String Processing with Apache Commons Lang 3 – 用Apache Commons Lang 3处理字符串

最后修改: 2017年 3月 9日


1. Overview


The Apache Commons Lang 3 library provides support for manipulation of core classes of the Java APIs. This support includes methods for handling strings, numbers, dates, concurrency, object reflection and more.

Apache Commons Lang 3库为操作Java APIs的核心类提供支持。这种支持包括用于处理字符串、数字、日期、并发、对象反射等的方法。

In addition to providing a general introduction to the library, this tutorial demonstrates methods of the StringUtils class which is used for manipulation of String instances.


2. Maven Dependency


In order to use the Commons Lang 3 library, just pull it from the central Maven repository using the following dependency:

为了使用Commons Lang 3库,只需使用以下依赖关系从Maven中心仓库拉取即可。


You can find the latest version of this library here.


3. StringUtils


The StringUtils class provides methods for null-safe operations on strings.


Many methods of this class have corresponding ones defined in class java.lang.String, which are not null-safe. However, this section will instead focus on several methods that do not have equivalents in the String class.


4. The containsAny Method


The containsAny method checks if a given String contains any character in the given set of characters. This set of characters can be passed in the form of a String or char varargs.

containsAny方法检查一个给定的String是否包含给定字符集中的任何字符。这组字符可以以Stringchar varargs的形式传递。

The following code fragment demonstrates the use of two overloaded flavors of this method with result verification:


String string = "";
boolean contained1 = StringUtils.containsAny(string, 'a', 'b', 'c');
boolean contained2 = StringUtils.containsAny(string, 'x', 'y', 'z');
boolean contained3 = StringUtils.containsAny(string, "abc");
boolean contained4 = StringUtils.containsAny(string, "xyz");

5. The containsIgnoreCase Method

5.containsIgnoreCase 方法

The containsIgnoreCase method checks if a given String contains another String in a case insensitive manner.


The following code fragment verifies that the String “” comprises “BAELDUNG” when upper and lower case is ignored:

下面的代码片段验证了字符串 “”包括“BAELDUNG”,当大写和小写被忽略时。

String string = "";
boolean contained = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(string, "BAELDUNG");

6. The countMatches Method


The counterMatches method counts how many times a character or substring appears in a given String.


The following is a demonstration of this method, confirming that ‘w’ appears four times and “com” does twice in the String “welcome to”:

下面是这个方法的演示,确认‘w’出现四次,“com”String“welcome to”出现两次。

String string = "welcome to";
int charNum = StringUtils.countMatches(string, 'w');
int stringNum = StringUtils.countMatches(string, "com");
assertEquals(4, charNum);
assertEquals(2, stringNum);

7. Appending and Prepending Method


The appendIfMissing and appendIfMissingIgnoreCase methods append a suffix to the end of a given String if it does not already end with any of the passed-in suffixes in a case sensitive and insensitive manner respectively.


Similarly, the prependIfMissing and prependIfMissingIgnoreCase methods prepend a prefix to the beginning of a given String if it does not start with any of the passed-in prefixes.


In the following example, the appendIfMissing and prependIfMissing methods are used to add a suffix and prefix to the String “” without these affixes being repeated:

在下面的例子中,appendIfMissingprependIfMissing方法被用来向字符串 “”添加后缀和前缀,而这些后缀不会被重复。

String string = "";
String stringWithSuffix = StringUtils.appendIfMissing(string, ".com");
String stringWithPrefix = StringUtils.prependIfMissing(string, "www.");
assertEquals("", stringWithSuffix);
assertEquals("", stringWithPrefix);

8. Case Changing Method


The String class already defines methods to convert all characters of a String to uppercase or lowercase. This subsection only illustrates the use of methods changing the case of a String in other ways, including swapCase, capitalize and uncapitalize.


The swapCase method swaps the case of a String, changing uppercase to lowercase and lowercase to uppercase:


String originalString = "baeldung.COM";
String swappedString = StringUtils.swapCase(originalString);
assertEquals("", swappedString);

The capitalize method converts the first character of a given String to uppercase, leaving all remaining characters unchanged:


String originalString = "baeldung";
String capitalizedString = StringUtils.capitalize(originalString);
assertEquals("Baeldung", capitalizedString);

The uncapitalize method converts the first character of the given String to lowercase, leaving all remaining characters unchanged:


String originalString = "Baeldung";
String uncapitalizedString = StringUtils.uncapitalize(originalString);
assertEquals("baeldung", uncapitalizedString);

9. Reversing Method


The StringUtils class defines two methods for reversing strings: reverse and reverseDelimited. The reverse method rearranges all characters of a String in the opposite order, while the reverseDelimited method reorders groups of characters, separated by a specified delimiter.


The following code fragment reverses the string “baeldung” and validates the outcome:


String originalString = "baeldung";
String reversedString = StringUtils.reverse(originalString);
assertEquals("gnudleab", reversedString);

With the reverseDelimited method, characters are reversed in groups instead of individually:


String originalString = "";
String reversedString = StringUtils.reverseDelimited(originalString, '.');
assertEquals("com.baeldung.www", reversedString);

10. The rotate() Method


The rotate() method circularly shifts characters of a String a number of positions. The code fragment below moves all characters of the String “baeldung” four positions to the right and verifies the result:

rotate()方法将字符串的字符循环移动若干个位置。下面的代码片段将字符串 “baeldung”的所有字符向右移动了四个位置并验证了结果。

String originalString = "baeldung";
String rotatedString = StringUtils.rotate(originalString, 4);
assertEquals("dungbael", rotatedString);

11. The difference Method


The difference method compares two strings, returning the remainder of the second String, starting from the position where it is different from the first. The following code fragment compares two Strings: “Baeldung Tutorials” and “Baeldung Courses” in both directions and validates the outcome:

difference方法比较两个字符串,返回第二个字符串的剩余部分,从它与第一个不同的位置开始。下面的代码片段比较了两个字符串。”Baeldung Tutorials”“Baeldung Courses”在两个方向上进行比较,并验证其结果。

String tutorials = "Baeldung Tutorials";
String courses = "Baeldung Courses";
String diff1 = StringUtils.difference(tutorials, courses);
String diff2 = StringUtils.difference(courses, tutorials);
assertEquals("Courses", diff1);
assertEquals("Tutorials", diff2);

12. Conclusion


This tutorial introduces String processing in the Apache Commons Lang 3 and goes over the main APIs we can use out of the StringUtils library class.

本教程介绍了Apache Commons Lang 3中的字符串处理,并介绍了我们可以从StringUtils库类中使用的主要API。

As always, the implementation of all examples and code snippets given above can be found in the GitHub project.
