1. Overview
This is a simple Spring MVC tutorial showing how to set up a Spring MVC project, both with a Java-based configuration as well as with XML configuration.
这是一个简单的Spring MVC教程,展示了如何设置Spring MVC项目,包括基于Java的配置和XML的配置。
The Maven dependencies for a Spring MVC project are described in detail in the Spring MVC dependencies article.
Spring MVC项目的Maven依赖项在Spring MVC依赖项文章中有详细描述。
2. What Is Spring MVC?
2.什么是Spring MVC??
As the name suggests, it’s a module of the Spring framework dealing with the Model-View-Controller or MVC pattern. It combines all the advantages of the MVC pattern with the convenience of Spring.
Spring implements MVC with the front controller pattern using its DispatcherServlet.
In a nutshell, the DispatcherServlet acts as the main controller to route requests to their intended destination. Model is nothing but the data of our application, and the view is represented by any of the various template engines.
We’ll look at JSPs in our example in a bit.
3. Spring MVC Using Java Configuration
3.使用Java配置的Spring MVC
To enable Spring MVC support through a Java configuration class, we just add the @EnableWebMvc annotation:
为了通过Java配置类启用Spring MVC支持,我们只需添加@EnableWebMvc注释。
public class WebConfig {
/// ...
This will set up the basic support we need for an MVC project, such as registering controllers and mappings, type converters, validation support, message converters and exception handling.
If we want to customize this configuration, we need to implement the WebMvcConfigurer interface:
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
public ViewResolver viewResolver() {
InternalResourceViewResolver bean = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
return bean;
In this example, we’ve registered a ViewResolver bean that will return .jsp views from the /WEB-INF/view directory.
在这个例子中,我们注册了一个ViewResolver bean,它将从/WEB-INF/view目录中返回.jsp视图。
Very important here is that we can register view controllers that create a direct mapping between the URL and the view name using the ViewControllerRegistry. This way, there’s no need for any Controller between the two.
If we want to also define and scan controller classes, we can add the @ComponentScan annotation with the package that contains the controllers:
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.baeldung.web.controller" })
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
// ...
To bootstrap an application that loads this configuration, we also need an initializer class:
public class MainWebAppInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(final ServletContext sc) throws ServletException {
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext root =
new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
sc.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(root));
ServletRegistration.Dynamic appServlet =
sc.addServlet("mvc", new DispatcherServlet(new GenericWebApplicationContext()));
Note that for versions earlier than Spring 5, we have to use the WebMvcConfigurerAdapter class instead of the interface.
注意,对于早于Spring 5的版本,我们必须使用WebMvcConfigurerAdapter类而不是接口。
4. Spring MVC Using XML Configuration
4.Spring MVC使用XML配置
Instead of the Java configuration above, we can also use a purely XML config:
<context:component-scan base-package="com.baeldung.web.controller" />
<mvc:annotation-driven />
<bean id="viewResolver"
<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/view/" />
<property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />
<mvc:view-controller path="/" view-name="index" />
If we want to use a purely XML configuration, we’ll also need to add a web.xml file to bootstrap the application. For more detail on this approach, check out our previous article.
如果我们想使用纯粹的 XML 配置,我们还需要添加一个 web.xml 文件来引导应用程序。有关这种方法的更多细节,请查看我们之前的文章。
5. Controller and Views
Let’s have a look at an example of a basic controller:
public class SampleController {
public String showForm() {
return "sample";
And the corresponding JSP resource is the sample.jsp file:
<h1>This is the body of the sample view</h1>
The JSP-based view files are located under the /WEB-INF folder of the project, so they’re only accessible to the Spring infrastructure and not by direct URL access.
6. Spring MVC With Boot
6.使用Boot的Spring MVC
Spring Boot is an addition to the Spring platform that makes it very easy to get started and create stand-alone, production-grade applications. Boot is not intended to replace Spring but to make working with it faster and easier.
Spring Boot是对Spring平台的补充,它使人们可以非常容易地开始并创建独立的、生产级的应用程序。Boot不是为了取代Spring,而是为了使其工作更快、更容易。
6.1. Spring Boot Starters
6.1.Spring Boot启动器
The new framework provides convenient starter dependencies, which are dependency descriptors that can bring in all the necessary technology for a certain functionality.
These have the advantage that we no longer need to specify a version for each dependency but instead allow the starter to manage dependencies for us.
The quickest way to get started is by adding the spring-boot-starter-parent pom.xml:
最快的方法是通过添加spring-boot-starter-parent pom.xml开始。
This will take care of dependency management.
6.2. Spring Boot Entry Point
6.2.Spring Boot入口点
Each application built using Spring Boot needs merely to define the main entry point.
使用Spring Boot构建的每个应用程序只需要定义主入口点。
This is usually a Java class with the main method, annotated with @SpringBootApplication:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
This annotation adds the following other annotations:
- @Configuration marks the class as a source of bean definitions.
- @EnableAutoConfiguration tells the framework to add beans based on the dependencies on the classpath automatically.
- @ComponentScan scans for other configurations and beans in the same package as the Application class or below.
With Spring Boot, we can set up front end using Thymeleaf or JSP’s without using ViewResolver as defined in Section 3. By adding spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf dependency to our pom.xml, Thymeleaf gets enabled, and no extra configuration is necessary.
有了Spring Boot,我们可以使用Thymeleaf或JSP来设置前端,而无需使用第3节中定义的ViewResolver。通过在pom.xml中添加spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf依赖项,Thymeleaf就会被启用,而且不需要额外的配置。
The source code for the Boot app is, as always, available over on GitHub.
Finally, if you’re looking to get started with Spring Boot, have a look at our reference intro here.
最后,如果您想开始使用Spring Boot,请看看我们的参考介绍。
7. Conclusion
In this article, we configured a simple and functional Spring MVC project, using Java configuration.
在这篇文章中,我们使用Java配置了一个简单而实用的Spring MVC项目。
The implementation of this Spring MVC tutorial can be found in the GitHub project.
这个Spring MVC教程的实现可以在 GitHub项目中找到。
When the project runs locally, the sample.jsp can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/spring-mvc-basics/sample.