Spring Boot Startup Actuator Endpoint – Spring Boot启动执行器端点

最后修改: 2021年 11月 8日


1. Introduction


Spring Boot applications can have complex component graphs, startup phases, and resource initialization steps.

Spring Boot应用程序可以有复杂的组件图、启动阶段和资源初始化步骤。

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to track and monitor this startup information via a Spring Boot Actuator endpoint.

在本文中,我们将看看如何通过Spring Boot Actuator端点跟踪和监控该启动信息

2. Application Startup Tracking


Tracking the various steps during application startup can provide useful information that can help us to understand the time spent during various phases of application startup. Such instrumentation can also improve our understanding of the context lifecycle and the application startup sequence.


The Spring Framework provides the functionality to record the application startup and graph initialization. In addition, Spring Boot Actuator provides several production-grade monitoring and management capabilities via HTTP or JMX.

Spring Framework提供了记录应用程序启动和图形初始化的功能。此外,Spring Boot Actuator还通过HTTP或JMX提供了若干生产级别的监控和管理功能。

As of Spring Boot 2.4, application startup tracking metrics are now available through the /actuator/startup endpoint.

Spring Boot 2.4开始,应用启动跟踪指标现在可以通过/actuator/startup端点提供

3. Setup


To enable Spring Boot Actuator, let’s add the spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency to our POM:

为了启用Spring Boot Actuator,让我们把spring-boot-starter-actuator依赖性添加到我们的POM中。


We’ll also add the spring-boot-starter-web dependency as this is required to access endpoints over HTTP:



In addition, we’ll also expose the required endpoint over HTTP by setting the configuration property in our application.properties file:



Finally, we’ll use curl and jq to query the actuator HTTP endpoint and parse the JSON response, respectively.


4. Actuator Endpoint


In order to capture startup events, we need to configure our application with an implementation of the @ApplicationStartup interface. By default, the ApplicationContext for managing the application lifecycle uses a no-op implementation. This obviously performs no startup instrumentation and tracking, for minimal overhead.


Therefore, unlike other actuator endpoints, we need some additional setup.


4.1. Using BufferingApplicationStartup


We need to set the application’s startup configuration to an instance of BufferingApplicationStartup. This is an in-memory implementation of the ApplicationStartup interface provided by Spring Boot. It captures the events during Spring’s startup process and stores them in an internal buffer.

我们需要将应用程序的启动配置设置为BufferingApplicationStartup的实例。这是Spring Boot提供的ApplicationStartup接口的内存中实现。它捕捉Spring启动过程中的事件,并将其存储在一个内部缓冲区中

Let’s start by creating a simple application with this implementation for our application:


public class StartupTrackingApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(StartupTrackingApplication.class);
        app.setApplicationStartup(new BufferingApplicationStartup(2048));

Here, we’ve also specified a capacity of 2048 for the internal buffer. Once the buffer reaches this capacity for events, no further data will be recorded. Therefore, it’s important that we use an appropriate value to allow storage of events based on the application complexity and the various steps executed during startup.


Crucially, the actuator endpoint is only available once this implementation is configured.


4.2. startup Endpoint

4.2.startup 端点

Now, we can start our application and query the startup actuator endpoint.


Let’s use curl to invoke this POST endpoint and format the JSON output using jq:


> curl 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/startup' -X POST | jq
  "springBootVersion": "2.5.4",
  "timeline": {
    "startTime": "2021-10-17T21:08:00.931660Z",
    "events": [
        "endTime": "2021-10-17T21:08:00.989076Z",
        "duration": "PT0.038859S",
        "startTime": "2021-10-17T21:08:00.950217Z",
        "startupStep": {
          "name": "spring.boot.application.starting",
          "id": 0,
          "tags": [
              "key": "mainApplicationClass",
              "value": "com.baeldung.startup.StartupTrackingApplication"
          "parentId": null
        "endTime": "2021-10-17T21:08:01.454239Z",
        "duration": "PT0.344867S",
        "startTime": "2021-10-17T21:08:01.109372Z",
        "startupStep": {
          "name": "spring.boot.application.environment-prepared",
          "id": 1,
          "tags": [],
          "parentId": null
      ... other steps not shown
        "endTime": "2021-10-17T21:08:12.199369Z",
        "duration": "PT0.00055S",
        "startTime": "2021-10-17T21:08:12.198819Z",
        "startupStep": {
          "name": "spring.boot.application.running",
          "id": 358,
          "tags": [],
          "parentId": null

As we can see, the detailed JSON response contains a list of instrumented startup events. It contains various details about each step such as the step name, start time, end time, as well as the step timing details. Detailed information about the response structure is available in the Spring Boot Actuator Web API documentation.

正如我们所看到的,详细的JSON响应包含了一个被检测的启动事件的列表。它包含关于每个步骤的各种细节,如步骤名称、开始时间、结束时间以及步骤计时细节。关于响应结构的详细信息可在Spring Boot Actuator Web API文档中找到。

Additionally, the complete list of steps defined in the core container and further details about each step are available in Spring reference documentation.


An important detail to note here is that subsequent invocations of the endpoint do not provide a detailed JSON response. This is because the startup endpoint invocation clears the internal buffer. Therefore, we’ll need to restart the application to invoke the same endpoint and receive the full response again.


We should save the payload for further analysis if required.


4.3. Filtering Startup Events


As we’ve seen, the buffering implementation has a fixed capacity for storing events in memory. Therefore, it might not be desirable to store a large number of events in the buffer.


We can filter the instrumented events and only store those that may be of interest to us:


BufferingApplicationStartup startup = new BufferingApplicationStartup(2048);
startup.addFilter(startupStep -> startupStep.getName().matches("spring.beans.instantiate");

Here, we’ve used the addFilter method to only instrument steps with the specified name.


4.4. Custom Instrumentation


We can also extend BufferingApplicationStartup to provide custom startup tracking behavior to meet our specific instrumentation needs.


As this instrumentation is particularly valuable in testing environments rather than production, it’s a simple exercise to use a system property and switch between the no-op and buffering or custom implementations.


5. Analyzing Startup Times


As a practical example, let’s try to identify any bean instantiation during startup that might be taking a relatively long time to initialize. For example, this could be cache loading, database connection pooling, or some other expensive initialization during application startup.


We can invoke the endpoint as previously, but this time, we’ll process the output using jq.


As the response is quite verbose, let’s filter on steps that match the name spring.beans.instantiate and sort them by duration:


> curl 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/startup' -X POST \
| jq '[.timeline.events
 | sort_by(.duration) | reverse[]
 | select(.startupStep.name | match("spring.beans.instantiate"))
 | {beanName: .startupStep.tags[0].value, duration: .duration}]'

The above expression processes the response JSON to extract timing information:


  • Sort the timeline.events array in descending order.
  • Select all steps matching the name spring.beans.instantiate from the sorted array.
  • Create a new JSON object with beanName and the duration from each matching step.

As a result, the output shows a concise, ordered, and filtered view of the various beans instantiated during application startup:


    "beanName": "resourceInitializer",
    "duration": "PT6.003171S"
    "beanName": "tomcatServletWebServerFactory",
    "duration": "PT0.143958S"
    "beanName": "requestMappingHandlerAdapter",
    "duration": "PT0.14302S"

Here, we can see that the resourceInitializer bean is taking around six seconds during startup. This may be considered as contributing a significant duration to the overall application startup time. Using this approach, we can effectively identify this issue and focus on further investigation and possible solutions.

在这里,我们可以看到resourceInitializer Bean在启动过程中花费了大约6秒。这可能被认为是对整个应用程序启动时间的一个重要贡献。使用这种方法,我们可以有效地识别这个问题,并专注于进一步调查和可能的解决方案

It’s important to note that ApplicationStartup is intended for use only during application startup. In other words, it does not replace Java profilers and metrics collection frameworks for application instrumentation.


6. Conclusion


In this article, we looked at how to obtain and analyze detailed startup metrics in a Spring Boot application.

在这篇文章中,我们研究了如何获得和分析Spring Boot应用程序中的详细启动指标。

First, we saw how to enable and configure the Spring Boot Actuator endpoint. Then, we looked at the useful information obtained from this endpoint.

首先,我们看到如何启用和配置Spring Boot Actuator端点。然后,我们看了从这个端点获得的有用信息。

Finally, we looked at an example to analyze this information in order to gain a better understanding of various steps during application startup.


As always, the code for this article is available over on GitHub.
