Querying Couchbase with N1QL – 用N1QL查询Couchbase

最后修改: 2017年 9月 25日


1. Overview


In this article, we’ll be looking at querying a Couchbase Server with N1QL. In a simplified way, this is SQL for NoSQL databases – with the goal of making the transition from SQL/Relational databases to a NoSQL database system easier.


There are a couple of ways of interacting with the Couchbase Server; here, we’ll be using the Java SDK to interact with the database – as it is typical for Java applications.

有几种与Couchbase服务器交互的方法;在这里,我们将使用Java SDK与数据库进行交互–因为这是Java应用程序的典型做法。

2. Maven Dependencies


We assume that a local Couchbase Server has been set up already; if that’s not the case, this guide can help you get started.


Let’s now add the dependency for Couchbase Java SDK to pom.xml:

现在让我们把Couchbase Java SDK的依赖性添加到pom.xml


The latest version of Couchbase Java SDK can be found on Maven Central.

最新版本的Couchbase Java SDK可以在Maven Central上找到。

We’ll also be using Jackson library to map results returned from queries; let’s add its dependency to pom.xml as well:



The latest version of Jackson library can be found on Maven Central.

Jackson库的最新版本可以在Maven Central上找到。

3. Connecting to a Couchbase Server


Now, that the project is set up with the right dependencies, let’s connect to Couchbase Server from a Java application.


First, we need to start the Couchbase Server – if it’s not running already.


A guide to starting and stopping a Couchbase Server can be found here.


Let’s connect to a Couchbase Bucket:


Cluster cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create("localhost");
Bucket bucket = cluster.openBucket("test");

What we did was to connect to the Couchbase Cluster and then obtain the Bucket object.

我们所做的是连接到Couchbase Cluster,然后获得Bucket对象。

The name of the bucket in the Couchbase cluster is test and can be created using the Couchbase Web Console. When we’re done with all the database operations, we can close the particular bucket we’ve opened.

Couchbase集群中的桶的名字是test,可以使用Couchbase Web Console创建。当我们完成了所有的数据库操作后,我们可以关闭我们所打开的特定桶。

On the other hand, we can disconnect from the cluster – which will eventually close all the buckets:



4. Inserting Documents


Couchbase is a document-oriented database system. Let’s add a new document to the test bucket:


JsonObject personObj = JsonObject.create()
  .put("name", "John")
  .put("email", "john@doe.com")
  .put("interests", JsonArray.from("Java", "Nigerian Jollof"));

String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
JsonDocument doc = JsonDocument.create(id, personObj);

First, we created a JSON personObj and provided some initial data. Keys can be seen as columns in a relational database system.

首先,我们创建了一个JSON personObj并提供了一些初始数据。键可以被看作是关系型数据库系统中的列。

From the person object, we created a JSON document using JsonDocument.create(), which we’ll insert into the bucket. Note that we generate a random id using java.util.UUID class.


The inserted document can be seen in the Couchbase Web Console at http://localhost:8091 or by calling the bucket.get() with its id:

插入的文档可以在Couchbase Web控制台http://localhost:8091看到,或者通过调用bucket.get()id看到。


5. Basic N1QL SELECT Query

5.基本N1QL SELECT 查询

N1QL is a superset of SQL, and its syntax, naturally, looks similar.


For instance, the N1QL for selecting all documents in the test bucket is:



Let’s execute this query in the application:


bucket.bucketManager().createN1qlPrimaryIndex(true, false);

N1qlQueryResult result
  = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple("SELECT * FROM test"));

First, we create a primary index using the createN1qlPrimaryIndex(), it’ll be ignored if it has been created before; creating it is compulsory before any query can be executed.


Then we use the bucket.query() to execute the N1QL query.


N1qlQueryResult is an Iterable<N1qlQueryRow> object, and thus we can print out every row using forEach():



From the returned result, we can get N1qlMetrics object by calling result.info(). From the metrics object, we can get insights about the returned result – for example, the result and the error count:


System.out.println("result count: " + result.info().resultCount());
System.out.println("error count: " + result.info().errorCount());

On the returned result, we can use the result.parseSuccess() to check if the query is syntactically correct and parsed successfully. We can use the result.finalSuccess() to determine if the execution of the query was successful.


6. N1QL Query Statements


Let’s take a look at the different N1QL Query statements and different ways of executing them via the Java SDK.

让我们来看看不同的N1QL查询语句和通过Java SDK执行它们的不同方法。

6.1. SELECT Statement

6.1.SELECT 语句

The SELECT statement in NIQL is just like a standard SQL SELECT. It consists of three parts:


  • SELECT defines the projection of the documents to be returned
  • FROM describes the keyspace to fetch the documents from; keyspace is synonymous with table name in SQL database systems
  • WHERE specifies the additional filtering criteria

The Couchbase Server comes with some sample buckets (databases). If they were not loaded during initial setup, the Settings section of the Web Console has a dedicated tab for setting them up.

Couchbase服务器自带了一些样本桶(数据库)。如果它们在初始设置时没有被加载,Web Console的Settings部分有一个专门的标签用于设置它们。

We’ll be using the travel-sample bucket. The travel-sample bucket contains data for airlines, landmark, airports, hotels, and routes. The data model can be found here.


Let’s select 100 airline records from the travel-sample data:


String query = "SELECT name FROM `travel-sample` " +
  "WHERE type = 'airport' LIMIT 100";
N1qlQueryResult result1 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(query));

The N1QL query, as can be seen above, looks very similar to SQL. Note that the keyspace name has to be put in backtick (`) because it contains a hyphen.


N1qlQueryResult is just a wrapper around the raw JSON data returned from the database. It extends Iterable<N1qlQueryRow> and can be looped over.


Invoking result1.allRows() will return all the rows in a List<N1qlQueryRow> object. This is useful for processing results with the Stream API and/or accessing each result via index:

调用result1.allRows()将返回List<N1qlQueryRow>对象中的所有行。这对于用Stream API处理结果和/或通过索引访问每个结果是很有用的。

N1qlQueryRow row = result1.allRows().get(0);
JsonObject rowJson = row.value();
System.out.println("Name in First Row " + rowJson.get("name"));

We got the first row of the returned results, and we use row.value() to get a JsonObject – which maps the row to a key-value pair, and the key corresponds to the column name.


So we got the value of column, name, for the first row using the get(). It’s as easy as that.


So far we have been using simple N1QL query. Let’s look at the parameterized statement in N1QL.


In this query, we’re going to use the wildcard (*) symbol for selecting all the fields in the travel-sample records where type is an airport.


The type will be passed to the statement – as a parameter. Then we process the returned result:


JsonObject pVal = JsonObject.create().put("type", "airport");
String query = "SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` " +
  "WHERE type = $type LIMIT 100";
N1qlQueryResult r2 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.parameterized(query, pVal));

We created a JsonObject to hold the parameters as a key-value pair. The value of the key ‘type’, in the pVal object, will be used to replace the $type placeholder in the query string.


N1qlQuery.parameterized() accepts a query string that contains one or more placeholders and a JsonObject as demonstrated above.


In the previous sample query above, we only select a column – name. This makes it easy to map the returned result into a JsonObject.


But now that we use the wildcard (*) in the select statement, it is not that simple. The returned result is a raw JSON string:


      "airportname":"Calais Dunkerque",

So what we need is a way to map each row to a structure that allows us to access the data by specifying the column name.


Therefore, let’s create a method that will accept N1qlQueryResult and then map every row in the result to a JsonNode object.


We choose JsonNode because it can handle a broad range of JSON data structures and we can easily navigate it:


public static List<JsonNode> extractJsonResult(N1qlQueryResult result) {
  return result.allRows().stream()
    .map(row -> {
        try {
            return objectMapper.readTree(row.value().toString());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getLocalizedMessage());
            return null;

We processed each row in the result using the Stream API. We mapped each row to a JsonNode object and then return the result as a List of JsonNodes.


Now we can use the method to process the returned result from the last query:


List<JsonNode> list = extractJsonResult(r2);

From the example JSON output shown previously, every row has a key the correlates to the keyspace name specified in the SELECT query – which is travel-sample in this case.

从前面显示的JSON输出示例来看,每一行都有一个与SELECT 查询中指定的关键空间名称相关的键–在这个例子中是travel-sample

So we got the first row in the result, which is a JsonNode. Then we traverse the node to get to the airportname key, that is then printed as a text.


The example raw JSON output shared earlier provides more clarity as per the structure of the returned result.


6.2. SELECT Statement Using N1QL DSL


Other than using raw string literals for building queries we can also use N1QL DSL which comes with the Java SDK we are using.

除了使用原始的字符串字数来建立查询外,我们还可以使用N1QL DSL,它是我们所使用的Java SDK所附带的。

For example, the above string query can be formulated with the DSL thus:


Statement statement = select("*")
N1qlQueryResult r3 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(statement));

The DSL is fluent and can be interpreted easily. The data selection classes and methods are in com.couchbase.client.java.query.Select class.


Expression methods like i(), eq(), x(), s() are in com.couchbase.client.java.query.dsl.Expression class. Read more about the DSL here.

i(), eq(), x(), s()这样的表达式方法com.couchbase.client.java.query.dsl.Expression类中。阅读更多关于DSL的信息这里

N1QL select statements can also have OFFSET, GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses. The syntax is pretty much like that of standard SQL, and its reference can be found here.

N1QL选择语句也可以有OFFSETGROUP BYORDER BY子句。其语法与标准SQL的语法基本相同,其参考资料可以在这里找到。

The WHERE clause of N1QL can take Logical Operators AND, OR, and NOT in its definitions. In addition to this, N1QL has provision for comparison operators like >, ==, !=, IS NULL and others.

N1QL的WHERE子句可以在其定义中采用逻辑运算符ANDORNOT。除此之外,N1QL还规定了比较运算符,如>、==、!=、IS NULL其他

There are also other operators that make accessing stored documents easy – the string operators can be used to concatenate fields to form a single string, and the nested operators can be used to slice arrays and cherry pick fields or element.


Let’s see these in action.


This query selects the city column, concatenate the airportname and faa columns as portname_faa from the travel-sample bucket where the country column ends with ‘States’‘, and the latitude of the airport is greater than or equal to 70:


String query2 = "SELECT t.city, " +
  "t.airportname || \" (\" || t.faa || \")\" AS portname_faa " +
  "FROM `travel-sample` t " +
  "WHERE t.type=\"airport\"" +
  "AND t.country LIKE '%States'" +
  "AND t.geo.lat >= 70 " +
  "LIMIT 2";
N1qlQueryResult r4 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(query2));
List<JsonNode> list3 = extractJsonResult(r4);
System.out.println("First Doc : " + list3.get(0));

We can do the same thing using N1QL DSL:

我们可以使用N1QL DSL做同样的事情。

Statement st2 = select(
  x("t.city, t.airportname")
  .concat(s(" (")).concat(x("t.faa")).concat(s(")")).as("portname_faa"))
  .where( x("t.type").eq(s("airport"))
N1qlQueryResult r5 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(st2));

Let’s look at other statements in N1QL. We’ll be building on the knowledge we’ve acquired in this section.


6.3. INSERT Statement


The syntax for the insert statement in N1QL is:


INSERT INTO `travel-sample` ( KEY, VALUE )
VALUES("unique_key", { "id": "01", "type": "airline"})
RETURNING META().id as docid, *;

Where travel-sample is the keyspace name, unique_key is the required non-duplicate key for the value object that follows it.


The last segment is the RETURNING statement that specifies what gets returned.


In this case, the id of the inserted document is returned as docid. The wildcard (*) signifies that other attributes of the added document should be returned as well – separately from docid. See the sample result below.


Executing the following statement in the Query tab of Couchbase Web Console will insert a new record into the travel-sample bucket:

在Couchbase Web Console的Query选项卡中执行以下语句将在travel-sample桶中插入一条新记录。

INSERT INTO `travel-sample` (KEY, VALUE)
VALUES('cust1293', {"id":"1293","name":"Sample Airline", "type":"airline"})
RETURNING META().id as docid, *

Let’s do the same thing from a Java app. First, we can use a raw query like this:


String query = "INSERT INTO `travel-sample` (KEY, VALUE) " +
  " VALUES(" +
  "\"cust1293\", " +
  "{\"id\":\"1293\",\"name\":\"Sample Airline\", \"type\":\"airline\"})" +
  " RETURNING META().id as docid, *";
N1qlQueryResult r1 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(query));

This will return the id of the inserted document as docid separately and the complete document body separately:


    "name":"Sample Airline",

However, since we’re using the Java SDK, we can do it the object way by creating a JsonDocument that is then inserted into the bucket via the Bucket API:

然而,由于我们使用的是Java SDK,我们可以通过创建一个JsonDocument,然后通过BucketAPI插入桶中,以对象的方式进行。

JsonObject ob = JsonObject.create()
  .put("id", "1293")
  .put("name", "Sample Airline")
  .put("type", "airline");
bucket.insert(JsonDocument.create("cust1295", ob));

Instead of using the insert() we can use upsert() which will update the document if there is an existing document with the same unique identifier cust1295.


As it is now, using insert() will throw an exception if that same unique id already exists.


The insert(), however, if successful, will return a JsonDocument that contains the unique id and entries of the inserted data.


The syntax for bulk insert using N1QL is:


INSERT INTO `travel-sample` ( KEY, VALUE )
VALUES("unique_key", { "id": "01", "type": "airline"}),
VALUES("unique_key", { "id": "01", "type": "airline"}),
VALUES("unique_n", { "id": "01", "type": "airline"})
RETURNING META().id as docid, *;

We can perform bulk operations with the Java SDK using Reactive Java that underlines the SDK. Let’s add ten documents into a bucket using batch process:

我们可以使用强调SDK的Reactive Java对Java SDK进行批量操作。让我们使用批处理将十个文件添加到一个桶中。

List<JsonDocument> documents = IntStream.rangeClosed(0,10)
  .mapToObj( i -> {
      JsonObject content = JsonObject.create()
        .put("id", i)
        .put("type", "airline")
        .put("name", "Sample Airline "  + i);
      return JsonDocument.create("cust_" + i, content);

List<JsonDocument> r5 = Observable
  .flatMap(doc -> bucket.async().insert(doc))


First, we generate ten documents and put them into a List; then we used RxJava to perform the bulk operation.


Finally, we print out the result of each insert – which has been accumulated to form a List.


The reference for performing bulk operations in the Java SDK can be found here. Also, the reference for insert statement can be found here.

在Java SDK中执行批量操作的参考资料可以在这里找到。此外,插入语句的参考资料可以在这里找到。

6.4. UPDATE Statement


N1QL also has UPDATE statement. It can update documents identified by their unique keys. We can use the update statement to either SET (update) values of an attribute or UNSET (remove) an attribute altogether.


Let’s update one of the documents we recently inserted into the travel-sample bucket:


String query2 = "UPDATE `travel-sample` USE KEYS \"cust_1\" " +
  "SET name=\"Sample Airline Updated\" RETURNING name";
N1qlQueryResult result = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(query2));

In the above query, we updated the name attribute of a cust_1 entry in the bucket to Sample Airline Updated, and we instruct the query to return the updated name.

在上面的查询中,我们将桶中的cust_1条目的name属性更新为Sample Airline Updated,,并且我们指示查询返回更新的名称。

As stated earlier, we can also achieve the same thing by constructing a JsonDocument with the same id and use the upsert() of Bucket API to update the document:

如前所述,我们也可以通过构建一个具有相同id的JsonDocument并使用Bucket API的upsert() 来更新该文档来实现同样的目的。

JsonObject o2 = JsonObject.create()
  .put("name", "Sample Airline Updated");
bucket.upsert(JsonDocument.create("cust_1", o2));

In this next query, let’s use the UNSET command to remove the name attribute and return the affected document:


String query3 = "UPDATE `travel-sample` USE KEYS \"cust_2\" " +
N1qlQueryResult result1 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(query3));

The returned JSON string is:



Take note of the missing name attribute – it has been removed from the document object. N1QL update syntax reference can be found here.


So we have a look at inserting new documents and updating documents. Now let’s look at the final piece of the CRUD acronym – DELETE.


6.5. DELETE Statement

6.5.DELETE 声明

Let’s use the DELETE query to delete some of the documents we have created earlier. We’ll use the unique id to identify the document with the USE KEYS keyword:

让我们使用DELETE查询来删除我们之前创建的一些文档。我们将使用唯一的id来识别带有USE KEYS关键字的文档。

String query4 = "DELETE FROM `travel-sample` USE KEYS \"cust_50\"";
N1qlQueryResult result4 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(query4));

N1QL DELETE statement also takes a WHERE clause. So we can use conditions to select the records to be deleted:

N1QL DELETE语句也需要一个WHERE子句。因此,我们可以使用条件来选择要删除的记录。

String query5 = "DELETE FROM `travel-sample` WHERE id = 0 RETURNING *";
N1qlQueryResult result5 = bucket.query(N1qlQuery.simple(query5));

We can also use the remove() from the bucket API directly:

我们也可以直接使用bucket API的remove()


Much simpler right? Yes, but now we also know how to do it using N1QL. The reference doc for DELETE syntax can be found here.


7. N1QL Functions and Sub-Queries


N1QL did not just resemble SQL regarding syntax alone; it goes all the way to some functionalities. In SQL, we’ve some functions like COUNT() that can be used within the query string.

N1QL不仅仅是在语法方面类似于SQL,它还包括了一些功能。在SQL中,我们有一些函数,如COUNT() ,可以在查询字符串中使用。

N1QL, in the same fashion, has its functions that can be used in the query string.


For example, this query will return the total number of landmark records that are in the travel-sample bucket:


SELECT COUNT(*) as landmark_count FROM `travel-sample` WHERE type = 'landmark'

In previous examples above, we’ve used the META function in UPDATE statement to return the id of updated document.


There are string method that can trim trailing white spaces, make lower and upper case letters and even check if a string contains a token. Let’s use some of these functions in a query:


Let’s use some of these functions in a query:


INSERT INTO `travel-sample` (KEY, VALUE) 
  {"id":LOWER(UUID()), "name":"Sample Airport Rand", "created_at": NOW_MILLIS()})
RETURNING META().id as docid, *

The query above inserts a new entry into the travel-sample bucket. It uses the UUID() function to generate a unique random id which was converted to lower case using the LOWER() function.


The NOW_MILLIS() method was used to set the current time, in milliseconds, as the value of the created_at attribute. The complete reference of N1QL functions can be found here.


Sub-queries come in handy at times, and N1QL has provision for them. Still using the travel-sample bucket, let’s select the destination airport of all routes for a particular airline – and get the country they are located in:


SELECT DISTINCT country FROM `travel-sample` WHERE type = "airport" AND faa WITHIN 
  (SELECT destinationairport 
  FROM `travel-sample` t WHERE t.type = "route" and t.airlineid = "airline_10")

The sub-query in the above query is enclosed within parentheses and returns the destinationairport attribute, of all routes associated with airline_10, as a collection.


The destinationairport attributes correlate to the faa attribute on airport documents in the travel-sample bucket. The WITHIN keyword is part of collection operators in N1QL.


Now, that we’ve got the country of destination airport of all routes for airline_10. Let’s do something interesting by looking for hotels within that country:


SELECT name, price, address, country FROM `travel-sample` h 
WHERE h.type = "hotel" AND h.country WITHIN
  (SELECT DISTINCT country FROM `travel-sample` 
  WHERE type = "airport" AND faa WITHIN 
  (SELECT destinationairport FROM `travel-sample` t 
  WHERE t.type = "route" and t.airlineid = "airline_10" )
  ) LIMIT 100

The previous query was used as a sub-query in the WHERE constraint of the outermost query. Take note of the DISTINCT keyword – it does the same thing as in SQL – returns non-duplicate data.


All the query examples here can be executed using the SDK as demonstrated earlier in this article.


8. Conclusion


N1QL takes the process of querying the document-based database like Couchbase to another whole level. It doesn’t only simplify this process, it also makes switching from a relational database system a lot easier as well.


We’ve looked at the N1QL query in this article; the main documentation can be found here. And you can learn about Spring Data Couchbase here.

我们已经在这篇文章中了解了N1QL查询;主要的文档可以在这里找到。而且你可以了解Spring Data Couchbase 这里

As always, the complete source code is available over on Github.
