“Sneaky Throws” in Java – Java中的 “偷偷摸摸的扔”

最后修改: 2017年 9月 4日


1. Overview


In Java, the sneaky throw concept allows us to throw any checked exception without defining it explicitly in the method signature. This allows the omission of the throws declaration, effectively imitating the characteristics of a runtime exception.

在Java中,sneaky throw概念允许我们抛出任何检查过的异常,而不需要在方法签名中明确定义它。这允许省略throws声明,有效地模仿了运行时异常的特征。

In this article, we’ll see how this is done in practice, by looking at some code examples.


2. About Sneaky Throws


Checked exceptions are part of Java, not the JVM. In the bytecode, we can throw any exception from anywhere, without restrictions.


Java 8 brought a new type inference rule that states that a throws T is inferred as RuntimeException whenever allowed. This gives the ability to implement sneaky throws without the helper method.

Java 8带来了一个新的类型推理规则,规定只要允许,throws T就会被推断为RuntimeException。这使我们有能力在没有辅助方法的情况下实现偷偷摸摸的抛出。

A problem with sneaky throws is that you probably want to catch the exceptions eventually, but the Java compiler doesn’t allow you to catch sneakily thrown checked exceptions using exception handler for their particular exception type.


3. Sneaky Throws in Action


As we already mentioned, the compiler and the Jave Runtime can see different things:

正如我们已经提到的,编译器和Jave Runtime可以看到不同的东西。

public static <E extends Throwable> void sneakyThrow(Throwable e) throws E {
    throw (E) e;

private static void throwSneakyIOException() {
    sneakyThrow(new IOException("sneaky"));

The compiler sees the signature with the throws T inferred to a RuntimeException type, so it allows the unchecked exception to propagate. The Java Runtime doesn’t see any type in the throws as all throws are the same a simple throw e.

编译器看到签名中的throws T被推断为RuntimeException类型,所以它允许未检查的异常传播。Java Runtime在throws中没有看到任何类型,因为所有的throws都是一样的,都是一个简单的throw e

This quick test demonstrates the scenario:


public void throwSneakyIOException_IOExceptionShouldBeThrown() {
    assertThatThrownBy(() -> throwSneakyIOException())

Furthermore, it’s possible to throw a checked exception using bytecode manipulation, or Thread.stop(Throwable), but it’s messy and not recommended.


4. Using Lombok Annotations


The @SneakyThrows annotation from Lombok allows you to throw checked exceptions without using the throws declaration. This comes in handy when you need to raise an exception from a method within very restrictive interfaces like Runnable.


Say we throw an exception from within a Runnable; it will only be passed to the Thread’s unhandled exception handler.


This code will throw the Exception instance, so there is no need for you to wrap it in a RuntimeException:

这段代码将抛出Exception 实例,所以你没有必要将其包裹在RuntimeException:中。

public static void throwSneakyIOExceptionUsingLombok() {
    throw new IOException("lombok sneaky");

A drawback with this code is that you cannot catch a checked exception that is not declared. For instance, if we try to catch the IOException sneakily thrown by the method above, we would get a compilation error.


Now, let’s call throwSneakyIOExceptionUsingLombok and expect Lombok to throw the IOException:


public void throwSneakyIOExceptionUsingLombok_IOExceptionShouldBeThrown() {
    assertThatThrownBy(() -> throwSneakyIOExceptionUsingLombok())
      .hasMessage("lombok sneaky")

5. Conclusion


As we have seen in this article, we can trick the Java compiler to treat checked exceptions as unchecked.


As always, the code is available over on GitHub.
