Preventing Username Enumeration Attacks with Spring Security – 用Spring Security防止用户名枚举攻击

最后修改: 2019年 2月 17日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll describe enumeration attacks in general. More specifically, we’ll explore username enumeration attacks against a web application. And, most importantly, we’ll explore options for handling them through Spring Security.

在本教程中,我们将描述一般的枚举攻击。更具体地说,我们将探讨针对Web应用程序的用户名枚举攻击。而且,最重要的是,我们将探讨通过Spring Security处理这些攻击的方案。

2. Explaining Enumeration Attacks


Enumeration technically means complete and ordered listing of all the items in a collection. Although this definition is restricted to mathematics, its essence makes it a potent hacking tool. Enumeration often exposes attack vectors that can be employed for exploitation. In this context, it is often known as resource enumeration.


Resource enumeration, as the name suggests, is a way to gather a list of resources from any host. These resources can be anything of value, including usernames, services, or pages. These resources can expose potential vulnerabilities in the host.


Now, there can be several possible ways, explored or even unexplored, to exploit these vulnerabilities.


3. Popular Enumeration Attacks for Web Applications


In a web application, one of the most often employed enumeration attacks is username enumeration attack. This basically employs any explicit or implicit feature of the web application to gather valid usernames. An attacker may use popular choices of username to attack the web application.


Now, what kind of feature in a web application may reveal whether a username is valid or not? Honestly, it can be as varied as possible. It may be a feature as designed, for example, a registration page letting a user know that the username is already taken.


Or, this may be as implicit as the fact that a login attempt with a valid username takes a much different amount of time compared to one with an invalid username.


4. Setup to Emulate Username Enumeration Attack


We’ll use a simple user web application using Spring Boot and Spring Security to demonstrate these attack vectors. This web application will have a minimal set of features to support the demonstration. A detailed discussion on how to set up such an application is covered in a previous tutorial.

我们将使用一个使用Spring Boot和Spring Security的简单用户Web应用来演示这些攻击载体。这个Web应用将有一套最小的功能来支持演示。关于如何设置此类应用程序的详细讨论已在之前的教程中介绍过

Common features on a web application often reveal information that can be used to launch enumeration attacks. Let’s go through them.


4.1. User Registration


User registration needs a unique username, and email address is often chosen for simplicity. Now, if we pick an email which already exists, the application ought to tell us so:



Coupled with the fact that a list of emails is not hard to come by, this can lead to a username enumeration attack to fish out valid usernames in the application.


4.2. User Login

4.2 用户登录

Similarly, when we try to login into an application, it requires us to provide username and password. Now, if a username we provide does not exist, the application may return this information to us:



This, as before, is simple enough to harness for a username enumeration attack.


4.3. Reset Password


Reset password is often implemented to send a password reset link to a user’s email. Now, again this will require that we provide a username or email:



If this username or email does not exist in the application, the application will inform as such, leading to a similar vulnerability as we saw earlier.


5. Preventing Username Enumeration Attacks


There can be several ways to prevent a username enumeration attack. Many of them we can achieve through simple tweaks in the features like user messages on a web application.


Moreover, Spring Security over time has matured enough to support handling many of these attack vectors. There are features out-of-the-box and extension points to create custom safeguards. We’ll explore some of these techniques.

此外,随着时间的推移,Spring Security已经足够成熟,支持处理许多这样的攻击载体。有一些开箱即用的功能和扩展点来创建自定义的防护措施。我们将探索其中的一些技术。

Let’s go through popular options available to prevent such attacks. Please note that not all of these solutions are suitable or even possible in every part of the web application. We’ll discuss this in more detail as we go along.


5.1. Tweaking Messages


First, we must rule out all possibilities of inadvertently giving out more information than what is required. This would be difficult in registration but fairly simple in login and reset password pages.


For instance, we can easily make the message for login page abstract:



We can do similar tweaks to the message for the password reset page.


5.2. Including CAPTCHA


While tweaking the messages works well on some pages, there are pages like registration where it’s tricky to do so. In such cases, we can use another tool called CAPTCHA.


Now, at this point, it’s worthwhile to note that any enumeration attack most likely is robotic due to a vast number of possibilities to go through. Hence, detecting a human or robotic presence can help us prevent an attack. CAPTCHA serves as a popular way to achieve this.


There are several possible ways to implement or integrate CAPTCHA services in a web application. One of these services is reCAPTCHA by Google, which can be easily integrated on the registration page.


5.3. Rate Limiting


While CAPTCHA serves the purpose well, it does add latency and, more importantly, inconveniences to legitimate users. This is more relevant for frequently used pages like login.


One technique that can help prevent robotic attacks on frequently used pages like login is rate limiting. Rate limiting refers to preventing successive attempts for a resource after a certain threshold.


For example, we can block requests from a particular IP for a day after three failed attempts at login:



Spring Security makes this particularly convenient.

Spring Security使这一点特别方便。

We begin by defining listeners for AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent and AuthenticationSuccessEvent. These listeners call a service that records the number of failed attempts from a particular IP. Once a set threshold is breached, subsequent requests are blocked in the UserDetailsService.


A detailed discussion on this approach is available in another tutorial.


5.4. Geo Limiting

5.4 地理限制

Additionally, we can capture the location by country of a user during registration. We can use this to verify a login attempt originating from a different location. If we detect an unusual location, suitable action can be taken:


  • Enable Captcha selectively
  • Enforce step-up authentication (as part of multi-factor authentication)
  • Ask the user to verify the location securely
  • Block the user temporarily on successive requests

Again, Spring Security, through its extension points, makes it possible to plug in a custom location verification service in the AuthenticationProvider. A particular flavor of this has been described in detail in a previous tutorial.

同样,Spring Security通过其扩展点,可以在AuthenticationProvider中插入自定义位置验证服务。在之前的教程中已经详细介绍了这种特殊的风味

5.5. Multi-Factor Authentication


Lastly, we should note that password-based authentication is often the first and, in most cases, the only step required. But it’s not uncommon for applications to adopt multi-factor authentication mechanisms for better security. This is especially true for sensitive applications like online banking.


There are many possible factors when it comes to multi-factor authentication:


  • Knowledge Factor: This refers to what a user knows, like PIN
  • Possession Factor: This refers to what a user possesses, like a token or smartphone
  • Inherence Factor: This refers to what a user inherently has, like fingerprints

Spring Security is quite a convenience here as well, as it allows us to plug in a custom AuthenticationProvider. The Google Authenticator app is a popular choice to implement additional possession factor. This allows users to generate an ephemeral token on the app in their smartphone and use it for authentication in any application. Obviously, this requires setting up the user beforehand in the application, either during registration or later on.

Spring Security在这里也很方便,因为它允许我们插入一个自定义的AuthenticationProvider。Google Authenticator应用程序是实现额外占有因素的一个流行选择。这允许用户在其智能手机的应用程序上生成一个短暂的令牌,并在任何应用程序中使用它进行认证。显然,这需要事先在应用程序中对用户进行设置,可以在注册时或稍后进行。

Integrating Google Authenticator in a Spring security application has been well covered in a previous tutorial.

在Spring安全应用程序中集成Google Authenticator已在之前的教程中详细介绍

More importantly, a solution like multi-factor authentication is only suitable if the application needs it. Hence, we should not use it primarily to prevent enumeration attacks.


5.6. Processing Time Delays


While processing a request like a login, checking if the username exists is often the very first thing we do. If a username does not exist, the request immediately returns with an error. On the contrary, a request with a valid username would involve many further steps, like password match and role verification. Naturally, the time to respond to both these cases may vary.


Now, even though we abstract the error message to hide the fact of whether a username is valid or not, a significant difference in processing time may tip off an attacker.


A possible solution for this issue can be to add a forced delay to rule out the difference in processing times. However, as this is not a problem that can occur with certainty, we should only employ this solution if necessary.


6. Wrapping Up


While we covered a lot of tricks to use when it comes to username enumeration attacks, it’s natural to ask, when to use what? Obviously, there’s no one answer for this, as it’s largely based on the type of application and its requirements.


A few things, like messages to the user, must leak as little information as possible. Additionally, it’s wise to restrict successive failed attempts towards a resource like login.


However, we should use any additional measures only if requirements deem them necessary. We should also weigh them rationally against the deterrence to usability.


Moreover, it’s important to realize that we can apply any combination of these measures for different resources to selectively secure them.


7. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we discussed enumeration attacks – username enumeration attacks, in particular. We saw that through the lens of a simple Spring Boot application with Spring Security.

在本教程中,我们讨论了枚举攻击–特别是用户名枚举攻击。我们通过一个带有Spring Security的简单Spring Boot应用程序的视角看到了这一点。

We went over several ways to progressively address the concerns of username enumeration attacks.


Lastly, we discussed the appropriateness of these measures in application security.


As always, the code for the examples is available over on GitHub.
