1. Overview
In this article, we will be looking at the Java 9 additions to the Optional API.
在这篇文章中,我们将探讨Java 9对OptionalAPI的补充。
Beyond modularity, Java 9 is also adding three very useful methods for the Optional class.
除了模块化,Java 9还为Optional类增加了三个非常有用的方法。
2. The or() Method
Sometimes, when our Optional is empty, we want to execute some other action that also returns an Optional.
Prior Java 9 the Optional class had only the orElse() and orElseGet() methods but both need to return unwrapped values.
在Java 9之前,Optional 类只有orElse() 和orElseGet() 方法,但都需要返回未包装的值。
Java 9 introduces the or() method that returns another Optional lazily if our Optional is empty. If our first Optional has a defined value, the lambda passed to the or() method will not be invoked, and value will not be calculated and returned:
Java 9引入了or() 方法,如果我们的Optional是空的,则会懒洋洋地返回另一个Optional。如果我们的第一个Optional有一个定义的值,传递给or()方法的lambda将不会被调用,并且值不会被计算和返回。
public void givenOptional_whenPresent_thenShouldTakeAValueFromIt() {
String expected = "properValue";
Optional<String> value = Optional.of(expected);
Optional<String> defaultValue = Optional.of("default");
Optional<String> result = value.or(() -> defaultValue);
In the case of Optional being empty, the returned result will be the same as the defaultValue:
在 Optional为空的情况下,返回的结果将与defaultValue:相同。
public void givenOptional_whenEmpty_thenShouldTakeAValueFromOr() {
// given
String defaultString = "default";
Optional<String> value = Optional.empty();
Optional<String> defaultValue = Optional.of(defaultString);
// when
Optional<String> result = value.or(() -> defaultValue);
// then
3. The ifPresentOrElse() Method
3.The ifPresentOrElse()Method
When we have an Optional instance, often we want to execute a specific action on the underlying value of it. On the other hand, if the Optional is empty we want to log it or track that fact by incrementing some metric.
The ifPresentOrElse() method is created exactly for such scenarios. We can pass a Consumer that will be invoked if the Optional is defined, and Runnable that will be executed if the Optional is empty.
ifPresentOrElse() 方法正是为这种情况而创建的。我们可以传递一个Consumer,如果Optional被定义,它将被调用;如果Optional为空,Runnable将被执行。
Let’s say that we have a defined Optional and we want to increment a specific counter if the value is present:
public void givenOptional_whenPresent_thenShouldExecuteProperCallback() {
// given
Optional<String> value = Optional.of("properValue");
AtomicInteger successCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger onEmptyOptionalCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
// when
v -> successCounter.incrementAndGet(),
// then
Note, that the callback passed as the second argument was not executed.
In the case of an empty Optional, the second callback gets executed:
public void givenOptional_whenNotPresent_thenShouldExecuteProperCallback() {
// given
Optional<String> value = Optional.empty();
AtomicInteger successCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger onEmptyOptionalCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
// when
v -> successCounter.incrementAndGet(),
// then
4. The stream() Method
The last method, which is added to the Optional class in the Java 9, is the stream() method.
最后一个方法,在Java 9中被添加到Optional类中,是stream() 方法。
Java has a very fluent and elegant Stream API that can operate on the collections and utilizes many functional programming concepts. The newest Java version introduces the stream() method on the Optional class that allows us to treat the Optional instance as a Stream.
Java有一个非常流畅和优雅的Stream API,可以对集合进行操作,并利用了许多函数式编程的概念。最新的Java版本在Optional类上引入了stream()方法,允许我们将Optional实例视为Stream.。
Let’s say that we have a defined Optional and we are calling the stream() method on it. This will create a Stream of one element on which we can use all the methods that are available in the Stream API:
假设我们有一个已定义的Optional,并且我们正在对它调用stream() 方法。这将创建一个元素的Stream ,我们可以使用Stream API中的所有方法:。
public void givenOptionalOfSome_whenToStream_thenShouldTreatItAsOneElementStream() {
// given
Optional<String> value = Optional.of("a");
// when
List<String> collect = value.stream().map(String::toUpperCase).collect(Collectors.toList());
// then
On the other hand, if Optional is not present, calling the stream() method on it will create an empty Stream:
另一方面,如果Optional不存在,对它调用stream() 方法将创建一个空的Stream:。
public void givenOptionalOfNone_whenToStream_thenShouldTreatItAsZeroElementStream() {
// given
Optional<String> value = Optional.empty();
// when
List<String> collect = value.stream()
// then
We can now quickly filter Streams of Optionals.
Operating on the empty Stream will not have any effect, but thanks to the stream() method we can now chain the Optional API with the Stream API. This allows us to create more elegant and fluent code.
5. Conclusion
In this quick article, we looked at the Java 9 Optional API additions.
在这篇快速文章中,我们研究了Java 9 Optional API的新增内容。
We saw how to use the or() method to return an Optional in case if the source Optional is empty. We used the ifPresentOrElse() to execute the Consumer if the value is present and otherwise, run the another callback.
我们看到如何使用or() 方法在源Optional为空时返回一个Optional。我们使用ifPresentOrElse()来执行Consumer,如果值是存在的,则运行另一个回调。
Finally, we saw how to chain the Optional with the Stream API using the stream() method.
The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found in the GitHub project – this is a Maven project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.