Calculate Number of Weekdays Between Two Dates in Java – 用 Java 计算两个日期之间的工作日数

最后修改: 2024年 1月 24日


1. Overview


In this tutorial, we’ll look at two different methods in Java for calculating the number of weekdays between two dates. We’ll look at a readable version using Streams and a less readable but more efficient option that doesn’t loop at all.

在本教程中,我们将学习 Java 中计算两个日期之间工作日数的两种不同方法。我们将了解使用 Streams 的可读版本,以及可读性较低但效率更高的完全不循环的选项。

2. Full Search Using Streams


First, let’s see how we can do this with Streams. The plan is to loop over every day between our two dates and count the weekdays:

首先,让我们看看如何使用 Streams 来实现这一目标。计划是在两个日期之间的每一天循环并计算工作日

long getWorkingDaysWithStream(LocalDate start, LocalDate end){
    return start.datesUntil(end)
      .filter(day -> !Arrays.asList(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, DayOfWeek.SUNDAY).contains(day))

To start we’ve utilized LocalDate‘s datesUntil() method. This method returns a Stream of all the dates from the start (inclusive) to the end date (exclusive).

首先,我们使用了 LocalDate datesUntil() 方法。该方法返回一个从开始日期(包含)到结束日期(不包含)的所有日期的 Stream 方法。

Next, we’ve used map() and LocalDate‘s getDayOfWeek() to transform each date into a day. For example, this would change 10-01-2023 to Wednesday.

接下来,我们使用 map()LocalDategetDayOfWeek() 将每个日期转换为一天。例如,这将把 10-01-2023 改为星期三。

Following that, we filter out all the weekend days by checking them against the DaysOfWeek enum. Finally, we can count up the days left, as we know these will all be weekdays.

然后,我们对照 DaysOfWeek enum 过滤掉所有周末天数。最后,我们可以计算剩下的天数,因为我们知道这些天数都是工作日。

This method isn’t the quickest, as we have to look at it every single day. However, it’s easily understandable and offers the opportunity to easily put in extra checks or processing if needed.


3. Efficient Search Without Looping


The other option we have is to not loop over all the days, but instead, apply the rules we know about the days of the week. There are several steps we need here, and a few edge cases to take care of.


3.1. Setting up Initial Dates


To start, we’ll define our method signature which will be a lot like our previous one:


long getWorkingDaysWithoutStream(LocalDate start, LocalDate end)

The first step in processing these dates is to exclude any weekends at the start and end. So for the start date, if it’s a weekend we’ll take the following Monday. We’ll also track the fact that we did this with a boolean:

处理这些日期的第一步是排除开始和结束日期中的任何周末。因此,对于开始日期,如果是周末,我们将取下周一。我们还将使用 boolean 来跟踪我们这样做的事实:

boolean startOnWeekend = false;
if(start.getDayOfWeek().getValue() > 5){
    start = start.with(;
    startOnWeekend = true;

We’ve used the TemporalAdjusters class here, specifically its next() method which lets us jump to the next specified day.

我们在这里使用了 TemporalAdjusters 类,特别是它的 next() 方法,该方法可让我们跳转到下一个指定的日期。

We can then do the same for the end date – if it’s a weekend, we take the previous Friday. This time we’ll use TemporalAdjusters.previous() to take us to the first occurrence of the day we want before the given date:

然后,我们可以对结束日期做同样的处理–如果是周末,我们就取前一个星期五。这一次,我们将使用 TemporalAdjusters.previous() 来查找给定日期之前出现的第一个日期:

boolean endOnWeekend = false;
if(end.getDayOfWeek().getValue() > 5){
    end = end.with(TemporalAdjusters.previous(DayOfWeek.FRIDAY));
    endOnWeekend = true;

3.2. Accounting for Edge Cases


This already presents us with a potential edge case, if we start on Saturday and end on Sunday. In that case, our start date will now be Monday, and the end date the Friday before. It doesn’t make sense for the start to be after the end, so we can cover this potential use case with a quick check:


    return 0;

We also need to cover another edge case which is why we kept track of starting and ending on a weekend. This is optional and depends on how we want to count the days. For example, if we counted between a Tuesday and Friday in the same week we’d say there are three days between them.


We’d also say there are five weekdays between a Saturday and the following Saturday. However, if we move the start and end days to Monday and Friday as we’re doing here, that now counts as four days. So to counteract that we can simply add a day if required:


long addValue = startOnWeekend || endOnWeekend ? 1 : 0;

3.3. Final Calculations


We’re now in a position to calculate the total amount of weeks between the start and end. For this, we’ll use ChronoUnit’between() method. This method calculates the time between two Temporal objects, in the specified unit which is WEEKS in our case:

现在,我们可以计算开始和结束之间的总周数。为此,我们将使用 ChronoUnit 的 between() 方法。该方法以指定的单位计算两个 Temporal 对象之间的时间,在我们的例子中,单位是 WEEKS

long weeks = ChronoUnit.WEEKS.between(start, end);

Finally, we can use everything we’ve gathered so far to get our final value for the number of weekdays:

最后,我们可以利用迄今为止收集到的所有信息,得出工作日数的最终值: <br

return ( weeks * 5 ) + ( end.getDayOfWeek().getValue() - start.getDayOfWeek().getValue() ) + addValue;

The steps here are firstly to multiply the number of weeks by the number of weekdays per week. We haven’t accounted for non-whole weeks yet so we add on the extra days between the start day of the week and the end day of the week. To finish we add the adjustment for starting or finishing on a weekend.


4. Conclusion


In this article, we’ve looked at two options for calculating the number of weekdays between two dates.


First, we saw how to use a Stream and check each day individually. This method offers simplicity and readability at the expense of efficiency.

首先,我们了解了如何使用 Stream 并逐日检查。这种方法简单易读,但却牺牲了效率。

The second option is to apply the rules we know about the days of the week to figure it out without a loop. This offers efficiency at the expense of readability and maintainability.


As always, the full code for the examples is available over on GitHub.

与往常一样,这些示例的完整代码可在 GitHub 上获取。