Guide to Spring WebUtils and ServletRequestUtils – Spring WebUtils和ServletRequestUtils指南

最后修改: 2017年 2月 20日



1. Overview


In this quick article, we’ll explore the build-in web request utils in Spring MVC – WebUtils, ServletRequestUtils.

在这篇文章中,我们将探讨Spring MVC中内置的Web请求工具–WebUtilsServletRequestUtils

2. WebUtils and ServletRequestUtils


In almost all applications, we face situations where we need to fetch some parameters from an incoming HTTP request.


To do that, we had to create some really hectic code segments like:


HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
    String foo = session.getAttribute("parameter");

String name = request.getParameter("parameter");
if (name == null) {
    name = "DEFAULT";

Using WebUtils and ServletRequestUtils, we can do it with a just one line of code.


To see how these utilities work, let’s create a simple web application.


3. Sample Pages


We need to create sample pages in order to be able to link the URLs. We would use Spring Boot and Thymeleaf as our template engine. We need to add required dependencies for them.

我们需要创建样本页面,以便能够链接URL。我们将使用Spring BootThymeleaf作为我们的模板引擎。我们需要为它们添加必要的依赖性。

Let’s create a page with a simple form:


<form action="setParam" method="POST">
    <h3>Set Parameter:  </h3>
    <p th:text="${parameter}" class="param"/>
    <input type="text" name="param" id="param"/>
    <input type="submit" value="SET"/>
<a href="other">Another Page</a>

As we can see, we are creating a form for initiating the POST request.


There is also one link, which will forward users to the next page, where we will show the submitted parameter from the session attribute.


And let’s create a second page:


Parameter set by you: <p th:text="${parameter}" class="param"/>

4. Usage


Now that we’re done building the views, let’s create our controller and use ServletRequestUtils and fetch the request parameter:


public String post(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {
    String param 
      = ServletRequestUtils.getStringParameter(
        request, "param", "DEFAULT");

    WebUtils.setSessionAttribute(request, "parameter", param);

    model.addAttribute("parameter", "You set: " + (String) WebUtils
      .getSessionAttribute(request, "parameter"));

    return "utils";

Note how we’re using the getStringParameter API in ServletRequestUtils to fetch the request parameter name param; a default value will be assigned to the request parameter if no value is coming into the controller.

注意我们如何使用ServletRequestUtils中的getStringParameter API来获取请求参数名param;如果没有值进入控制器,将为请求参数分配一个默认值。

And, of course, notice the setSessionAttribute API out of WebUtils used to set a value in the session attribute. We don’t need to explicitly check if a session already exists nor link in vanilla servlet. Spring will configure it on the fly.

当然,注意到setSessionAttribute API 出自WebUtils,用于设置会话属性的值。我们不需要明确地检查一个会话是否已经存在,也不需要在vanilla servlet中进行链接。Spring会在飞行中配置它。

In the same way, let’s create the other handler which would show following session attribute:


public String other(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {
    String param = (String) WebUtils.getSessionAttribute(
      request, "parameter");
    model.addAttribute("parameter", param);
    return "other";

That’s all we need to create our application.


One quick point to note here is that ServletRequestUtils has some wonderful inbuilt features which will automatically typecast the request parameter based on our need.


Here’s how we can convert the request parameter to Long:


Long param = ServletRequestUtils.getLongParameter(request, "param", 1L);

Similarly, we can convert the request parameter to other types:


boolean param = ServletRequestUtils.getBooleanParameter(
  request, "param", true);

double param = ServletRequestUtils.getDoubleParameter(
  request, "param", 1000);

float param = ServletRequestUtils.getFloatParameter(
  request, "param", (float) 1.00);

int param = ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameter(
  request, "param", 100);

Another point to note is that ServletRequestUtils has another method getRequiredStringParameter(ServletRequest request, String name) for fetching the request parameter. The difference is that if the parameter is not found in the incoming request, it would throw ServletRequestBindingException. This might be useful when we need to play with critical data.

另一点需要注意的是,ServletRequestUtils有另一个方法getRequiredStringParameter(ServletRequest request, String name)用于获取请求参数。不同的是,如果在传入的请求中没有找到该参数,它将抛出ServletRequestBindingException。当我们需要玩弄关键数据时,这可能是有用的。

Below is a sample code snippet:


try {
    ServletRequestUtils.getRequiredStringParameter(request, "param");
} catch (ServletRequestBindingException e) {

We could also create one simple JUnit test case to test the application:


public void givenParameter_setRequestParam_andSetSessionAttribute() 
  throws Exception {
      String param = "testparam";
          .param("param", param)
          .sessionAttr("parameter", param))

5. Conclusion


In this article, we see that using WebUtils and ServletRequestUtils can greatly reduce plenty of boilerplate coding overhead. However, on the other hand, it certainly increases dependency on the Spring framework – which is something to keep in mind if that’s a concern.


As always, the source code is available over on GitHub.
