Find the Number of Lines in a File Using Java – 用Java查找文件中的行数

最后修改: 2019年 8月 11日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to find the number of lines in a file using Java with the help of standard Java IO APIs, Google Guava and the Apache Commons IO library.

在本教程中,我们将学习如何在标准Java IO API、Google GuavaApache Commons IO库的帮助下使用Java查找文件的行数。

2. NIO2 Files


Note that, across this tutorial, we’ll be using the following sample values as the input file name and the total number of lines:


static final String INPUT_FILE_NAME = "src/main/resources/input.txt";
static final int NO_OF_LINES = 45;

Java 7 introduced many improvements to the existing IO libraries and packaged it under NIO2:

Java 7对现有的IO库进行了许多改进,并将其打包在NIO2:下。

Let’s start with Files and see how can we use its API to count the numbers of lines:


public void whenUsingNIOFiles_thenReturnTotalNumberOfLines() throws IOException {
    try (Stream<String> fileStream = Files.lines(Paths.get(INPUT_FILE_NAME))) {
        int noOfLines = (int) fileStream.count();
        assertEquals(NO_OF_LINES, noOfLines);

Or by simply using Files#readAllLines method:


public void whenUsingNIOFilesReadAllLines_thenReturnTotalNumberOfLines() throws IOException {
    List<String> fileStream = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(INPUT_FILE_NAME));
    int noOfLines = fileStream.size();
    assertEquals(NO_OF_LINES, noOfLines);

3. NIO FileChannel


Now let’s check FileChannel, a high-performance Java NIO alternative to read the number of lines:

现在让我们检查一下FileChannel,一个高性能的Java NIO替代品来读取行数。

public void whenUsingNIOFileChannel_thenReturnTotalNumberOfLines() throws IOException {
    int noOfLines = 1;
    try (FileChannel channel =, StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer =, 0, channel.size());
        while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
            byte currentByte = byteBuffer.get();
            if (currentByte == '\n')
    assertEquals(NO_OF_LINES, noOfLines);

Though the FileChannel was introduced in JDK 4, the above solution works only with JDK 7 or higher.

虽然FileChannel是在JDK 4中引入的,但上述解决方案仅适用于JDK 7或更高版本

4. Google Guava Files

4.Google GuavaFiles

An alternative third-party library would be Google Guava Files class. This class can also be used to count the total number of lines in a similar way to what we saw with Files#readAllLines.

另一个第三方库是Google Guava的Files类。这个类也可以用来计算总行数,方法与我们看到的Files#readAllLines相似。

Let’s start by adding the guava dependency in our pom.xml:



And then we can use readLines to get a List of file lines:


public void whenUsingGoogleGuava_thenReturnTotalNumberOfLines() throws IOException {
    List<String> lineItems = Files.readLines(Paths.get(INPUT_FILE_NAME)
      .toFile(), Charset.defaultCharset());
    int noOfLines = lineItems.size();
    assertEquals(NO_OF_LINES, noOfLines);

5. Apache Commons IO FileUtils

5.Apache Commons IOFileUtils

Now, let’s see Apache Commons IO FileUtils API, a parallel solution to Guava.

现在,让我们看看Apache Commons IO FileUtils API,一个与Guava并行的解决方案。

To use the library, we have to include the commons-io dependency in the pom.xml:



At that point, we can use Apache Commons IO’s FileUtils#lineIterator, which cleans up some of the file handlings for us:

在这一点上,我们可以使用Apache Commons IO的FileUtils#lineIterator,它为我们清理了一些文件处理的问题。

public void whenUsingApacheCommonsIO_thenReturnTotalNumberOfLines() throws IOException {
    int noOfLines = 0;
    LineIterator lineIterator = FileUtils.lineIterator(new File(INPUT_FILE_NAME));
    while (lineIterator.hasNext()) {
    assertEquals(NO_OF_LINES, noOfLines);

As we can see, this is a bit more verbose than the Google Guava solution.

正如我们所看到的,这比Google Guava的解决方案更繁琐一些。

6. BufferedReader


So, what about old-school ways? If we aren’t on JDK 7 and we can’t use a third-party library, we have BufferedReader:

那么,老式的方法呢?如果我们不是在JDK 7上,也不能使用第三方库,我们有BufferedReader

public void whenUsingBufferedReader_thenReturnTotalNumberOfLines() throws IOException {
    int noOfLines = 0;
    try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(INPUT_FILE_NAME))) {
        while (reader.readLine() != null) {
    assertEquals(NO_OF_LINES, noOfLines);

7. LineNumberReader


Or, we can use LineNumberReader, a direct subclass of BufferedReader, which is just a bit less verbose:


public void whenUsingLineNumberReader_thenReturnTotalNumberOfLines() throws IOException {
    try (LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(INPUT_FILE_NAME))) {
        int noOfLines = reader.getLineNumber() + 1;
        assertEquals(NO_OF_LINES, noOfLines);

Here we are calling the skip method to go to the end of the file, and we’re adding 1 to the total number of lines counted since the line numbering begins at 0.


8. Scanner


And finally, if we’re already using Scanner as part of a larger solution, it can solve the problem for us, too:


public void whenUsingScanner_thenReturnTotalNumberOfLines() throws IOException {
    try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileReader(INPUT_FILE_NAME))) {
        int noOfLines = 0;
        while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
        assertEquals(NO_OF_LINES, noOfLines);

9. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we have explored different ways to find the number of lines in a file using Java. Since the main purpose of all these APIs is not for counting the number of lines in a file, it’s recommended choosing the right solution for our need.


As always, the source code for this tutorial is available over on GitHub.
