Wrapping vs Rethrowing Exceptions in Java – 在Java中包裹与重新抛出异常的问题

最后修改: 2019年 12月 17日


1. Overview


The throw keyword in Java is used to explicitly throw either a custom-made exception or in-built exception. But sometimes in the catch block, we need to throw the same exception again. This leads to re-throwing an exception.

Java中的 throw关键字被用来明确地抛出自定义的异常或内置的异常。但有时在catch块中,我们需要再次抛出同一个异常。这就导致了重新抛出一个异常。

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the two most common ways of re-throwing the exception.


2. Re-throwing Exceptions


Sometimes before propagating the exception to the higher level, we might want to perform some activities. For example, we might want to rollback the DB transaction, log the exception, or send an email.


We can perform such activities in the catch block and re-throw the exception again. In this way, a higher level gets notified that the exception has occurred in the system.


Let’s understand our case with an example.


Below, we’re re-throwing the same exception. And, we’re logging an error message just before throwing it:


String name = null;

try {
    return name.equals("Joe"); // causes NullPointerException
} catch (Exception e) {
    // log
    throw e;

The console will show the following message:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
  at com.baeldung.exceptions.RethrowSameExceptionDemo.main(RethrowSameExceptionDemo.java:16)

As we can see, our code just rethrows any exception it catches. Because of this, we get the original stack trace without any changes.


3. Wrapping Exceptions


Now, let’s take a look at a different approach.


In this case, we’ll pass the same exception as a reference in the constructor of a different exception:


String name = null;

try {
    return name.equals("Joe"); // causes NullPointerException
} catch (Exception e) {
    // log
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

The console will display:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.NullPointerException
  at com.baeldung.exceptions.RethrowDifferentExceptionDemo.main(RethrowDifferentExceptionDemo.java:24)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  at com.baeldung.exceptions.RethrowDifferentExceptionDemo.main(RethrowDifferentExceptionDemo.java:18)

This time, we see the original exception as well as the wrapping one. In this way, our IllegalArgumentException instance wraps the original NullPointerException as a cause. Hence we can show the more specific exception instead of showing the generic one.

这一次,我们看到了原始的异常以及包裹的异常。这样,我们的IllegalArgumentException 实例就把原来的NullPointerException 包装成了一个原因。因此,我们可以显示更具体的异常,而不是显示通用异常。

4. Conclusion


In this short article, we presented the main difference between re-throwing the original exception vs first wrapping it. Both ways differ from each other in the way they show the exception message.

在这篇短文中,我们介绍了重新抛出原始异常与先包装异常的主要区别。这两种方式 在显示异常信息的方式上有区别

Based on our requirement, we can either re-throw the same exception or wrap it with some specific exception by using the second approach. The second approach looks cleaner and easy to backtrack the exception.

根据我们的要求,我们既可以重新抛出同一个异常,也可以使用第二种方法将其包裹在某些特定的异常中。 第二种方法看起来更干净,而且容易回溯异常

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