1. Overview
In this short tutorial, we’ll show different ways to convert from String to Integer in Groovy.
2. Casting with as
2. 用as进行铸造
The first method that we can use for the conversion is the as keyword, which is the same as calling the class’s asType() method:
void givenString_whenUsingAsInteger_thenConvertToInteger() {
def stringNum = "123"
Integer expectedInteger = 123
Integer integerNum = stringNum as Integer
assertEquals(integerNum, expectedInteger)
Like the above, we can use as int:
像上面一样,我们可以使用as int。
void givenString_whenUsingAsInt_thenConvertToInt() {
def stringNum = "123"
int expectedInt = 123
int intNum = stringNum as int
assertEquals(intNum, expectedInt)
3. toInteger
Another method is from the Groovy JDK extension for java.lang.CharSequence:
另一个方法是来自Groovy JDK扩展的java.lang.CharSequence。
void givenString_whenUsingToInteger_thenConvertToInteger() {
def stringNum = "123"
int expectedInt = 123
int intNum = stringNum.toInteger()
assertEquals(intNum, expectedInt)
4. Integer#parseInt
A third way is to use Java’s static method Integer.parseInt():
void givenString_whenUsingParseInt_thenConvertToInteger() {
def stringNum = "123"
int expectedInt = 123
int intNum = Integer.parseInt(stringNum)
assertEquals(intNum, expectedInt)
5. Integer#intValue
An alternative method is to create a new Integer object and call its intValue method:
void givenString_whenUsingIntValue_thenConvertToInteger() {
def stringNum = "123"
int expectedInt = 123
int intNum = new Integer(stringNum).intValue()
assertEquals(intNum, expectedInt)
Or, in this case, we can also use just new Integer(stringNum):
或者,在这种情况下,我们也可以只使用new Integer(stringNum)。
void givenString_whenUsingNewInteger_thenConvertToInteger() {
def stringNum = "123"
int expectedInt = 123
int intNum = new Integer(stringNum)
assertEquals(intNum, expectedInt)
6. Integer#valueOf
Similar to Integer.parseInt(), we can also use Java’s static method Integer#valueOf:
void givenString_whenUsingValueOf_thenConvertToInteger() {
def stringNum = "123"
int expectedInt = 123
int intNum = Integer.valueOf(stringNum)
assertEquals(intNum, expectedInt)
7. DecimalFormat
7. DecimalFormat.
And for our last method, we can apply Java’s DecimalFormat class:
void givenString_whenUsingDecimalFormat_thenConvertToInteger() {
def stringNum = "123"
int expectedInt = 123
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#")
int intNum = decimalFormat.parse(stringNum).intValue()
assertEquals(intNum, expectedInt)
8. Exception Handling
So, if conversion fails, like if there are non-numeric characters, a NumberFormatException will be thrown. Additionally, in the case where String is null, NullPointerException will be thrown:
@Test(expected = NumberFormatException.class)
void givenInvalidString_whenUsingAs_thenThrowNumberFormatException() {
def invalidString = "123a"
invalidString as Integer
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
void givenNullString_whenUsingToInteger_thenThrowNullPointerException() {
def invalidString = null
To prevent this from happening, we can use the isInteger method:
void givenString_whenUsingIsInteger_thenCheckIfCorrectValue() {
def invalidString = "123a"
def validString = "123"
def invalidNum = invalidString?.isInteger() ? invalidString as Integer : false
def correctNum = validString?.isInteger() ? validString as Integer : false
assertEquals(false, invalidNum)
assertEquals(123, correctNum)
9. Summary
In this short article, we’ve shown some effective ways to switch from String to Integer objects in Groovy.
在这篇短文中,我们展示了一些在Groovy中从String 切换到Integer对象的有效方法。
When it comes to choosing the best method to convert an object type, all of the above are equally good. The most important thing is to avoid errors by first checking if the value of the String in our application can be non-numeric, empty, or null.
As usual, all code examples can be found over on GitHub.