1. Overview
When working with JSON in Java using the Gson library, we have several options at our disposal for converting raw JSON into other classes or data structures that we can work with more easily.
For example, we can convert JSON strings to a Map<String, Object> or create a custom class with mappings. However, sometimes it’s handy to be able to convert our JSON into a generic object.
例如,我们可以将JSON字符串转换为Map<String, Object>或者创建一个具有映射的自定义类。然而,有时能够将我们的JSON转换为一个通用对象是很方便的。
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how Gson can give us a JsonObject from a String.
在本教程中,我们将学习Gson如何从字符串中给我们一个JsonObject 。
2. Maven Dependency
First, we’ll need to include the gson dependency in our pom.xml:
We can find the latest version of gson on Maven Central.
我们可以在Maven Central上找到最新版本的gson。
3. Using JsonParser
The first approach we’ll examine for converting a JSON String to a JsonObject is a two-step process that uses the JsonParser class.
我们将研究的第一种将JSON String转换为JsonObject的方法是使用JsonParser类的两步过程。
For the first step, we need to parse our original String.
Gson provides us with a parser called JsonParser, which parses the specified JSON String into a parse tree of JsonElements:
public JsonElement parse(String json) throws JsonSyntaxException
Once we have our String parsed in a JsonElement tree, we’ll use the getAsJsonObject() method, which will return the desired result.
Let’s see how we get our final JsonObject:
String json = "{ \"name\": \"Baeldung\", \"java\": true }";
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse(json).getAsJsonObject();
Assert.assertTrue(jsonObject.get("java").getAsBoolean() == true);
4. Using fromJson
In our second approach, we’ll see how to create a Gson instance and use the fromJson method. This method deserializes the specified JSON String into an object of the specified class:
public <T> T fromJson(String json, Class<T> classOfT) throws JsonSyntaxException
Let’s see how we can use this method to parse our JSON String, passing the JsonObject class as the second parameter:
让我们看看如何使用这个方法来解析我们的JSON String,传递JsonObject类作为第二个参数。
String json = "{ \"name\": \"Baeldung\", \"java\": true }";
JsonObject convertedObject = new Gson().fromJson(json, JsonObject.class);
Assert.assertTrue(convertedObject.get("java").getAsBoolean() == true);
5. Conclusion
In this brief article, we learned two different ways to use the Gson library to get a JsonObject from a JSON-formatted String in Java. We should use the one that fits better with our intermediate JSON operations.
As usual, the source code for these examples is available over on GitHub.