Java Weekly, Issue 521 – Java Weekly》第 521 期

最后修改: 2023年 12月 21日


1. Spring and Java

1. Spring 和 Java

>> Stream API Evolution: A Closer Look at JEP 461’s Stream Gatherers []

>> 流 API 演进:近距离观察 JEP 461 的流收集器 [] </p

Meet Stream Gatherers: helping us to keep using Stream API for more complex intermediate operations

认识流采集器:帮助我们继续使用流 API 进行更复杂的中间操作

>> JDK 21: The GCs keep getting better []

>> JDK 21:GC 越来越出色 []

Java GCs keep getting better and better: shorter pauses, use less memory and have better throughput than ever before

Java GC 越来越完善:暂停时间更短、内存使用量更少,吞吐量比以往任何时候都要高

>> Uniform handling of failure in switch []

>> 开关中故障的统一处理 [] </p

And, a proposal for throws cases: handling exceptions as yet another path based on evaluating the selector in switch expressions


Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical & Musings


>> Five Apache projects you probably didn’t know about []

>> 您可能不知道的五个阿帕奇项目 [] </p

Some lesser-known Apache projects for use cases like real-time data warehouse, API gateway, sharding sphere, and more.

一些鲜为人知的 Apache 项目,用于实时数据仓库、API 网关、分片领域等用例。

>> Bliki: SoftwareAndEngineering []

>> Bliki:SoftwareAndEngineering [] </p

Is software engineering really an engineering discipline? An interesting discussion and pointers for this controversial topic.


Also worth reading:


3. Pick of the Week


>> You are never taught how to build quality software []

>> 从来没有人教过你如何构建高质量的软件 []

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