Baeldung Weekly Review 43 – Baeldung周评 43

最后修改: 2014年 10月 31日


At the very beginning of 2014 I decided to start to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung.


Curating my reading has made it more purposeful and diverse – and I’m hopefully providing value to you as well by allowing the best content of the week to raise to the top.


Here we go…


1. Spring


>> Spring Boot Actuator: custom endpoint with MVC layer on top of it

Spring Boot continues to be super-useful – and the Actuator concept with its minimal effort setup is one of these easy wins that can really add a lot of good stuff to your web app.

Spring Boot仍然是超级有用的–而Actuator概念及其最小化的设置是这些轻松的胜利之一,可以真正为你的Web应用添加很多好东西。

I’m finding more and more good uses for Spring Boot – but unfortunately not enough time to blog about it yet.

我发现Spring Boot有越来越多的好用途–但遗憾的是,还没有足够的时间来写博客。

>> Datasource configuration with Spring Boot

Useful rundown of how to configure various types of datasources with Spring Boot.

关于如何使用Spring Boot配置各种类型的数据源的有用概述。

>> Building a REST API with JAXB, Spring Boot and Spring Data

A solid end to end piece on building a REST API with an interesting combination of technologies – the usual Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA, but then JAXB.

一篇关于使用有趣的技术组合构建REST API的坚实的端到端文章–通常的Spring Boot和Spring Data JPA,但也有JAXB。

Also – Liquidbase is worth mentioning just because it provides a much better base to build on than the Hibernate schema tool.


>> Spring Rest API with Swagger – Creating documentation

The “REST purist” side of my brain used to say that a REST API needs no documentation if it gets HATEOAS right. But I long since silenced the purist and embraced the pragmatic side of my brain when it comes to REST.

我大脑中 “REST纯粹主义者 “的一面曾经说过,如果REST API把HATEOAS做对了,它就不需要文档。但是,我早就压制住了纯粹主义者的声音,在涉及到REST的时候,我的大脑拥抱了实用主义的一面。

Swagger is a great option to publish a solid documentation for your API with relatively little effort. I’ve been using it and – besides the fact that it bloats your war with 30 megs worth of libraries – it’s a great tool.


And of course, webinar replays and an upcoming one that I’m excited about:


2. Java


>> Adaptive heap sizing

The JVM is an amazing, adaptive piece of engineering.


Tuning it however is a different ball of wax – you need to do a lot of it to start getting good results. The funny thing is that – if you’re just starting out, you’re probably going to see better results just leaving the settings alone. But if you do that, you never learn – just don’t do it on a production system.


>> 350 Developers Voted for Features in Java 9: Do They Agree With Oracle?

Good Java 9 articles are few and far between. This one definitely fits the bill – it presents new data and brings some insights into what developers actually want out of the next Java release.

好的Java 9文章少之又少。这篇文章绝对符合要求–它提出了新的数据,并带来了对开发人员对下一个Java版本的实际需求的一些见解

My Weekly Review on Baeldung

3. Technical and Musings


>> How Much Do You Cost?

>> 你要多少钱?

A must-read for any developer. Doesn’t matter if you’re an employee, a freelancer or doing consulting work – get over there and read it. There’s not a lot of clear and transparent information out there about this stuff, so enjoy this one.


>> Positive Feedback

Feedback can be a powerful thing – both positive or negative. So reading through the last to pieces on “Dan Dreams of Coding” has been fun for me.

反馈可以是一个强大的东西–无论是积极还是消极。因此,通过阅读 “Dan Dreams of Coding “的最后几篇文章,对我来说很有趣。

>> ChessTDD 20: Refactoring in Earnest

The next step in the Chess TDD series I’ve been covering here since the very beginning. This is scheduled for weekend viewing for me – but I wanted to include it here anyways to keep your weekend busy as well.


4. Comics


By now, the XKCD is mandatory:


>> A-Minus-Minus

>> Labyrinth Puzzle

>> Retro Virus

5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

I recently introduced the “Pick of the Week” section here in my “Weekly Review”. The interesting part is that it’s entirely exclusive to my email list subscribers.

我最近在我的 “每周评论 “中推出了 “每周精选 “部分。有趣的是,它是完全为我的电子邮件列表订户所独有的

So – if you came to this article from my email list, you have the pick already – hope you enjoyed it. If not – feel free to subscribe and you’ll get the next one.
