1. Overview
Our services often communicate with other REST services to fetch information.
From Spring 5, we get to use WebClient to perform these requests in a reactive, non-blocking way. WebClient is part of the new WebFlux Framework, built on top of Project Reactor. It has a fluent, reactive API, and it uses HTTP protocol in its underlying implementation.
从Spring 5开始,我们可以使用WebClient来以反应式、非阻塞的方式执行这些请求。WebClient是新的WebFlux框架的一部分,建立在Project Reactor之上。它有一个流畅的、反应式的API,并在其底层实现中使用HTTP协议。
When we make a web request, the data is often returned as JSON. WebClient can convert this for us.
In this article, we’ll find out how to convert a JSON Array into a Java Array of Object, Array of POJO, and a List of POJO using WebClient.
2. Dependencies
To use WebClient, we’ll need to add a couple of dependencies to our pom.xml:
3. JSON, POJO, and Service
3.JSON, POJO, 和服务
Let’s start with an endpoint http://localhost:8080/readers that returns a list of readers with their favorite books as a JSON array:
[{ "id": 1, "name": "reader1", "favouriteBook": { "author": "Milan Kundera", "title": "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" }
}, { "id": 2, "name": "reader2" "favouriteBook": { "author": "Douglas Adams", "title": "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" } }]
We’ll require the corresponding Reader and Book classes to process data:
我们将需要相应的Reader 和Book 类来处理数据。
public class Reader {
private int id;
private String name;
private Book favouriteBook;
// getters and setters..
public class Book {
private final String author;
private final String title;
// getters and setters..
For our interface implementation, we write a ReaderConsumerServiceImpl with WebClient as its dependency:
对于我们的接口实现,我们编写了一个ReaderConsumerServiceImpl ,将WebClient 作为其依赖。
public class ReaderConsumerServiceImpl implements ReaderConsumerService {
private final WebClient webClient;
public ReaderConsumerServiceImpl(WebClient webclient) {
this.webclient = webclient;
// ...
4. Mapping a List of JSON Objects
When we receive a JSON array from a REST request, there are multiple ways to convert it to a Java collection. Let’s look at the various options and see how easy it is to process the data returned. We’ll look at extracting the readers’ favorite books.
4.1. Mono vs. Flux
4.1. Mono与Flux的对比
Project Reactor has introduced two implementations of Publisher: Mono and Flux.
Project Reactor已经引入了Publisher的两个实现。Mono和Flux。
Flux<T> is useful when we need to handle zero to many or potentially infinite results. We can think of a Twitter feed as an example.
When we know that the results are returned all at once – as in our use case – we can use Mono<T>.
4.2. WebClient with Object Array
First, let’s make the GET call with WebClient.get and use a Mono of type Object[] to collect the response:
Mono<Object[]> response = webClient.get()
Next, let’s extract the body into our array of Object:
Object[] objects = response.block();
The actual Object here is an arbitrary structure that contains our data. Let’s convert it into an array of Reader objects.
For this, we’ll need an ObjectMapper:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Here, we declared it inline, though this is usually done as a private static final member of the class.
在这里,我们内联声明了它,尽管这通常是作为类的private static final成员进行的。
Lastly, we’re ready to extract the readers’ favorite books and collect them to a list:
return Arrays.stream(objects)
.map(object -> mapper.convertValue(object, Reader.class))
When we ask the Jackson deserializer to produce Object as the target type, it actually deserializes JSON into a series of LinkedHashMap objects. Post-processing with convertValue is inefficient. We can avoid this if we provide our desired type to Jackson during deserialization.
4.3. WebClient with Reader Array
4.3.WebClient与Reader Array
We can provide Reader[] instead of Object[] to our WebClient:
Mono<Reader[]> response = webClient.get()
Reader[] readers = response.block();
return Arrays.stream(readers)
Here, we can observe that we no longer need the ObjectMapper.convertValue. However, we still need to do additional conversions to use the Java Stream API and for our code to work with a List.
在这里,我们可以看到,我们不再需要ObjectMapper.convertValue。然而,我们仍然需要进行额外的转换,以使用Java Stream API,并使我们的代码能够与List一起工作。
4.4. WebClient with Reader List
4.4.WebClient与Reader List
If we want Jackson to produce a List of Readers instead of an array, we need to describe the List we want to create. To do this, we provide a ParameterizedTypeReference produced by an anonymous inner class to the method:
Mono<List<Reader>> response = webClient.get()
.bodyToMono(new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Reader>>() {});
List<Reader> readers = response.block();
return readers.stream()
This gives us the List that we can work with.
Let’s take a deeper dive into why we need to use the ParameterizedTypeReference.
Spring’s WebClient can easily deserialize the JSON into a Reader.class when the type information is available at runtime.
With generics, however, type erasure occurs if we try to use List<Reader>.class. So, Jackson will not be able to determine the generic’s type parameter.
然而,对于泛型,如果我们试图使用List<Reader>.class,就会发生type erasure。所以,Jackson将无法确定泛型的类型参数。
By using ParameterizedTypeReference, we can overcome this problem. Instantiating it as an anonymous inner class exploits the fact that subclasses of generic classes contain compile-time type information that is not subject to type erasure and can be consumed through reflection.
5. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we saw three different ways of processing JSON objects using WebClient. We saw ways of specifying the types of arrays of Object and our own custom classes.
We then learned how to provide the type of information to produce a List by using the ParameterizedTypeReference.
As always, the code for this article is available over on GitHub.