1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at Hibernate Types. This library provides us with a few types that are not native in the core Hibernate ORM.
在本教程中,我们将看一下Hibernate类型。该库为我们提供了一些在核心Hibernate ORM中不存在的类型。
2. Dependencies
To enable Hibernate Types we’ll just add the appropriate hibernate-types dependency:
要启用Hibernate Types,我们只需添加相应的hibernate-types依赖关系。
This will work with Hibernate versions 5.4, 5.3, and 5.2.
In the event that the version of Hibernate is older, the artifactId value above will be different. For versions 5.1 and 5.0, we can use hibernate-types-51. Similarly, version 4.3 requires hibernate-types-43, and versions 4.2, and 4.1 require hibernate-types-4.
如果Hibernate的版本较老,上面的artifactId值将会不同。对于版本5.1和5.0,,我们可以使用hibernate-types-51. 类似地,版本4.3需要hibernate-types-43,,版本4.2和4.1需要hibernate-types-4.。
The examples in this tutorial require a database. Using Docker we’ve provided a database container. Therefore, we’ll need a working copy of Docker.
So, to run and create our database we only need to execute:
$ ./create-database.sh
3. Supported Databases
We can use our types with Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL databases. Therefore, the mapping of types in Java to database column types will vary depending on the database we use. In our case, we will use MySQL and map the JsonBinaryType to a JSON column type.
我们可以在Oracle、SQL Server、PostgreSQL和MySQL数据库中使用我们的类型。因此,Java中的类型与数据库列类型的映射将根据我们使用的数据库而有所不同。在我们的案例中,我们将使用MySQL并将JsonBinaryType映射到JSON列类型。
Documentation on the supported mappings can be found over on the Hibernate Types repository.
4. Data Model
The data model for this tutorial will allow us to store information about albums and songs. An album has cover art and one or more songs. A song has an artist and length. The cover art has two image URLs and a UPC code. Finally, an artist has a name, a country, and a musical genre.
In the past, we’d have created tables to represent all the data in our model. But, now that we have types available to us we can very easily store some of the data as JSON instead.
在过去,我们会创建表格来表示我们模型中的所有数据。但是,现在我们有了可用的类型,我们可以非常容易地将一些数据存储为 JSON。
For this tutorial, we’ll only create tables for the albums and the songs:
public class Album extends BaseEntity {
@Type(type = "json")
@Column(columnDefinition = "json")
private CoverArt coverArt;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Song> songs;
// other class members
public class Song extends BaseEntity {
private Long length = 0L;
@Type(type = "json")
@Column(columnDefinition = "json")
private Artist artist;
// other class members
Using the JsonStringType we’ll represent the cover art and artists as JSON columns in those tables:
public class Artist implements Serializable {
private String name;
private String country;
private String genre;
// other class members
public class CoverArt implements Serializable {
private String frontCoverArtUrl;
private String backCoverArtUrl;
private String upcCode;
// other class members
It’s important to note that the Artist and CoverArt classes are POJOs and not entities. Furthermore, they are members of our database entity classes, defined with the @Type(type = “json”) annotation.
需要注意的是,Artist和CoverArt类是POJO,而不是实体。此外,它们是我们数据库实体类的成员,用@Type(type = “json”)注解定义。
4.1. Storing JSON Types
4.1. 存储JSON类型
We defined our album and songs models to contain members the database will store as JSON. This is due to using the provided json type. In order to have that type available for us to use we must define it using a type definition:
@TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonStringType.class),
@TypeDef(name = "jsonb", typeClass = JsonBinaryType.class)
public class BaseEntity {
// class members
The @Type for JsonStringType and JsonBinaryType makes the types json and jsonb available.
The latest MySQL versions support JSON as a column type. Consequently, JDBC processes any JSON read from or any object saved to a column with either of these types as a String. This means that to map to the column correctly we must use JsonStringType in our type definition.
4.2. Hibernate
Ultimately, our types will automatically translate to SQL using JDBC and Hibernate. So, now we can create a few song objects, an album object and persist them to the database. Subsequently, Hibernate generates the following SQL statements:
最终,我们的类型将使用JDBC和Hibernate自动转换为SQL。所以,现在我们可以创建一些歌曲对象,一个专辑对象,并将它们持久化到数据库中。 随后,Hibernate会生成以下SQL语句。
insert into song (name, artist, length, id) values ('A Happy Song', '{"name":"Superstar","country":"England","genre":"Pop"}', 240, 3);
insert into song (name, artist, length, id) values ('A Sad Song', '{"name":"Superstar","country":"England","genre":"Pop"}', 120, 4);
insert into song (name, artist, length, id) values ('A New Song', '{"name":"Newcomer","country":"Jamaica","genre":"Reggae"}', 300, 6)
insert into album (name, cover_art, id) values ('Album 0', '{"frontCoverArtUrl":"http://fakeurl-0","backCoverArtUrl":"http://fakeurl-1","upcCode":"b2b9b193-ee04-4cdc-be8f-3a276769ab5b"}', 7)
As expected, our json type Java objects are all translated by Hibernate and stored as well-formed JSON in our database.
5. Storing Generic Types
Besides supporting JSON based columns, the library also adds a few generics types: YearMonth, Year, and Month from the java.time package.
除了支持基于JSON的列,该库还增加了一些泛型类型。YearMonth, Year,和Month来自java.time包。
Now, we can map these types that are not natively supported by Hibernate or JPA. Also, we now have the ability to store them as an Integer, String, or Date column.
For example, let’s say we want to add the recorded date of a song to our song model and store it as an Integer in our database. We can use the YearMonthIntegerType in our Song entity class definition:
typeClass = YearMonthIntegerType.class,
defaultForType = YearMonth.class
public class Song extends BaseEntity {
name = "recorded_on",
columnDefinition = "mediumint"
private YearMonth recordedOn = YearMonth.now();
// other class members
Our recordedOn property value is translated to the typeClass we provided. As a result, a pre-defined converter will persist the value in our database as an Integer.
6. Other Utility Classes
Hibernate Types has a few helper classes that further improve the developer experience when using Hibernate.
Hibernate Types有一些辅助类,可以进一步改善开发者在使用Hibernate时的体验。
The CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNamingStrategy maps camel-cased properties in our Java classes to snake-cased columns in our database.
The ClassImportIntegrator allows simple Java DTO class name values in JPA constructor parameters.
ClassImportIntegrator允许在JPA构造器参数中使用简单的Java DTO类名值。
There are also the ListResultTransformer and the MapResultTransformer classes providing cleaner implementations of the result objects used by JPA. In addition, they support the use of lambdas and provide backward compatibility with older JPA versions.
7. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we introduced the Hibernate Types Java library and the new types it adds to Hibernate and JPA. We also looked at some of the utilities and generic types provided by the library.
在本教程中,我们介绍了Hibernate Types Java库以及它为Hibernate和JPA增加的新类型。我们还看了该库所提供的一些实用工具和通用类型。
The implementation of the examples and code snippets are available over on GitHub.