Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is the process of converting Java objects to database tables. In other words, this allows us to interact with a relational database without any SQL. The Java Persistence API (JPA) is a specification that defines how to persist data in Java applications. The primary focus of JPA is the ORM layer.
对象-关系映射(ORM)是将Java对象转换为数据库表格的过程。换句话说,这使我们能够在没有任何SQL的情况下与关系数据库进行交互。Java Persistence API(JPA)是一种规范,定义了如何在Java应用程序中持久化数据。JPA的主要焦点是ORM层。
Hibernate is one of the most popular Java ORM frameworks in use today. Its first release was almost twenty years ago, and still has excellent community support and regular releases. Additionally, Hibernate is a standard implementation of the JPA specification, with a few additional features that are specific to Hibernate. Let’s take a look at some core features of JPA and Hibernate.
Hibernate是当今最流行的Java ORM框架之一。它的第一个版本是在近二十年前发布的,至今仍有优秀的社区支持和定期发布。此外,Hibernate是JPA规范的标准实现,还有一些专门针对Hibernate的额外功能。让我们来看看JPA和Hibernate的一些核心特性。

Defining Entities
Defining JPA Entities
Hibernate Entity Lifecycle
JPA Entity Lifecycle Events
Default Column Values in JPA
JPA @Basic Annotation
Mapping Entity Class Names to SQL Table Names with JPA
Difference Between @Size, @Length, and @Column(length=value)
JPA Entity Equality
JPA @Embedded And @Embeddable
JPA Attribute Converters
Hibernate @NotNull vs @Column(nullable = false)
Defining Unique Constraints in JPA
JPA Entities and the Serializable Interface

Entity Relationships
One-to-One Relationship in JPA
Many-To-Many Relationship in JPA
@JoinColumn Annotation Explained
Difference Between @JoinColumn and mappedBy
Mapping a Single Entity to Multiple Tables in JPA
Overview of JPA/Hibernate Cascade Types
Hibernate @WhereJoinTable Annotation
Hibernate Inheritance Mapping
Hibernate One to Many Annotation Tutorial