Java Weekly, Issue 275 – Java周刊,第275期

最后修改: 2019年 4月 2日


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> A comparison of assertion libraries []

A side-by-side comparison of Strikt and Atrium libraries for Kotlin and how they stack up against AssertJ.


>> Paging with Spring and Spring Boot []

A deep dive into Spring Data’s Pageable, Page, Slice, and Sort interfaces, and how to use them together in Spring controllers.

深入了解Spring Data的PageablePageSliceSort接口,以及如何在Spring控制器中共同使用它们。

>> Reactor Debugging Experience []

And a quick introduction to BlockHound and the Reactor Debug agent — two experimental tools for debugging Reactive code. Very cool.

并快速介绍了BlockHound和Reactor Debug agent–两个用于调试Reactive代码的实验性工具。非常酷。

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical and Musings


>> How does a relational database execute SQL statements and prepared statements []

An overview of the Parser, Optimizer, and Executor modules that are responsible for processing SQL and prepared statements.


>> AWS: Increase instance security by allowing SSH only from your IP []

A handy shell script that lets you SSH into your AWS instance from a single IP, while keeping it blocked for the rest of the world.


>> The Impact and Ethics of Conversational Artificial Intelligence []

And, as conversational AI technology continues to advance, we must ask ourselves not only what we can do, but also what we should and should not do with it.


Also worth reading:

3. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Nuclear Power Invention []

>> It Already Works []

>> Wally Blames the Chemtrails []

4. Pick of the Week


>> Learn Enough Docker to be Useful []

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