1. Overview
In this article, we will introduce the ZeroCode automated testing framework. We’ll learn the fundamentals through an example of REST API testing.
在这篇文章中,我们将介绍ZeroCode自动化测试框架。我们将通过一个REST API测试的例子来学习基础知识。
2. The Approach
The ZeroCode framework takes the following approaches:
- Multi-faceted testing support
- The declarative style of testing
Let’s discuss them both.
2.1. Multi-Faceted Testing Support
The framework is designed to support automated testing of multiple facets of our applications. Among other things, it gives us the ability to test:
- Security
- Load/Stress
- Database
- Apache Kafka
- GraphQL
- Open API Specifications
Testing is done via the framework’s DSL that we will discuss shortly.
2.2. Declarative Style
ZeroCode uses a declarative style of testing, which means that we don’t have to write actual testing code. We declare scenarios in JSON/YAML files, and the framework will ‘translate’ them into test code behind-the-scenes. This helps us to concentrate on what we want to test instead of how to test it.
ZeroCode使用声明式的测试方式,这意味着我们不需要编写实际的测试代码。我们在JSON/YAML文件中声明场景,框架会在幕后将它们 “翻译 “成测试代码。这有助于我们专注于我们想要测试的东西,而不是如何测试它。
3. Setup
Let’s add the Maven dependency in our pom.xml file:
The latest version is available on Maven Central. We can use Gradle as well. If we’re using IntelliJ, we can download the ZeroCode plugin from Jetbrains Marketplace.
最新的版本可以在Maven中心上找到,。我们也可以使用Gradle。如果我们使用IntelliJ,我们可以从Jetbrains Marketplace下载ZeroCode插件。
4. REST API Testing
As we said above, ZeroCode can support testing multiple parts of our applications. In this article, we’ll focus on REST API testing. For that reason, we’ll create a small Spring Boot web app and expose a single endpoint:
正如我们上面所说,ZeroCode可以支持测试我们应用程序的多个部分。在这篇文章中,我们将专注于REST API测试。为此,我们将创建一个小型的Spring Boot网络应用,并暴露一个单一的端点。
public ResponseEntity create(@RequestBody User user) {
if (!StringUtils.hasText(user.getFirstName())) {
return new ResponseEntity("firstName can't be empty!", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
if (!StringUtils.hasText(user.getLastName())) {
return new ResponseEntity("lastName can't be empty!", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
return new ResponseEntity(user, HttpStatus.CREATED);
Let’s see the User class that’s referenced in our controller:
public class User {
private String id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
// standard getters and setters
When we create a user, we set a unique id and return the whole User object back to the client. The endpoint is reachable at the /api/users path. We’ll be saving users in memory to keep things simple.
5. Writing a Scenario
The scenario plays a central role in ZeroCode. It consists of one or more steps, which are the actual things we want to test. Let’s write a scenario with a single step that tests the successful path of user creation:
"scenarioName": "test user creation endpoint",
"steps": [
"name": "test_successful_creation",
"url": "/api/users",
"method": "POST",
"request": {
"body": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
"verify": {
"status": 201,
"body": {
"id": "$NOT.NULL",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
Let’s explain what each of the properties represents:
- scenarioName – This is the name of the scenario; we can use any name we want
- steps – an array of JSON objects, where we describe what we want to test
- name – the name that we give to the step
- url – relative URL of the endpoint; we can also put an absolute URL, but generally, it’s not a good idea
- method – HTTP method
- request – HTTP request
- body – HTTP request body
- verify – here, we verify/assert the response that the server returned
- status – HTTP response status code
- body (inside verify property) – HTTP response body
In this step, we check if user creation is successful. We check the firstName and lastName values that the server returns. Also, we verify that the id is not null with ZeroCode’s assertion token.
Generally, we have more than one step in scenarios. Let’s add another step inside our scenario’s steps array:
"name": "test_firstname_validation",
"url": "/api/users",
"method": "POST",
"request": {
"body": {
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "Doe"
"verify": {
"status": 400,
"rawBody": "firstName can't be empty!"
In this step, we supply an empty first name that should result in a bad request. Here, the response body will not be in JSON format, so we use the rawbody property to refer to it as a plain string.
ZeroCode can’t directly run the scenario — for that, we need a corresponding test case.
6. Writing a Test Case
To execute our scenario, let’s write a corresponding test case:
public class UserEndpointIT {
public void test_user_creation_endpoint() {
Here, we declare a method and mark it as a test using the @Test annotation from JUnit 4. We can use JUnit 5 with ZeroCode for load testing only.
在这里,我们声明一个方法并使用JUnit 4的@Test注解将其标记为测试。我们可以将JUnit 5与ZeroCode一起使用,只用于负载测试。
We also specify the location of our scenario with the @Scenario annotation, which comes from the ZeroCode framework. The method body is empty. As we said, we don’t write actual testing code. What we want to test is described in our scenario. We just reference the scenario in a test case method. Our UserEndpointIT class has two annotations:
- @RunWith – here, we specify which ZeroCode class is responsible for running our scenarios
- @TargetEnv – this points to the property file that will be used when our scenario runs
When we declared the url property above, we specified the relative path. Obviously, the ZeroCode framework needs an absolute path, so we create a rest_api.properties file with a few properties that define how our test should run:
- web.application.endpoint.host – the host of REST API; In our case, it’s http://localhost
- web.application.endpoint.port – the port of the application server where our REST API is exposed; In our case, it’s 8080
- web.application.endpoint.context – the context of the API; in our case, it’s empty
The properties that we declare in the property file depend on what kind of testing we’re doing. For example, if we want to test a Kafka producer/consumer, we’ll have different properties.
7. Executing a Test
We’ve created a scenario, property file, and test case. Now, we’re ready to run our test. Since ZeroCode is an integration testing tool, we can leverage Maven’s failsafe plugin:
To run the test, we can use the following command:
mvn verify -Dskip.it=false
ZeroCode creates multiple types of logs that we can check out in the ${project.basedir}/target folder.
8. Conclusion
In this article, we took a look at the ZeroCode automated testing framework. We showed how the framework works with the example of REST API testing. We also learned that ZeroCode DSL eliminates the need for writing actual testing code.
在这篇文章中,我们看了一下ZeroCode自动化测试框架。我们以REST API测试为例,展示了该框架是如何工作的。我们还了解到,ZeroCode DSL消除了编写实际测试代码的需要。
As always, the source code of the article is available over on GitHub.