Baeldung Weekly Review 34 – Baeldung每周评论 34

最后修改: 2015年 8月 21日


At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Impulse: “Adventures On The Road to Valhalla” []

Detailed breakdown of the current progress and state of Project Valhalla – which is supposed to land in Java 10 or 11.

详细介绍了瓦尔哈拉项目目前的进展和状态–该项目应该在Java 10或11中登陆。

The article is following a recent talk that I shared in the review from last week.


>> Parameterized integration tests with Spring JUnit Rules []

Practical and timely illustration on how to put the new JUnit rules from Spring 4.2 to good use.

关于如何将Spring 4.2的新JUnit规则很好地用于的实用而及时的说明。

>> Migrating a Spring Web MVC application from JSP to AngularJS []

A very nice guide on migrating an MVC style app to a REST API, which then makes possible moving from Server Side JSP to full Client Side AngularJS. Very nice.

一篇关于将MVC风格的应用程序迁移到REST API的非常好的指南,这使得从服务器端JSP迁移到完整的客户端AngularJS成为可能。非常好。

Also worth reading:


Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Introduction to Akka Actors []

Continues the introduction to Akka series with this well put together second installment.


>> Will there be a Distributed HTTP? []

Really good, in-depth writeup on the architecture of the web, potential privacy risks and one possible way to move forward.


>> Eliminating Roundtrips with Preconnect []

Very cool new spec to make the web faster.


>> Call me Maybe: Chronos []

Another fantastic, in-depth read in the Call me Maybe series. I’m really enjoying these in-depth writeups of technologies I’m actually using.

这是Call me Maybe系列中另一篇精彩的深度阅读。我真的很喜欢这些关于我实际使用的技术的深度报道。

Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> The parable of the 57.6k modem []

Don’t get trapped in a local maxima.


>> Developers Who Can Build Things from Scratch []

Learning to put your work out there often takes being intentional about it. Otherwise, it’s far to easy to land in a job where that simply isn’t part of the engineering culture.


I didn’t do to much of that in the first 3 years of my career; so, after that, I made it a point to prioritize the “release early and often” culture when I took on my next job. So yeah, a good quick write-up with a few solid take-aways.

在我职业生涯的前三年,我没有做太多这样的事情;所以,在那之后,当我接受下一份工作时,我把“尽早和经常发布 “的文化作为优先事项。所以,是的,这是一个很好的快速写法,有一些可靠的收获。

>> The difference between time and attention []

A good distinction – when you’re asking for someone’s time, you’re also asking for their attention. And though they might have the time, they might not have the attention.


Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> It’s like stabbing Gandhi

>> You don’t have any friends, do you?

>> Said the engineer with no budget

5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

Earlier this year I introduced the “Pick of the Week” section here in my “Weekly Review”. If you’re already on my email list – you got the pick already – hope you enjoyed it.

今年早些时候,我在 “每周回顾 “中推出了 “每周精选 “栏目。如果你已经在我的电子邮件列表中–你已经得到了精选–希望你喜欢它。

If not – you can share the review and unlock it right here:


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Usually the weekly pick isn’t pointing to my own stuff.


But since I recently made the official announcement and publicly committed to hard dates – here’s what I’m working on (and will be for the next few months):


>> My Upcoming “REST With Spring” Classes

