1. Introduction
This is an introductory article to get you up and running with the powerful Querydsl API for data persistence.
这是一篇介绍性文章,旨在让您使用强大的Querydsl API来实现数据持久性。
The goal here is to give you the practical tools to add Querydsl into your project, understand the structure and purpose of the generated classes, and get a basic understanding of how to write type-safe database queries for most common scenarios.
2. The Purpose of Querydsl
Object-relational mapping frameworks are at the core of Enterprise Java. These compensate the mismatch between object-oriented approach and relational database model. They also allow developers to write cleaner and more concise persistence code and domain logic.
However, one of the most difficult design choices for an ORM framework is the API for building correct and type-safe queries.
One of the most widely used Java ORM frameworks, Hibernate (and also closely related JPA standard), proposes a string-based query language HQL (JPQL) very similar to SQL. The obvious drawbacks of this approach are the lack of type safety and absence of static query checking. Also, in more complex cases (for instance, when the query needs to be constructed at runtime depending on some conditions), building an HQL query typically involves concatenation of strings which is usually very unsafe and error-prone.
最广泛使用的Java ORM框架之一,Hibernate(以及密切相关的JPA标准),提出了一种基于字符串的查询语言HQL(JPQL),与SQL非常相似。这种方法的明显缺点是缺乏类型安全和没有静态查询检查。此外,在更复杂的情况下(例如,当查询需要根据某些条件在运行时构建),构建HQL查询通常涉及字符串的连接,这通常是非常不安全和容易出错的。
The JPA 2.0 standard brought an improvement in the form of Criteria Query API — a new and type-safe method of building queries that took advantage of metamodel classes generated during annotation preprocessing. Unfortunately, being groundbreaking in its essence, Criteria Query API ended up very verbose and practically unreadable. Here’s an example from Jakarta EE tutorial for generating a query as simple as SELECT p FROM Pet p:
JPA 2.0标准以标准查询API的形式带来了改进–这是一种新的、类型安全的构建查询的方法,它利用了在注释预处理期间生成的元模型类。不幸的是,由于其本质上的突破性,标准查询API最终变得非常冗长,几乎无法阅读。下面是Jakarta EE教程中的一个例子,用于生成一个像SELECT p FROM Pet p这样简单的查询。
EntityManager em = ...;
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Pet> cq = cb.createQuery(Pet.class);
Root<Pet> pet = cq.from(Pet.class);
TypedQuery<Pet> q = em.createQuery(cq);
List<Pet> allPets = q.getResultList();
No wonder that a more adequate Querydsl library soon emerged, based on the same idea of generated metadata classes, yet implemented with a fluent and readable API.
3. Querydsl Class Generation
Let’s start with generating and exploring the magical metaclasses that account for the fluent API of Querydsl.
3.1. Adding Querydsl to Maven Build
3.1.将Querydsl添加到Maven Build中
Including Querydsl in your project is as simple as adding several dependencies to your build file and configuring a plugin for processing JPA annotations. Let’s start with the dependencies. The version of Querydsl libraries should be extracted to a separate property inside the <project><properties> section, as follows (for the latest version of Querydsl libraries, check the Maven Central repository):
在你的项目中加入Querydsl,就像在你的构建文件中加入几个依赖项和配置一个处理JPA注释的插件一样简单。让我们从依赖性开始。Querydsl库的版本应该被提取到<project><properties>部分的单独属性中,如下所示(关于Querydsl库的最新版本,请查看Maven Central资源库)。
Next, add the following dependencies to the <project><dependencies> section of your pom.xml file:
The querydsl-apt dependency is an annotation processing tool (APT) — implementation of corresponding Java API that allows processing of annotations in source files before they move on to the compilation stage. This tool generates the so called Q-types — classes that directly relate to the entity classes of your application, but are prefixed with letter Q. For instance, if you have a User class marked with the @Entity annotation in your application, then the generated Q-type will reside in a QUser.java source file.
querydsl-apt依赖性是一个注释处理工具(APT)–实现了相应的Java API,允许在源文件进入编译阶段之前处理其注释。例如,如果你的应用程序中有一个User类,并标有@Entity注解,那么生成的Q类型将驻留在QUser.java源文件中。
The provided scope of the querydsl-apt dependency means that this jar should be made available only at build time, but not included into the application artifact.
provided scope of the querydsl-apt dependency 意味着这个 jar 应该只在构建时可用,但不包括在应用程序的工件中。
The querydsl-jpa library is the Querydsl itself, designed to be used together with a JPA application.
To configure annotation processing plugin that takes advantage of querydsl-apt, add the following plugin configuration to your pom – inside the <project><build><plugins> element:
This plugin makes sure that the Q-types are generated during the process goal of Maven build. The outputDirectory configuration property points to the directory where the Q-type source files will be generated. The value of this property will be useful later on, when you’ll go exploring the Q-files.
You should also add this directory to the source folders of the project, if your IDE does not do this automatically — consult the documentation for your favorite IDE on how to do that.
For this article we will use a simple JPA model of a blog service, consisting of Users and their BlogPosts with a one-to-many relationship between them:
public class User {
private Long id;
private String login;
private Boolean disabled;
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, mappedBy = "user")
private Set<BlogPost> blogPosts = new HashSet<>(0);
// getters and setters
public class BlogPost {
private Long id;
private String title;
private String body;
private User user;
// getters and setters
To generate Q-types for your model, simply run:
mvn compile
3.2. Exploring Generated Classes
Now go to the directory specified in the outputDirectory property of apt-maven-plugin (target/generated-sources/java in our example). You will see a package and class structure that directly mirrors your domain model, except all the classes start with letter Q (QUser and QBlogPost in our case).
Open the file QUser.java. This is your entry point to building all queries that have User as a root entity. First thing you’ll notice is the @Generated annotation which means that this file was automatically generated and should not be edited manually. Should you change any of your domain model classes, you will have to run mvn compile again to regenerate all of the corresponding Q-types.
打开文件QUser.java。这是你建立所有以User为根实体的查询的入口。你首先会注意到@Generated注解,这意味着这个文件是自动生成的,不应该被手动编辑。如果你改变了任何领域模型类,你将不得不再次运行mvn compile来重新生成所有相应的Q-types。
Aside from several QUser constructors present in this file, you should also take notice of a public static final instance of the QUser class:
public static final QUser user = new QUser("user");
This is the instance that you can use in most of your Querydsl queries to this entity, except when you need to write some more complex queries, like joining several different instances of a table in a single query.
The last thing that should be noted is that for every field of the entity class there is a corresponding *Path field in the Q-type, like NumberPath id, StringPath login and SetPath blogPosts in the QUser class (notice that the name of the field corresponding to Set is pluralized). These fields are used as parts of fluent query API that we will encounter later on.
最后需要注意的是,对于实体类的每一个字段,在Q类型中都有一个相应的*Path字段,比如NumberPath id,StringPath login和SetPath blogPosts(注意,对应于Set的字段名是复数)。这些字段被用作流畅查询API的一部分,我们在后面会遇到。
4. Querying With Querydsl
4.1. Simple Querying and Filtering
To build a query, first we’ll need an instance of a JPAQueryFactory, which is a preferred way of starting the building process. The only thing that JPAQueryFactory needs is an EntityManager, which should already be available in your JPA application via EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager() call or @PersistenceContext injection.
EntityManagerFactory emf =
EntityManager em = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
JPAQueryFactory queryFactory = new JPAQueryFactory(em);
Now let’s create our first query:
QUser user = QUser.user;
User c = queryFactory.selectFrom(user)
Notice we’ve defined a local variable QUser user and initialized it with QUser.user static instance. This is done purely for brevity, alternatively you may import the static QUser.user field.
注意我们定义了一个局部变量QUser user,并用QUser.user静态实例对其进行初始化。这样做纯粹是为了简洁,或者你可以导入静态QUser.user字段。
The selectFrom method of the JPAQueryFactory starts building a query. We pass it the QUser instance and continue building the conditional clause of the query with the .where() method. The user.login is a reference to a StringPath field of the QUser class that we’ve seen before. The StringPath object also has the .eq() method that allows to fluently continue building the query by specifying the field equality condition.
Finally, to fetch the value from the database into persistence context, we end the building chain with the call to the fetchOne() method. This method returns null if the object can’t be found, but throws a NonUniqueResultException if there are multiple entities satisfying the .where() condition.
4.2. Ordering and Grouping
Now let’s fetch all users in a list, sorted by their login in ascension order.
List<User> c = queryFactory.selectFrom(user)
This syntax is possible because the *Path classes have the .asc() and .desc() methods. You can also specify several arguments for the .orderBy() method to sort by multiple fields.
Now let’s try something more difficult. Suppose we need to group all posts by title and count duplicating titles. This is done with the .groupBy() clause. We’ll also want to order the titles by resulting occurrence count.
NumberPath<Long> count = Expressions.numberPath(Long.class, "c");
List<Tuple> userTitleCounts = queryFactory.select(
blogPost.title, blogPost.id.count().as(count))
We selected the blog post title and count of duplicates, grouping by title and then ordering by aggregated count. Notice we first created an alias for the count() field in the .select() clause, because we needed to reference it in the .orderBy() clause.
4.3. Complex Queries With Joins and Subqueries
Let’s find all users that wrote a post titled “Hello World!” For such query we could use an inner join. Notice we’ve created an alias blogPost for the joined table to reference it in the .on() clause:
让我们找到所有写了一篇题为 “Hello World!”的帖子的用户。对于这样的查询,我们可以使用一个内部连接。注意我们已经为连接表创建了一个别名blogPost,以便在.on()子句中引用它。
QBlogPost blogPost = QBlogPost.blogPost;
List<User> users = queryFactory.selectFrom(user)
.innerJoin(user.blogPosts, blogPost)
.on(blogPost.title.eq("Hello World!"))
Now let’s try to achieve the same with subquery:
List<User> users = queryFactory.selectFrom(user)
.where(blogPost.title.eq("Hello World!"))))
As we can see, subqueries are very similar to queries, and they are also quite readable, but they start with JPAExpressions factory methods. To connect subqueries with the main query, as always, we reference the aliases defined and used earlier.
4.4. Modifying Data
JPAQueryFactory allows not only constructing queries, but also modifying and deleting records. Let’s change the user’s login and disable the account:
.set(user.login, "Ash2")
.set(user.disabled, true)
We can have any number of .set() clauses we want for different fields. The .where() clause is not necessary, so we can update all the records at once.
To delete the records matching a certain condition, we can use a similar syntax:
The .where() clause is also not necessary, but be careful, because omitting the .where() clause results in deleting all of the entities of a certain type.
You may wonder, why JPAQueryFactory doesn’t have the .insert() method. This is a limitation of JPA Query interface. The underlying javax.persistence.Query.executeUpdate() method is capable of executing update and delete but not insert statements. To insert data, you should simply persist the entities with EntityManager.
If you still want to take advantage of a similar Querydsl syntax for inserting data, you should use SQLQueryFactory class that resides in the querydsl-sql library.
5. Conclusion
In this article we’ve discovered a powerful and type-safe API for persistent object manipulation that is provided by Querydsl.
We’ve learned to add Querydsl to project and explored the generated Q-types. We’ve also covered some typical use cases and enjoyed their conciseness and readability.
All the source code for the examples can be found in the github repository.
Finally, there are of course many more features that Querydsl provides, including working with raw SQL, non-persistent collections, NoSQL databases and full-text search – and we’ll explore some of these in future articles.