1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’re going to explore WebClient filters in Spring WebFlux, a functional, reactive web framework.
在本教程中,我们将探讨WebClient过滤器在Spring WebFlux,一个功能性、反应式Web框架。
2. Request Filters
A filter can intercept, examine, and modify a client request (or response). Filters are very suitable for adding functionality to every single request since the logic stays in one place. Use cases include monitoring, modifying, logging, and authenticating client requests, just to mention a few.
A request has an ordered chain of zero or more filters.
In Spring Reactive, filters are instances of the functional interface ExchangeFilterFunction. The filter function has two parameters: the ClientRequest to modify and the next ExchangeFilterFunction.
在Spring Reactive中,过滤器是功能接口ExchangeFilterFunction的实例。过滤器函数有两个参数:要修改的ClientRequest和下一个ExchangeFilterFunction。
Usually, a filter function returns by calling the next one in the filter chain:
ExchangeFilterFunction filterFunction = (clientRequest, nextFilter) -> {
LOG.info("WebClient fitler executed");
return nextFilter.exchange(clientRequest);
3. WebClient Filtering
After implementing a request filter, we have to “attach” it to the WebClient instance. This can be only done while creating the WebClient.
在实现了一个请求过滤器后,我们必须将其 “附加 “到WebClient实例上。这只能在创建WebClient时进行。
So then, let’s see how to create a WebClient. The first option is to invoke WebClient.create() with or without a base URL:
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create();
This, unfortunately, doesn’t allow to add a filter. The second option, then, is the one we’re looking for.
By using the WebClient.builder() we’re able to add filters:
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()
4. A Custom Filter
Let’s start with a filter that counts the HTTP GET requests sent by the client.
让我们从一个计算客户端发送的HTTP GET请求的过滤器开始。
The filter examines the request method and increases a “global” counter in case of a GET request:
该过滤器检查请求方法,并在GET请求的情况下增加一个 “全局 “计数器。
ExchangeFilterFunction countingFunction = (clientRequest, nextFilter) -> {
HttpMethod httpMethod = clientRequest.method();
if (httpMethod == HttpMethod.GET) {
return nextFilter.exchange(clientRequest);
The second filter we’ll define appends a version number to the request URL path. We utilize the ClientRequest.from() method to create a new request object from the current one and set the modified URL.
Subsequently, we continue executing the filter chain with the new modified request object:
ExchangeFilterFunction urlModifyingFilter = (clientRequest, nextFilter) -> {
String oldUrl = clientRequest.url().toString();
URI newUrl = URI.create(oldUrl + "/" + version);
ClientRequest filteredRequest = ClientRequest.from(clientRequest)
return nextFilter.exchange(filteredRequest);
Next, let’s define a filter to log the methods of sent requests along with their URLs. These details are available in the request object.
All we have to do then is to print to some output stream:
ExchangeFilterFunction loggingFilter = (clientRequest, nextFilter) -> {
printStream.print("Sending request " + clientRequest.method() + " " + clientRequest.url());
return nextFilter.exchange(clientRequest);
5. A Standard Filter
Finally, let’s look into basic authentication – a very common use case of request filtering.
The helper class ExchangeFilterFunctions offers the basicAuthentication() filter function which takes care of adding the authorization header to the request.
As a result, we don’t need to define a filter for it:
WebClient webClient = WebClient.builder()
.filter(ExchangeFilterFunctions.basicAuthentication(user, password))
6. Conclusion
In this short article, we have explored filtering WebFlux clients in Spring.
As always, the code example can be found in over on GitHub.