1. Introduction
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to validate HTTP request parameters and path variables in Spring MVC.
在本教程中,我们将学习如何在Spring MVC中验证HTTP请求参数和路径变量。
Specifically, we’ll validate String and Number parameters with JSR 303 annotations.
具体来说,我们将用JSR 303注释来验证String和Number参数。
To explore the validation of other types, we can refer to our tutorials about Java Bean Validation and method constraints, or we can learn how to create our own validator.
要探索其他类型的验证,我们可以参考我们关于Java Bean验证和method constraints的教程,或者我们可以学习如何创建我们自己的验证器。
2. Configuration
To use the Java Validation API, we have to add a JSR 303 implementation, such as hibernate-validator:
为了使用Java验证API,我们必须添加一个JSR 303实现,例如hibernate-validator。
We also have to enable validation for both request parameters and path variables in our controllers by adding the @Validated annotation:
我们还必须通过添加@Validated annotation,在控制器中启用对请求参数和路径变量的验证。
public class Controller {
// ...
It’s important to note that enabling parameter validation also requires a MethodValidationPostProcessor bean. If we’re using a Spring Boot application, then this bean is auto-configured, as we have the hibernate-validator dependency on our classpath.
值得注意的是,启用参数验证还需要一个MethodValidationPostProcessor Bean。如果我们使用的是Spring Boot应用程序,那么这个Bean就是自动配置的,因为我们的classpath上有hibernate-validator的依赖。
Otherwise, in a standard Spring application, we have to add this bean explicitly:
public class ClientWebConfigJava implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public MethodValidationPostProcessor methodValidationPostProcessor() {
return new MethodValidationPostProcessor();
// ...
By default, any error during path or request validation in Spring results in an HTTP 500 response. In this tutorial, we’ll use a custom implementation of ControllerAdvice to handle these kinds of errors in a more readable way, returning an HTTP 400 for any bad request. We can find the source code of this solution at GitHub.
默认情况下,Spring中路径或请求验证过程中的任何错误都会导致HTTP 500响应。在本教程中,我们将使用ControllerAdvice的自定义实现,以更可读的方式处理此类错误,对任何不良请求返回HTTP 400。我们可以在GitHub.找到这个解决方案的源代码。
3. Validating a RequestParam
Let’s consider an example where we pass a numeric weekday into a controller method as a request parameter:
public String getNameOfDayByNumber(@RequestParam Integer dayOfWeek) {
// ...
Our goal is to make sure that the value of dayOfWeek is between 1 and 7. To do so, we’ll use the @Min and @Max annotations:
public String getNameOfDayByNumber(@RequestParam @Min(1) @Max(7) Integer dayOfWeek) {
// ...
Any request that doesn’t match these conditions will return an HTTP status 400 with a default error message.
If we call http://localhost:8080/name-for-day?dayOfWeek=24, for instance, the response message will be:
getNameOfDayByNumber.dayOfWeek: must be less than or equal to 7
We can change the default message by adding a custom one:
@Max(value = 1, message = “day number has to be less than or equal to 7”)
4. Validating a PathVariable
Just as with @RequestParam, we can use any annotation from the javax.validation.constraints package to validate a @PathVariable.
Let’s consider an example where we validate that a String parameter isn’t blank and has a length of less than or equal to 10:
public void createUsername(@PathVariable("name") @NotBlank @Size(max = 10) String username) {
// ...
Any request with a name parameter longer than 10 characters, for instance, will result in an HTTP 400 error with a message:
例如,任何带有name参数超过10个字符的请求,都会导致HTTP 400错误,并附有信息。
createUser.name:size must be between 0 and 10
The default message can be easily overwritten by setting the message parameter in the @Size annotation.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we learned how to validate request parameters and path variables in Spring applications.
As always, all source code is available on GitHub.