Introduction to EJB JNDI Lookup on WildFly Application Server – WildFly应用服务器上的EJB JNDI查询介绍

最后修改: 2017年 9月 1日


1. Overview


Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) are the core part of the Java EE specification, aimed at simplifying the development of distributed enterprise-level applications. The life-cycle of EJBs is handled by an application server, such as JBoss WildFly or Oracle GlassFish.

企业级Java Bean(EJB)是Java EE规范的核心部分,旨在简化分布式企业级应用程序的开发。EJB的生命周期由应用服务器处理,例如JBoss WildFlyOracle GlassFish

EJBs provide a robust programming model that facilitates the implementation of enterprise-level software modules, as it’s up to the application server to handle non-business logic related issues such as transaction handling, component lifecycle management or dependency injection.


Furthermore, we’ve already published two articles covering EJB’s basic concepts, so feel free to check them out here and here.


In this tutorial, we’ll show how to implement a basic EJB module on WildFly and call an EJB from a remote client via a JNDI.


2. Implementing the EJB Module


Business logic is implemented by either one or multiple local/remote business interfaces (also known as local/remote views) or directly through classes that don’t implement any interface (non-view interfaces).


It’s worth noting that local business interfaces are used when the bean is going to be accessed from clients that reside in the same environment, i.e. the same EAR or WAR file, whereas remote business interfaces are required when the bean will be accessed from a different environment, i.e. a different JVM or application server.


Let’s create a basic EJB module, which will be made up of just one bean. The bean’s business logic will be straightforward, limited to converting a given String to its uppercase version.


2.1. Defining a Remote Business Interface


Let’s first define one single remote business interface, decorated with the @Remote annotation. This is mandatory, according to the EJB 3.x specification, as the bean is going to be accessed from a remote client:

让我们首先定义一个单一的远程业务接口,用@Remote注解来装饰。根据EJB 3.x规范,这是必须的,因为Bean将被从一个远程客户端访问。

public interface TextProcessorRemote {
    String processText(String text);

2.2. Defining a Stateless Bean

2.2.定义一个无状态 Bean

Next, let’s realize the business logic by implementing the aforementioned remote interface:


public class TextProcessorBean implements TextProcessorRemote {
    public String processText(String text) {
        return text.toUpperCase();

The TextProcessorBean class is a simple Java class, decorated with the @Stateless annotation.


Stateless beans, by definition, don’t maintain any conversational state with their clients, even when they can maintain instance state across different requests. Their counterpart, stateful beans, do preserve their conversational state, and such as they’re more expensive to create for the application server.


As in this case the above class doesn’t have any instance state, it can be made stateless. In case that it has a state, using it across different client requests wouldn’t make sense at all.


The bean’s behavior is deterministic, i.e., it has no side effects, as a well-designed bean should be: it just takes an input String and returns the uppercase version of it.


2.3. Maven Dependencies


Next, we need to add the javaee-api Maven artifact to the module, which provides all the Java EE 7 specification APIs, including the ones required for EJBs:

接下来,我们需要将javaee-api Maven工件添加到模块中,它提供了所有Java EE 7规范的API,包括EJB所需的API。


At this point, we’ve managed to create a basic, yet functional EJB module. To make it available to all potential clients, we have to add the artifact into our local Maven repository as a JAR file.


2.4. Installing the EJB Module into the Local Repository


There’re several methods for achieving this. The most straightforward one consists of executing the Maven lifecycle clean – install build phases:


mvn clean install

This command installs the EJB module as ejbmodule-1.0.jar (or any arbitrary artifact id specified in the pom.xml file), into our local repository. For further information on how to install a local JAR with Maven, check out this article.

该命令将EJB模块作为ejbmodule-1.0.jar(或在 pom.xml文件中指定的任意工件ID)安装到我们的本地仓库。关于如何用Maven安装本地JAR的进一步信息,请查看这篇文章

Assuming that the EJB module has been correctly installed into our local repository, the next step is to develop a remote client application that makes use of our TextProcessorBean API.

假设EJB模块已经正确地安装到我们的本地资源库中,下一步就是开发一个远程客户端应用程序,利用我们的TextProcessorBean API。

3. Remote EJB Client


We’ll keep the remote EJB client’s business logic extremely simple: first, it performs a JNDI lookup to get a TextProcessorBean proxy. After that, it invokes the proxy’s processText() method.


3.1. Maven Dependencies


We need to include the following Maven artifacts for the EJB client to work as expected:



While it’s pretty obvious why we include the javaee-api artifact, the inclusion of wildfly-ejb-client-bom is not. The artifact is required for performing remote EJB invocations on WildFly.


Last but not least, we need to make the previous EJB module available to the client, so that’s why we added the ejbmodule dependency too.


3.2. EJB Client Class


Considering that the EJB client calls a proxy of TextProcessorBean, we’ll be very pragmatic and name the client class TextApplication:


public class TextApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException {
        TextProcessorRemote textProcessor = EJBFactory
        System.out.print(textProcessor.processText("sample text"));

    private static class EJBFactory {

        private static TextProcessorRemote createTextProcessorBeanFromJNDI
          (String namespace) throws NamingException {
            return lookupTextProcessorBean(namespace);

        private static TextProcessorRemote lookupTextProcessorBean
          (String namespace) throws NamingException {
            Context ctx = createInitialContext();
            String appName = "";
            String moduleName = "EJBModule";
            String distinctName = "";
            String beanName = TextProcessorBean.class.getSimpleName();
            String viewClassName = TextProcessorRemote.class.getName();
            return (TextProcessorRemote) ctx.lookup(namespace 
              + appName + "/" + moduleName 
              + "/" + distinctName + "/" + beanName + "!" + viewClassName);

        private static Context createInitialContext() throws NamingException {
            Properties jndiProperties = new Properties();
            jndiProperties.put("jboss.naming.client.ejb.context", true);
            return new InitialContext(jndiProperties);

Simply put, all that the TextApplication class does is retrieving the bean proxy and call its processText() method with a sample string.

简单地说,TextApplication类所做的就是检索Bean代理,并用一个样本字符串调用其 processText()方法。

The actual lookup is performed by the nested class EJBFactory, which first creates a JNDI InitialContext instance, then passes the required JNDI parameters to the constructor, and finally uses it for looking up the bean proxy.

实际的查找是由嵌套类EJBFactory执行的,它首先创建一个JNDI InitialContext实例,然后将所需的JNDI参数传递给构造函数,最后用它来查找bean代理。

Notice that the lookup is performed by using WildFly’s proprietary “ejb:” namespace. This optimizes the lookup process, as the client defers the connection to the server until the proxy is explicitly invoked.

请注意,查询是通过使用WildFly专有的 “ejb: “命名空间进行的。这优化了查找过程,因为客户端会推迟与服务器的连接,直到代理被明确调用。

It’s worth noting as well that it’s possible to lookup the bean proxy without resorting to the “ejb” namespace at all. However, we’d be missing all the additional benefits of lazy network connections, thus making the client a lot less performant.

值得注意的是,我们也可以在不使用 “ejb “命名空间的情况下查询bean代理。然而,我们将失去懒惰网络连接的所有额外好处,从而使客户端的性能大打折扣

3.3. Setting Up the EJB Context


The client should know what host and port to establish a connection with to perform the bean lookup. To this extent, the client requires setting up the proprietary WildFly EJB context, which is defined with the file placed in its classpath, usually under the src/main/resources folder:

客户端应该知道用什么主机和端口来建立连接以执行Bean查找。在这种程度上,客户端需要设置专有的WildFly EJB上下文,该上下文是通过放置在其classpath(通常在src/main/resources文件夹下)的jboss-ejb-client.properties文件定义的。

The file is pretty self-explanatory, as it provides all parameters required for establishing a connection to WildFly, including the default number of remote connections, the default host, and port, and the user credentials. In this case, the connection isn’t encrypted, but it can be when SSL is enabled.


The last thing to take into account is that if the connection requires authentication, it’s necessary to add a user to WildFly via the utility.


4. Conclusion


Performing EJB lookups on WildFly is straightforward, as long as we strictly adhere to the outlined process.


As usual, all the examples included in this article are available on GitHub here and here.
