Java Weekly, Issue 246 – Java周刊》第246期

最后修改: 2018年 9月 13日


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Bootiful GCP: Supporting Observability with Spring Cloud GCP Stackdriver Trace (6/8) []

>> Bootiful GCP: Use Spring Cloud GCP to Connect to Other GCP Services (7/8) []

A brief look at distributed tracing using Spring Cloud Sleuth, and a quick example of how to consume another GCP service using either its direct Java SDK or its REST API. Very cool.

简要介绍一下使用Spring Cloud Sleuth的分布式跟踪,以及如何使用其直接的Java SDK或其REST API来消费另一个GCP服务的快速示例。非常酷。

>> Stackwalking in Java with StackWalker and Stream API []

A good introduction to the JEP-259 Stack-Walking API that lets you lazily traverse stack traces using the Stream API.

对JEP-259 Stack-Walking API的一个很好的介绍,它可以让你使用Stream API快速地遍历堆栈痕迹

>> What’s New in JUnit 5.3 []

An overview of the latest features in JUnit 5, including parallel test execution, and finally, native support for the maven surefire and failsafe plugins.

概述JUnit 5的最新功能,包括并行测试执行,以及最后,对maven surefire和failafety插件的原生支持

>> Thread pool self-induced deadlocks []

A solid write-up about deadlocks in general, plus a scenario showing how the incorrect use of a thread pool can easily lead to deadlock.


>> Property-based Testing in Java: Stateful Testing []

And, a clever approach to testing application state, in which you model expected behaviors as a finite state machine and then check whether invariants and postconditions hold. Good stuff.


Also worth reading:

Time to upgrade:


2. Technical and Musings


>> On supporting Continuous Testing with FITR test automation (republished) []

If you want your automated tests to be a valuable part of your CI/CD strategy, first make sure that they are focused, informative, trustworthy, and repeatable — the four pillars of continuous testing.


>> Keystone Real-time Stream Processing Platform []

A high-level overview of the architecture and design principles of Netflix’s Keystone platform, along with some of the challenges faced in implementing a data pipeline and SPaaS at large scale.


>> Build Once, Run Anywhere: Externalize Your Configuration []

A good write-up touting the merits of decoupling configuration parameters from deployed artifacts.


Also worth reading:


3. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> Can’t Squeeze Blood from a Turnip []

>> Thank You for Your Candor []

>> Big Brother is Watching []

4. Pick of the Week


>> Real Work vs. Imaginary Work []

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