firewall.RequestRejectedException and StrictHttpFirewall in the context of path traversal attacks.


2. Path Traversal Vulnerabilities


A path traversal or directory traversal vulnerability enables illegal access outside the web document root directory. For instance, manipulating the URL can provide unauthorized access to the files outside the document root.


Though most latest and popular webservers offset most of these attacks, the attackers can still use URL-encoding of special characters like “./”, “../” to circumvent the webserver security and gain illegal access.


Also, OWASP discusses the Path Traversal vulnerabilities and the ways to address them.


3. Spring Framework Vulnerability


Now, Let’s try to replicate this vulnerability before we learn how to fix it.


First, let’s clone the Spring Framework MVC examples. Later, let’s modify the pom.xml and replace the existing Spring Framework version with a vulnerable version. 

首先,让我们克隆Spring Framework MVC的例子。随后,让我们修改pom.xml ,用一个脆弱的版本替换现有的Spring Framework版本。

Clone the repository:


git clone git@github.com:spring-projects/spring-mvc-showcase.git

Inside the cloned directory, edit the pom.xml to include 5.0.0.RELEASE as the Spring Framework version:



Next, edit the web configuration class WebMvcConfig and modify the addResourceHandlers method to map resources to a local file directory using  file:

接下来,编辑网络配置类WebMvcConfig ,并修改addResourceHandlers 方法,使用file:将资源映射到本地文件目录。

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
      .addResourceLocations("file:./src/", "/resources/");

Later, build the artifact and run our web app:


mvn jetty:run

Now, when the server starts up, invoke the URL:


curl 'http://localhost:8080/spring-mvc-showcase/resources/%255c%255c%252e%252e%255c/%252e%252e%255c/%252e%252e%255c/%252e%252e%255c/%252e%252e%255c/windows/system.ini'

%252e%252e%255c is a double-encoded form of  ..\ and %255c%255c is a double-encoded form of \\.


Precariously, the response will be the contents of the Windows system file system.ini.


4. Spring Security HttpFirewall Interface

4.Spring Security HttpFirewall 接口

The Servlet specification does not precisely define the distinction between servletPath and pathInfo. Hence, there is an inconsistency among the Servlet containers in the translation of these values.

Servlet 规范并没有精确定义servletPathpathInfo 之间的区别。因此,Servlet容器在翻译这些值时存在不一致的情况。

For instance, on Tomcat 9, for the URL http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/1, the URI /1 is intended to be a path variable.

例如,在Tomcat 9上,对于URL http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/1,URI /1 被打算成为一个路径变量。

On the other hand, the following returns /api/v1/users/1:



However, the command below returns a null:



Unable to distinguish the path variables from the URI can lead to potential attacks like Path Traversal / Directory Traversal attacks. For instance, a user can exploit system files on the server by including a \\,  /../, ..\ in the URL. Unfortunately, only some Servlet containers normalize these URLs.

无法从URI中区分出路径变量会导致潜在的攻击,如路径遍历/目录遍历攻击。例如,用户可以通过在URL中包含\\, /../, ..\来利用服务器上的系统文件。不幸的是,只有一些Servlet容器将这些URL规范化。

Spring Security to the rescue. Spring Security consistently behaves across the containers and normalizes these kinds of malicious URLs utilizing a HttpFirewall interface. This interface has two implementations:

Spring Security来拯救我们。Spring Security在各容器中表现一致,并利用HttpFirewall 接口对这类恶意的URL进行规范。这个接口有两个实现。

4.1. DefaultHttpFirewall


In the first place, let’s not get confused with the name of the implementation class. In other words, this is not the default HttpFirewall implementation.


The firewall tries to sanitize or normalize the URLs and standardizes the servletPath and pathInfo across the containers. Also, we can override the default HttpFirewall behavior by explicitly declaring a @Bean:


public HttpFirewall getHttpFirewall() {
    return new DefaultHttpFirewall();

However, StrictHttpFirewall provides a robust and secured implementation and is the recommended implementation.


4.2. StrictHttpFirewall


StrictHttpFirewall is the default and stricter implementation of HttpFirewall. In contrast, unlike DefaultHttpFirewall, StrictHttpFirewall rejects any un-normalized URLs providing more stringent protection. In addition, this implementation protects the application from several other attacks like Cross-Site Tracing (XST) and HTTP Verb Tampering.

StrictHttpFirewallHttpFirewall的默认和更严格的实现。相比之下,与DefaultHttpFirewall不同,StrictHttpFirewall会拒绝任何未规范化的URL,提供更严格的保护。此外,该实现还可以保护应用程序免受其他一些攻击,如跨站追踪(XST)HTTP Verb Tampering

Moreover, this implementation is customizable and has sensible defaults. In other words, we can disable (not recommended) a few of the features like allowing semicolons as part of the URI:


public HttpFirewall getHttpFirewall() {
    StrictHttpFirewall strictHttpFirewall = new StrictHttpFirewall();
    return strictHttpFirewall;

In short, StrictHttpFirewall rejects suspicious requests with a org.springframework.security.web.firewall.RequestRejectedException.


Finally, let’s develop a User Management application with CRUD operations on Users using Spring REST and Spring Security, and see StrictHttpFirewall in action.

最后,让我们使用Spring RESTSpring Security开发一个对用户进行CRUD操作的用户管理应用程序,并看看StrictHttpFirewall的运作。

5. Dependencies


Let’s declare Spring Security and Spring Web dependencies:

让我们声明Spring SecuritySpring Web依赖。


6. Spring Security Configuration


Next, let’s secure our application with Basic Authentication by creating a configuration class that creates a SecurityFilterChain bean:


public class HttpFirewallConfiguration {

    public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        return http.build();

By default, Spring Security provides a default password that changes for every restart. Hence, let’s create a default username and password in the application.properties:

默认情况下,Spring Security提供了一个默认密码,每次重启都会改变。因此,让我们在application.properties中创建一个默认的用户名和密码。


Henceforth, we’ll access our secured REST APIs using these credentials.

此后,我们将使用这些证书访问我们的安全REST APIs。

7. Building a Secured REST API

7.构建一个安全的REST API

Now, let’s build our User Management REST API:

现在,让我们建立我们的用户管理REST API。

public ResponseEntity<Response> createUser(@RequestBody User user) {
    Response response = new Response()
      .withMessage("User created successfully");
    URI location = URI.create("/users/" + user.getId());
    return ResponseEntity.created(location).body(response);
public ResponseEntity<Response> deleteUser(@PathVariable("userId") String userId) {
    return ResponseEntity.ok(new Response(200,
      "The user has been deleted successfully", System.currentTimeMillis()));

Now, let’s build and run the application:


mvn spring-boot:run

8. Testing the APIs


Now, let’s start by creating a User using cURL:


curl -i --user user:password -d @request.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users

Here is a request.json:



Consequently, the response is:


HTTP/1.1 201
Location: /users/1
Content-Type: application/json
  "message":"User created successfully",

Now, let’s configure our StrictHttpFirewall to deny requests from all the HTTP methods:


public HttpFirewall configureFirewall() {
    StrictHttpFirewall strictHttpFirewall = new StrictHttpFirewall();
    return strictHttpFirewall;

Next, let’s invoke the API again. Since we configured StrictHttpFirewall to restrict all the HTTP methods, this time, we get an error.


In the logs, we have this exception:


The request was rejected because the HTTP method "POST" was not included
  within the list of allowed HTTP methods []

Since Spring Security v5.4, we can use RequestRejectedHandler to customize the HTTP Status when there is a RequestRejectedException:

Spring Security v5.4以来,我们可以使用RequestRejectedHandler来定制HTTP状态,当出现RequestRejectedException时:

public RequestRejectedHandler requestRejectedHandler() {
   return new HttpStatusRequestRejectedHandler();

Note that the default HTTP status code when using a HttpStatusRequestRejectedHandler is 400. However, we can customize this by passing a status code in the constructor of the HttpStatusRequestRejectedHandler class.


Now, let’s reconfigure the StrictHttpFirewall to allow \\ in the URL and HTTP GET, POST, DELETE, and OPTIONS methods:

现在,让我们重新配置StrictHttpFirewall,允许\在URL和HTTP GETPOSTDELETEOPTIONS方法。

strictHttpFirewall.setAllowedHttpMethods(Arrays.asList("GET","POST","DELETE", "OPTIONS")

Next, invoke the API:


curl -i --user user:password -d @request.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/api<strong>\\>v1/users

And here we have a response:


  "message":"User created successfully",

Finally, let’s revert to the original strict functionality of StrictHttpFirewall by deleting the @Bean declaration.


Next, let’s try to invoke our API with suspicious URLs:


curl -i --user user:password -d @request.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
      -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/api/v1<strong>//>users
curl -i --user user:password -d @request.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
      -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8080/api/v1<strong>\\>users

Straightaway, all the above requests fail with error log:


The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String "//"

9. Conclusion


This article explains Spring Security’s protection against malicious URLs that may cause the Path Traversal/Directory Traversal attacks.

本文解释了Spring Security对可能导致路径遍历/目录遍历攻击的恶意URL的保护。

DefaultHttpFirewall tries to normalize the malicious URLs. However, StrictHttpFirewall rejects the requests with a RequestRejectedException. Along with Path Traversal attacks, StrictHttpFirewall protects us from several other attacks. Hence it is highly recommended to use the StrictHttpFirewall along with its default configurations.


As always, the complete source code is available over on Github.
