Writing Templates for Test Cases Using JUnit 5 – 使用JUnit 5为测试用例编写模板

最后修改: 2020年 4月 14日


1. Overview


The JUnit 5 library offers many new features over its previous versions. One such feature is test templates. In short, test templates are a powerful generalization of JUnit 5’s parameterized and repeated tests.

JUnit 5库比以前的版本提供了许多新功能。其中一个功能是测试模板。简而言之,测试模板是对 JUnit 5 的参数化和重复测试的强大概括。

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to create a test template using JUnit 5.

在本教程中,我们将学习如何使用JUnit 5创建一个测试模板。

2. Maven Dependencies


Let’s start by adding the dependencies to our pom.xml.


We need to add the main JUnit 5  junit-jupiter-engine dependency:

我们需要添加主JUnit 5 junit-jupiter-engine依赖。


In addition to this, we’ll also need to add the junit-jupiter-api dependency:



Likewise, we can add the necessary dependencies to our build.gradle file:


testCompile group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-engine', version: '5.8.1'
testCompile group: 'org.junit.jupiter', name: 'junit-jupiter-api', version: '5.8.1'

3. The Problem Statement


Before looking at test templates, let’s briefly take a look at JUnit 5’s parameterized tests. Parameterized tests allow us to inject different parameters into the test method. As a result, when using parameterized tests, we can execute a single test method multiple times with different parameters.

在看测试模板之前,让我们简单地看看JUnit 5的参数化测试。参数化测试允许我们将不同的参数注入到测试方法中。因此,当使用参数化测试时,我们可以用不同的参数多次执行一个测试方法。

Let’s assume that we would now like to run our test method multiple times — not just with different parameters, but also under a different invocation context each time.


In other words, we would like the test method to be executed multiple times, with each invocation using a different combination of configurations such as:


  • using different parameters
  • preparing the test class instance differently — that is, injecting different dependencies into the test instance
  • running the test under different conditions, such as enabling/disabling a subset of invocations if the environment is “QA
  • running with a different lifecycle callback behavior — perhaps we want to set up and tear down a database before and after a subset of invocations

Using parameterized tests quickly proves limited in this case. Thankfully, JUnit 5 offers a powerful solution for this scenario in the form of test templates.

在这种情况下,使用参数化测试很快就被证明是有限的。值得庆幸的是,JUnit 5以测试模板的形式为这种情况提供了一个强大的解决方案。

4. Test Templates


Test templates themselves are not test cases. Instead, as their name suggests, they are just templates for given test cases. They are a powerful generalization of parameterized and repeated tests.


Test templates are invoked once for each invocation context provided to them by the invocation context provider(s).


Let’s now look at an example of the test templates. As we established above, the main actors are:


  • a test target method
  • a test template method
  • one or more invocation context providers registered with the template method
  • one or more invocation contexts provided by each invocation context provider

4.1. The Test Target Method


For this example, we’re going to use a simple UserIdGeneratorImpl.generate method as our test target.


Let’s define the UserIdGeneratorImpl class:


public class UserIdGeneratorImpl implements UserIdGenerator {
    private boolean isFeatureEnabled;

    public UserIdGeneratorImpl(boolean isFeatureEnabled) {
        this.isFeatureEnabled = isFeatureEnabled;

    public String generate(String firstName, String lastName) {
        String initialAndLastName = firstName.substring(0, 1).concat(lastName);
        return isFeatureEnabled ? "bael".concat(initialAndLastName) : initialAndLastName;

The generate method, which is our test target, takes the firstName and lastName as parameters and generates a user id. The format of the user id varies, depending on whether a feature switch is enabled or not.


Let’s see how this looks:


Given feature switch is disabled When firstName = "John" and lastName = "Smith" Then "JSmith" is returned
Given feature switch is enabled When firstName = "John" and lastName = "Smith" Then "baelJSmith" is returned

Next, let’s write the test template method.


4.2. The Test Template Method


Here is a test template for our test target method UserIdGeneratorImpl.generate:


public class UserIdGeneratorImplUnitTest {
    public void whenUserIdRequested_thenUserIdIsReturnedInCorrectFormat(UserIdGeneratorTestCase testCase) {
        UserIdGenerator userIdGenerator = new UserIdGeneratorImpl(testCase.isFeatureEnabled());

        String actualUserId = userIdGenerator.generate(testCase.getFirstName(), testCase.getLastName());


Let’s take a closer look at the test template method.


To begin with, we create our test template method by marking it with the JUnit 5 @TestTemplate annotation.

首先,我们通过用JUnit 5 @TestTemplate 注解来创建我们的测试模板方法

Following that, we register a context provider, UserIdGeneratorTestInvocationContextProvider, using the @ExtendWith annotation. We can register multiple context providers with the test template. However, for the purpose of this example, we register a single provider.


Also, the template method receives an instance of the UserIdGeneratorTestCase as a parameter. This is simply a wrapper class for the inputs and the expected result of the test case:


public class UserIdGeneratorTestCase {
    private boolean isFeatureEnabled;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private String expectedUserId;

    // Standard setters and getters

Finally, we invoke the test target method and assert that that result is as expected


Now, it’s time to define our invocation context provider.


4.3. The Invocation Context Provider


We need to register at least one TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider with our test template. Each registered TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider provides a Stream of TestTemplateInvocationContext instances.


Previously, using the @ExtendWith annotation, we registered UserIdGeneratorTestInvocationContextProvider as our invocation provider.


Let’s define this class now:


public class UserIdGeneratorTestInvocationContextProvider implements TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider {

Our invocation context implements the TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider interface, which has two methods:


  • supportsTestTemplate
  • provideTestTemplateInvocationContexts

Let’s start by implementing the supportsTestTemplate method:


public boolean supportsTestTemplate(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    return true;

The JUnit 5 execution engine calls the supportsTestTemplate method first to validate if the provider is applicable for the given ExecutionContext. In this case, we simply return true.

JUnit 5执行引擎首先调用supportsTestTemplate方法来验证提供者是否适用于给定的ExecutionContext。在这种情况下,我们只需返回true

Now, let’s implement the provideTestTemplateInvocationContexts method:


public Stream<TestTemplateInvocationContext> provideTestTemplateInvocationContexts(
  ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    boolean featureDisabled = false;
    boolean featureEnabled = true;
    return Stream.of(
        new UserIdGeneratorTestCase(
          "Given feature switch disabled When user name is John Smith Then generated userid is JSmith",
        new UserIdGeneratorTestCase(
          "Given feature switch enabled When user name is John Smith Then generated userid is baelJSmith",

The purpose of the provideTestTemplateInvocationContexts method is to provide a Stream of TestTemplateInvocationContext instances. For our example, it returns two instances, provided by the methods featureDisabledContext and featureEnabledContext. Consequently, our test template will run twice.


Next, let’s look at the two TestTemplateInvocationContext instances returned by these methods.


4.4. The Invocation Context Instances


The invocation contexts are implementations of the TestTemplateInvocationContext interface and implement the following methods:


  • getDisplayName – provide a test display name
  • getAdditionalExtensions – return additional extensions for the invocation context

Let’s define the featureDisabledContext method that returns our first invocation context instance:


private TestTemplateInvocationContext featureDisabledContext(
  UserIdGeneratorTestCase userIdGeneratorTestCase) {
    return new TestTemplateInvocationContext() {
        public String getDisplayName(int invocationIndex) {
            return userIdGeneratorTestCase.getDisplayName();

        public List<Extension> getAdditionalExtensions() {
            return asList(
              new GenericTypedParameterResolver(userIdGeneratorTestCase), 
              new BeforeTestExecutionCallback() {
                  public void beforeTestExecution(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
                      System.out.println("BeforeTestExecutionCallback:Disabled context");
              new AfterTestExecutionCallback() {
                  public void afterTestExecution(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
                      System.out.println("AfterTestExecutionCallback:Disabled context");

Firstly, for the invocation context returned by the featureDisabledContext method, the extensions that we register are:


  • GenericTypedParameterResolver – a parameter resolver extension
  • BeforeTestExecutionCallback – a lifecycle callback extension that runs immediately before the test execution
  • AfterTestExecutionCallback – a lifecycle callback extension that runs immediately after the test execution

However, for the second invocation context, returned by the featureEnabledContext method, let’s register a different set of extensions (keeping the GenericTypedParameterResolver):


private TestTemplateInvocationContext featureEnabledContext(
  UserIdGeneratorTestCase userIdGeneratorTestCase) {
    return new TestTemplateInvocationContext() {
        public String getDisplayName(int invocationIndex) {
            return userIdGeneratorTestCase.getDisplayName();
        public List<Extension> getAdditionalExtensions() {
            return asList(
              new GenericTypedParameterResolver(userIdGeneratorTestCase), 
              new DisabledOnQAEnvironmentExtension(), 
              new BeforeEachCallback() {
                  public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
                      System.out.println("BeforeEachCallback:Enabled context");
              new AfterEachCallback() {
                  public void afterEach(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
                      System.out.println("AfterEachCallback:Enabled context");

For the second invocation context, the extensions that we register are:


  • GenericTypedParameterResolver – a parameter resolver extension
  • DisabledOnQAEnvironmentExtension – an execution condition to disable the test if the environment property (loaded from the application.properties file) is “qa
  • BeforeEachCallback – a lifecycle callback extension that runs before each test method execution
  • AfterEachCallback – a lifecycle callback extension that runs after each test method execution

From the above example, it is clear to see that:


  • the same test method is run under multiple invocation contexts
  • each invocation context uses its own set of extensions that differ both in number and nature from the extensions in other invocation contexts

As a result, a test method can be invoked multiple times under a completely different invocation context each time. And by registering multiple context providers, we can provide even more additional layers of invocation contexts under which to run the test.


5. Conclusion


In this article, we looked at how JUnit 5’s test templates are a powerful generalization of parameterized and repeated tests.

在这篇文章中,我们看了JUnit 5的测试模板是如何对参数化和重复测试进行强大的概括。

To begin with, we looked at some limitations of the parameterized tests. Next, we discussed how test templates overcome the limitations by allowing a test to be run under a different context for each invocation.


Finally, we looked at an example of creating a new test template. We broke the example down to understand how templates work in conjunction with the invocation context providers and invocation contexts.


As always, the source code for the examples used in this article is available over on GitHub.
