1. Introduction
Spring Data REST can remove a lot of boilerplate that’s natural to REST services.
Spring Data REST可以去除很多REST服务中自然存在的模板。
In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to customize some of Spring Data REST’s HTTP binding defaults.
在本教程中,我们将探讨如何自定义Spring Data REST的一些HTTP绑定默认值。
2. Spring Data REST Repository Fundamentals
2.Spring Data REST Repository基础知识
To get started, let’s create an empty interface that extends the CrudRepository interface, specifying the type of our entity and the type of its primary key:
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<WebsiteUser, Long> {}
By default, Spring generates all the mappings needed, configures each resource to be accessible via the appropriate HTTP methods, and returns the proper status codes.
If we don’t need all the resources defined in CrudRepository, we can extend the basic Repository interface and define only the resources we want:
public interface UserRepository extends Repository<WebsiteUser, Long> {
void deleteById(Long aLong);
Upon receiving a request, Spring reads the HTTP Method used and, depending on the resource type, calls the appropriate method defined in our interface, if present, or returns an HTTP status 405 (Method Not Allowed) otherwise.
收到请求后,Spring会读取所使用的HTTP方法,并根据资源类型,调用我们接口中定义的适当方法(如果存在),否则返回HTTP状态 405(方法不允许)。
With reference to the code above, when Spring receives a DELETE request, it executes our deleteById method.
3. Restricting Which HTTP Methods Are Exposed
Let’s imagine we have a user management system. We might, then, have a UserRepository.
And, since we are using Spring Data REST, we get a lot from having it extend CrudRepository:
而且,由于我们使用的是Spring Data REST,我们从让它扩展CrudRepository中得到很多。
@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "users", path = "users")
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<WebsiteUser, Long> {}
All our resources are exposed using the default CRUD pattern, so issuing the following command:
curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/users/<existing_user_id>
will return an HTTP status 204 (No Content returned) to confirm the deletion.
Now, let’s assume we want to hide the delete method from third parties while being able to use it internally.
We can then first add the deleteById method signature into our interface, which signals to Spring Data REST that we are going to configure it.
然后,我们可以首先将deleteById方法签名添加到我们的接口中,这就向Spring Data REST发出信号,表明我们要对其进行配置。
Then, we can use the annotation @RestResource(exported = false), which will configure Spring to skip this method when triggering the HTTP method exposure:
然后,我们可以使用注解@RestResource(exported = false),这将配置Spring在触发HTTP方法暴露时跳过这个方法。
@RestResource(exported = false)
void deleteById(Long aLong);
Now, if we repeat the same cUrl command shown above, we’ll receive an HTTP Status 405 (Method Not Allowed) instead.
4. Customizing Supported HTTP Methods
The @RestResource annotation also gives us the ability to customize the URL path mapped to a repository method and the link id in the JSON returned by the HATEOAS resource discovery.
To do that, we use the optional parameters of the annotation:
- path for the URL path
- rel for the link id
Let’s go back to our UserRepository and add a simple findByEmail method:
WebsiteUser findByEmail(@Param("email") String email);
By executing a cUrl to http://localhost:8080/users/search/, we can now see our new method listed with other resources:
"_links": {
"findByEmail": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/users/search/findByEmail{?email}"
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/users/search/"
If we don’t like the default path, instead of changing the repository method, we can simply add the @RestResource annotation:
@RestResource(path = "byEmail", rel = "customFindMethod")
WebsiteUser findByEmail(@Param("email") String email);
And if we do the resource discovery again, the resulting JSON will confirm our changes:
"_links": {
"customFindMethod": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/users/search/byEmail{?email}",
"templated": true
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/users/search/"
5. Programmatic Configuration
Sometimes we need a finer-grained level of configuration to expose or restrict access to our HTTP methods. For example, POST on collection resources, as well as PUT and PATCH on item resources, all use the same save method.
Starting from Spring Data REST 3.1, and available with Spring Boot 2.1, we can change the exposure of a specific HTTP method through the ExposureConfiguration class. This particular configuration class exposes a lambda-based API to define both global and type-based rules.
从Spring Data REST 3.1开始,并在Spring Boot 2.1中可用,我们可以通过ExposureConfiguration 类改变特定HTTP方法的暴露。这个特殊的配置类暴露了一个基于lambda的API来定义全局和基于类型的规则。
For example, we can use ExposureConfiguration to restrict PATCH requests against the UserRepository:
例如,我们可以使用ExposureConfiguration来限制针对UserRepository的 PATCH 请求。
public class RestConfig implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration restConfig,
CorsRegistry cors) {
ExposureConfiguration config = restConfig.getExposureConfiguration();
config.forDomainType(WebsiteUser.class).withItemExposure((metadata, httpMethods) ->
6. Conclusion
In this article, we explored how we can configure Spring Data REST to customize the HTTP methods supported by default in our resources.
在这篇文章中,我们探讨了如何配置Spring Data REST以定制资源中默认支持的HTTP方法。
As usual, the examples used in this article can be found in our GitHub project.