1. Overview
Finding an element in a list is a very common task we come across as developers.
In this quick tutorial, we’ll cover different ways we can do this with Java.
2. Setup
First let’s start by defining a Customer POJO:
首先让我们从定义一个Customer POJO开始。
public class Customer {
private int id;
private String name;
// getters/setters, custom hashcode/equals
Then an ArrayList of customers:
List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<>();
customers.add(new Customer(1, "Jack"));
customers.add(new Customer(2, "James"));
customers.add(new Customer(3, "Kelly"));
Note that we’ve overridden hashCode and equals in our Customer class.
Based on our current implementation of equals, two Customer objects with the same id will be considered equal.
We’ll use this list of customers along the way.
3. Using Java API
3.使用Java API
Java itself provides several ways of finding an item in a list:
- The contains method
- The indexOf method
- An ad-hoc for loop
- The Stream API
3.1. contains()
List exposes a method called contains:
boolean contains(Object element)
As the name suggests, this method returns true if the list contains the specified element, and returns false otherwise.
顾名思义,如果列表包含指定的元素,该方法返回true,否则返回 false。
So when we need to check if a specific item exists in our list, we can:
Customer james = new Customer(2, "James");
if (customers.contains(james)) {
// ...
3.2. indexOf()
indexOf is another useful method for finding elements:
int indexOf(Object element)
This method returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the given list, or -1 if the list doesn’t contain the element.
So logically, if this method returns anything other than -1, we know that the list contains the element:
if(customers.indexOf(james) != -1) {
// ...
The main advantage of using this method is that it can tell us the position of the specified element in the given list.
3.3. Basic Looping
Now what if we want to do a field-based search for an element? For example, say we’re announcing a lottery and we need to declare a Customer with a specific name as the winner.
For such field-based searches, we can turn to iteration.
A traditional way of iterating through a list is to use one of Java’s looping constructs. In each iteration, we compare the current item in the list with the element we’re looking for to see if it’s a match:
public Customer findUsingEnhancedForLoop(
String name, List<Customer> customers) {
for (Customer customer : customers) {
if (customer.getName().equals(name)) {
return customer;
return null;
Here the name refers to the name we are searching for in the given list of customers. This method returns the first Customer object in the list with a matching name, or null if no such Customer exists.
3.4. Looping With an Iterator
Iterator is another way that we can traverse a list of items.
We can simply take our previous example and tweak it a bit:
public Customer findUsingIterator(
String name, List<Customer> customers) {
Iterator<Customer> iterator = customers.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Customer customer = iterator.next();
if (customer.getName().equals(name)) {
return customer;
return null;
Consequently, the behavior is the same as before.
3.5. Java 8 Stream API
3.5 Java 8的Stream API
As of Java 8, we can also use the Stream API to find an element in a List.
从Java 8开始,我们也可以使用Stream API来查找List.中的一个元素。
To find an element matching specific criteria in a given list, we:
- invoke stream() on the list
- call the filter() method with a proper Predicate
- call the findAny() construct, which returns the first element that matches the filter predicate wrapped in an Optional if such an element exists
Customer james = customers.stream()
.filter(customer -> "James".equals(customer.getName()))
For convenience, we default to null in case an Optional is empty, but this might not always be the best choice for every scenario.
4. Third-Party Libraries
Now, while the Stream API is more than sufficient, what should we do if we’re stuck on an earlier version of Java?
现在,虽然Stream API已经绰绰有余,但如果我们被困在早期版本的Java上,我们应该怎么办?
Fortunately, there are many third-party libraries like Google Guava and Apache Commons which we can use.
幸运的是,有许多第三方库,如Google Guava和Apache Commons,我们可以使用。
4.1. Google Guava
4.1.Google Guava
Google Guava provides functionality that is similar to what we can do with streams:
Google Guava提供的功能类似于我们可以用流来做的事情。
Customer james = Iterables.tryFind(customers,
new Predicate<Customer>() {
public boolean apply(Customer customer) {
return "James".equals(customer.getName());
Just like with Stream API, we can optionally choose to return a default value instead of null:
就像Stream API一样,我们可以选择性地选择返回一个默认值,而不是null。
Customer james = Iterables.tryFind(customers,
new Predicate<Customer>() {
public boolean apply(Customer customer) {
return "James".equals(customer.getName());
The above code will pick the first element in the list if no match is found.
Also, don’t forget that Guava throws a NullPointerException if either the list or the predicate is null.
4.2. Apache Commons
We can find an element in almost the exact same way using Apache Commons:
我们可以使用Apache Commons以几乎完全相同的方式找到一个元素。
Customer james = IterableUtils.find(customers,
new Predicate<Customer>() {
public boolean evaluate(Customer customer) {
return "James".equals(customer.getName());
There are a couple of important differences though:
- Apache Commons just returns null if we pass a null list.
- It doesn’t provide default value functionality like Guava’s tryFind.
5. Conclusion
In this article, we learned different ways of finding an element in a List, starting with quick existence checks and finishing with field-based searches.
We also looked at the third-party libraries Google Guava and Apache Commons as alternatives to the Java 8 Streams API.
我们还研究了第三方库Google Guava和Apache Commons作为Java 8 Streams API的替代品。
Thanks for stopping by, and remember to check out all the sources for these examples over on GitHub.