1. Overview
In this short tutorial, we’ll discuss a common problem when working with Spring MVC – when using a Spring @PathVariable with a @RequestMapping to map the end of a request URI that contains a dot, we’ll end up with a partial value in our variable, truncated at the last dot.
在这个简短的教程中,我们将讨论使用Spring MVC时的一个常见问题–当使用Spring @PathVariable与@RequestMapping来映射一个包含点的请求URI的结尾时,我们的变量中最终会出现一个部分值,在最后一个点处被截断。
In the next sections, we’ll focus on why this happens and how to change this behavior.
For an introduction to Spring MVC, please refer to this article.
关于Spring MVC的介绍,请参考到这篇文章。
2. Unwanted Spring Help
The framework causes this often unwanted behavior because of the way it interprets the path variable.
Specifically, Spring considers that anything behind the last dot is a file extension such as .json or .xml.
As a result, it truncates the value to retrieve the parameter.
Let’s see an example of using path variables, then analyze the result with different possible values:
public class CustomController {
public void example(@PathVariable("firstValue") String firstValue,
@PathVariable("secondValue") String secondValue) {
// ...
With the above example, let’s consider the next requests and evaluate our variables:
- the URL example/gallery/link results in evaluating firstValue = “gallery” and secondValue = “link”
- when using the example/gallery.df/link.ar URL, we’ll have firstValue = “gallery.df” and secondValue = “link”
- with the example/gallery.df/link.com.ar URL, our variables will be: firstValue = “gallery.df” and secondValue = “link.com”
As we can see, the first variable isn’t affected but the second is always truncated.
3. Solutions
One way to solve this inconvenience is to modify our @PathVariable definition by adding a regex mapping. Thereby any dot, including the last one, will be considered as part of our parameter:
public void example(
@PathVariable("firstValue") String firstValue,
@PathVariable("secondValue") String secondValue) {
Another way to avoid this issue is by adding a slash at the end of our @PathVariable. This will enclose our second variable protecting it from Spring’s default behavior:
The two solutions above apply to a single request mapping that we’re modifying.
If we want to change the behavior at a global MVC level, we need to provide a custom configuration. For this purpose, we can extend the WebMvcConfigurationSupport and override its getPathMatchConfigurer() method to adjust a PathMatchConfigurer.
public class CustomWebMvcConfigurationSupport extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
protected PathMatchConfigurer getPathMatchConfigurer() {
PathMatchConfigurer pathMatchConfigurer = super.getPathMatchConfigurer();
return pathMatchConfigurer;
We have to remember that this approach affects all URLs.
With these three options, we’ ll obtain the same result: when calling the example/gallery.df/link.com.ar URL, our secondValue variable will be evaluated to “link.com.ar”, which is what we want.
使用这三个选项,我们将得到相同的结果:当调用example/gallery.df/link.com.ar URL时,我们的secondValue变量将被评估为 “link.com.ar”,这是我们想要的。
3.1. Deprecation Notice
As of Spring Framework 5.2.4, the setUseSuffixPatternMatch(boolean) method is deprecated in order to discourage the use of path extensions for request routing and content negotiation. Basically, the current implementation makes it hard to protect web applications against the Reflected File Download (RFD) attack.
从 Spring Framework 5.2.4开始,setUseSuffixPatternMatch(boolean)方法被弃用,以阻止在请求路由和内容协商中使用路径扩展。基本上,当前的实现使 Web 应用程序难以防范反射式文件下载(RFD)攻击。
Also, as of Spring Framework 5.3, the suffix pattern matching will only work for explicitly registered suffixes, to prevent arbitrary extensions.
另外,从Spring Framework 5.3开始,后缀模式匹配将只对明确注册的后缀起作用,以防止任意的扩展。
The bottom line is, as of Spring 5.3, we won’t need to use the setUseSuffixPatternMatch(false) since it’s disabled by default.
底线是,从Spring 5.3开始,我们将不需要使用setUseSuffixPatternMatch(false) ,因为它默认是禁用的。
4. Conclusion
In this quick writeup, we’ve explored different ways to solve a common problem when working with @PathVariable and @RequestMapping in Spring MVC and the source of this issue.
在这篇短文中,我们探讨了在Spring MVC中使用@PathVariable和@RequestMapping时解决一个常见问题的不同方法以及这个问题的来源。
As always, the full source code of the examples is available over on GitHub.