1. Overview
In this article we’ll explore the various ways we can control if a field is serialized / deserialized by Jackson or not.
2. A Public Field
The simplest way to make sure a field is both serializable and deserializable is to make it public.
Let’s declare a simple class with a public, a package-private and a private
public class MyDtoAccessLevel {
private String stringValue;
int intValue;
protected float floatValue;
public boolean booleanValue;
// NO setters or getters
Out of the four fields of the class, just the public booleanValue will be serialized to JSON by default:
public void givenDifferentAccessLevels_whenPublic_thenSerializable()
throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MyDtoAccessLevel dtoObject = new MyDtoAccessLevel();
String dtoAsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(dtoObject);
assertThat(dtoAsString, not(containsString("stringValue")));
assertThat(dtoAsString, not(containsString("intValue")));
assertThat(dtoAsString, not(containsString("floatValue")));
assertThat(dtoAsString, containsString("booleanValue"));
3. A Getter Makes a Non-Public Field Serializable and Deserializable
Now, another simple way to make a field – especially a non-public field – serializable, is to add a getter for it:
public class MyDtoWithGetter {
private String stringValue;
private int intValue;
public String getStringValue() {
return stringValue;
We now expect the stringValue field to be serializable, while the other private field not to be, as it has no getter:
public void givenDifferentAccessLevels_whenGetterAdded_thenSerializable()
throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MyDtoGetter dtoObject = new MyDtoGetter();
String dtoAsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(dtoObject);
assertThat(dtoAsString, containsString("stringValue"));
assertThat(dtoAsString, not(containsString("intValue")));
Unintuitively, the getter also makes the private field deserializable as well – because once it has a getter, the field is considered a property.
Let’s look at how that work:
public void givenDifferentAccessLevels_whenGetterAdded_thenDeserializable()
throws JsonProcessingException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
String jsonAsString = "{\"stringValue\":\"dtoString\"}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MyDtoWithGetter dtoObject = mapper.readValue(jsonAsString, MyDtoWithGetter.class);
assertThat(dtoObject.getStringValue(), equalTo("dtoString"));
4. A Setter Makes a Non-Public Field Deserializable Only
We saw how the getter made the private field both serializable and deserializable. On the other hand, a setter will only mark the non-public field as deserializable:
public class MyDtoWithSetter {
private int intValue;
public void setIntValue(int intValue) {
this.intValue = intValue;
public int accessIntValue() {
return intValue;
As you can see, the private intValue field only has a setter this time. We do have a way to access the value, but that’s not a standard getter.
The unmarshalling process for intValue should work correctly:
public void givenDifferentAccessLevels_whenSetterAdded_thenDeserializable()
throws JsonProcessingException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
String jsonAsString = "{\"intValue\":1}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MyDtoSetter dtoObject = mapper.readValue(jsonAsString, MyDtoSetter.class);
assertThat(dtoObject.anotherGetIntValue(), equalTo(1));
And as we mentioned, the setter should only make the field deserializable, but not serializable:
public void givenDifferentAccessLevels_whenSetterAdded_thenStillNotSerializable()
throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
MyDtoSetter dtoObject = new MyDtoSetter();
String dtoAsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(dtoObject);
assertThat(dtoAsString, not(containsString("intValue")));
5. Make All Fields Globally Serializable
In some cases where, for example, you might not actually be able to modify the source code directly – we need to configure the way Jackson deals with non-public fields from the outside.
That kind of global configuration can be done at the ObjectMapper level, by turning on the AutoDetect function to use either public fields or getter/setter methods for serialization, or maybe turn on serialization for all fields:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, Visibility.NONE);
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, Visibility.ANY);
The following test case verifies all member fields (including non-public) of MyDtoAccessLevel are serializable:
public void givenDifferentAccessLevels_whenSetVisibility_thenSerializable()
throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, Visibility.ANY);
MyDtoAccessLevel dtoObject = new MyDtoAccessLevel();
String dtoAsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(dtoObject);
assertThat(dtoAsString, containsString("stringValue"));
assertThat(dtoAsString, containsString("intValue"));
assertThat(dtoAsString, containsString("booleanValue"));
6. Change the Name of a Property on Serialization/Deserialization
Going beyond controlling which field gets serialized or deserialized, you can also have control over the way a fields maps to JSON and back. I covered this configuration here.
7. Ignore a Field on Serialization or Deserialization
Following this tutorial, we have a guide for how to ignore a field completely on serialization and deserialization.
However, sometimes we only need to ignore the field on either, but not on both. Jackson is flexible enough to accommodate this interesting usecase as well.
The following example shows a User object which contains sensitive password information which shouldn’t be serialized to JSON.
To get there, we simply add the @JsonIgnore annotation on the getter of the password, and enable deserialization for the field by applying the @JsonProperty annotation on the setter:
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
Now the password information won’t be serialized to JSON:
public void givenFieldTypeIsIgnoredOnlyAtSerialization_whenUserIsSerialized_thenIgnored()
throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
User userObject = new User();
String userAsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(userObject);
assertThat(userAsString, not(containsString("password")));
assertThat(userAsString, not(containsString("thePassword")));
However, the JSON containing the password will be successfully deserialized to the User object:
public void givenFieldTypeIsIgnoredOnlyAtSerialization_whenUserIsDeserialized_thenCorrect()
throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
String jsonAsString = "{\"password\":\"thePassword\"}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
User userObject = mapper.readValue(jsonAsString, User.class);
assertThat(userObject.getPassword(), equalTo("thePassword"));
8. Conclusion
This tutorial goes over the basic of how Jackson chooses which field is serialized/deserialized and which gets ignored in the process and of course how to get fully control over it.
You may also get to the next step in understanding Jackson 2 by diving deeper with articles such as ignoring a field, deserializing a JSON Array to a Java Array or Collection.
你也可以通过深入了解诸如ignoring a field、deserializing a JSON Array to a Java Array or Collection等文章来深入了解Jackson 2。
The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found in my github project – this is an Eclipse based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.
所有这些例子和代码片段的实现都可以在我的github项目中找到 – 这是一个基于Eclipse的项目,所以它应该很容易导入并按原样运行。