Basic IntelliJ Configuration – IntelliJ的基本配置

最后修改: 2018年 11月 21日


1. Overview


A good IDE is important for developer productivity. IntelliJ is currently one of the leading IDEs and supports many programming languages.


In this tutorial, we’ll start with some of the basic configurations in IntelliJ, focusing on the Java programming language. We’ll also list the most common shortcuts in IntelliJ for boosting developer productivity.


2. Installing IntelliJ


First, we need to download and install IntelliJ for our platform. For the features that we are going to go over, either the Ultimate or Community edition will do great.

首先,我们需要下载并安装适合我们平台的 IntelliJ。对于我们将要讨论的功能,无论是终极版还是社区版都会有很好的效果。

3. Basic Project Configuration in IntelliJ


3.1. Configuring JDK


IntelliJ is written in Java and comes with a packaged JRE for running the IDE.


However, we’ll need to configure IntelliJ with a JDK to do any Java development. It can be configured either globally or per project.


First, let’s see how to configure a global JDK using the Switch IDE Boot JDK option:

首先,让我们看看如何使用Switch IDE Boot JDK选项来配置一个全局JDK。

Intellij JDK-1

The easiest way to find the Switch IDE Boot JDK option is from the “Find Action” wizard.

找到Switch IDE Boot JDK选项的最简单方法是通过 “查找动作 “向导。

We can get there from the Help menu or by typing Ctrl+Shift+A or Cmd+Shift+A. Usually, it will list every installed JDK and allow us to choose the desired one.


Next, we’ll create a new Java project.


3.2. Creating a Java Project


In order to create a new Java project, let’s bring up the New project wizard from File->New->Project:



Next, we’ll select Java in order to create a simple Java project.


Additionally, this window allows us to configure a project-specific JDK if we want to.


On the next screen, IntelliJ provides template projects like Hello World as a starting point, but let’s just select Finish and get started.

在下一个屏幕上,IntelliJ提供了像Hello World这样的模板项目作为起点,但我们还是选择完成并开始吧。

Now that we have a basic project structure, we can add a Java class by selecting the src folder and then either right-clicking or typing Alt+Insert. We’ll select Java Class from this menu and get a dialog where we can give it a name:

现在我们有了一个基本的项目结构,我们可以通过选择src文件夹,然后右击或输入Alt+Insert来添加一个Java类。我们将从这个菜单中选择Java Class,并得到一个对话框,我们可以给它一个名字。


3.3. Configuring Libraries


A Java project usually depends on a lot of external or third-party libraries. And while Maven and Gradle are the typical go-tos for managing this, let’s take a look at how to do this natively in IntelliJ.


Let’s say we want to use the StringUtils API from the commons-lang3 library.


Like the JDK settings, we can also configure libraries at global and project level. Global libraries are shared by all projects. Both global and project specific libraries can be added by accessing the Project Structure dialog (File->Project Structure).


In order to add the library, we must download it first. Normally, the common source for any external library is the Maven Repository. Hence, IntelliJ allows us to download it directly from any pre-configured Maven repository. And of course, if no repository is configured, it will search the Maven Central.

为了添加库,我们必须先下载它。通常情况下,任何外部库的共同来源是Maven仓库。因此,IntelliJ允许我们直接从任何预先配置的Maven仓库下载。当然,如果没有配置仓库, 它将搜索Maven Central


IntelliJ will now download the commons-lang3.jar into a specified folder. Along with that, it also adds it to the project classpath.


Of course, remember that adding a library this way is IntelliJ-specific and not as portable as more robust options. It’s convenient, though, for simple projects.


In the next section, we’ll use this library and execute a simple Java program.


4. Running or Debugging an Application


4.1. Run/Debug Configurations


Before we run our Java program, let’s add some code to the class we added earlier. We’ll simply use the added library and call StringUtils.reverse() to reverse any text given as a program argument:

在我们运行我们的Java程序之前,让我们为我们先前添加的类添加一些代码。我们将简单地使用添加的库并调用StringUtils.reverse() 来反转任何作为程序参数的文本。


Now, there are 2 approaches for running this main method in IntelliJ. Firstly, we can simply run Ctrl + Shift +F10 or Control + Shift + R/D from the main class. IntelliJ will then create a temporary Run configuration.

现在,在IntelliJ中运行这个主方法有两种方法。首先,我们可以简单地从主类中运行Ctrl + Shift + F10 Control + Shift + R/DIntelliJ随后将创建一个临时的运行配置。

However, since we have to pass a String to our StringReversal application as a program argument (the args[0] part), a temporary run configuration won’t work.

然而,由于我们必须将一个字符串传递给我们的StringReversal应用程序作为程序参数(args[0] 部分),临时运行配置将无法工作。

So, we can create a permanent Run/Debug Configuration.


We’ll do that using the “Edit Configurations” window from the Run Navigation bar (Run->Edit Configurations):


Run intelliJ

Here, we specify the name of our class to run in Main Class. It needs to have a main method for this to work.

在这里,我们在Main Class中指定我们要运行的类的名字。它需要有一个主方法,这样才能发挥作用。

We’ll also pass a String – baeldung, in this case – as a Program Argument to our application.


And, while we won’t demo this here, we can also configure JVM options and environment variables, too, for our application.


Contrary to temporary run configurations, IntelliJ saves this configuration and allows us to execute it any time with a click of a button.


4.2. Debugging a Java Application


IntelliJ has great support for debugging many languages. Let’s debug our String Reversal utility as an example.

IntelliJ对许多语言的调试有很好的支持。让我们以调试我们的String Reversalutility为例。

As with most IDEs, we can add a breakpoint on any line of our class from the editor by clicking on the side panel:


debug intelliJdebug intelliJ

Now, we can debug the class by clicking on the debug icon from the Run/Debug configuration.


In this case, the program is suspended at line 9 as shown above, allowing us to inspect the thread stack, inspect variables or even evaluate expressions (Alt+F8 or Option/Alt + F8).


At this point, we can either Step Into (F7) the StringUtils.reverse() method, Step Over (F8) the line or Resume Program (F9), meaning run until either the next breakpoint or until the end of the application.

在这一点上,我们可以选择Step Into (F7) StringUtils.reverse() method, Step Over (F8) the line 或者Resume Program (F9),意思是运行到下一个中断点或者直到应用程序的结束。

Usually, most IDEs allow the users to mark a line in a Java class as a breakpoint like we just used. In addition, IntelliJ allows us to configure more than just Line breakpoints. We can also do:


  • Temporary Breakpoint – A line breakpoint which is executed only once
  • Exception Breakpoint – A breakpoint on any exception class in Java. The debugger will pause when that exception is about to be thrown
  • Method Breakpoint – One that executes when entering or exiting a method
  • Field Breakpoint – And one that executes when a field is modified

A breakpoint can have conditional logic, too.


We can view and configure all the breakpoints in a project in the Breakpoints dialog Run->View Breakpoints (Ctrl+Shift+F8 or Cmd+Shift+F8).

我们可以在Breakpoints对话框Run->View BreakpointsCtrl+Shift+F8Cmd+Shift+F8)中查看和配置一个项目中的所有断点。

4.3. Building Artifacts


Now that we’ve tested, debugged and fixed all the issues, we are ready to ship our application. Therefore, we need to create deployable binaries for our application.


We can create deployable .jar binaries in IntelliJ automatically. 


First, in the Project Structure (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S or Cmd+;), we need to declare a new artifact.


We select “Artifacts”  and then click the plus button.


Next, we select a JAR artifact and also add dependencies in the JAR:


Intellij artifactsIntellij artifacts-1
Intellij artifacts

Next, we’ll go back to our Run/Debug Configuration dialog.


There, we need to add a Build Artifact task in the Before Launch window. As a result, a new executable jar is created for our application every time we execute our Run/Debug configuration.

在那里,我们需要在Before Launch窗口中添加一个Build Artifact任务。因此,每次我们执行运行/调试配置时,都会为我们的应用程序创建一个新的可执行程序jar

Again, building artifacts is not IDE-agnostic. This mechanism is specific to IntelliJ. A build management tool could be a better approach, similar to what we discussed for dependency management.


5. Common Shortcuts in IntelliJ


The shortcuts are really useful in boosting developers productivity. The following is a quick cheat sheet for the most common ones.


5.1. Navigation


  • Search Class – Ctrl + N / Cmd + O
  • Search All files – Double Shift
  • Recent Files – Ctrl + E / Cmd + E
  • Switch between files – Ctrl + Tab / Cmd + Tab
  • Type Hierarchy – Ctrl + H / Control + H
  • Call Hierarchy – Ctrl + Alt + H /  Control + Alt+ H
  • File structure popup – Ctrl + F12 / Cmd + F12 (lists all methods and fields)
  • Go to declaration – Ctrl + B / Cmd + b
  • Go to implementations – Ctrl + Alt + B / Cmd + Alt+ B
  • Show Project Structure – Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S / Cmd + ;

5.2. Editor

5.2. 编辑

  • Code Completion – Ctrl + Space / Control + Space
  • Method parameter info – Ctrl + P / Cmd + P
  • Method/Class documentation info – Ctrl + Q / Control + J
  • Reformat Code – Ctrl + Alt + L / Cmd + Alt + L
  • Optimize imports – Ctrl + Alt + O / Control + Alt + O
  • Duplicate line – Ctrl + D / Cmd + D
  • Delete line – Ctrl + Y / Cmd + Delete
  • Code selection – Ctrl + W / Alt + Up
  • Show quick actions – Alt + Enter / Alt + Return
  • System.out.println  sout + Ctrl + Enter / sout + Control + Space
  • public static void main  psvm + Ctrl + Enter / psvm + Control + Space
  • System.out.println for a method’s return value methodName().sout [Enter]
  • Assign method’s return value to local variablemethodName().var [Enter]

5.3. Refactoring


  • Rename class/method – Shift + F6
  • Extract Method – Ctrl + Alt + M / Cmd + Alt + M
  • Extract variable – Ctrl + Alt + V / Cmd + Alt + V
  • Extract field – Ctrl + Alt + F / Cmd + Alt + F
  • Extract constant – Ctrl + Alt + C / Cmd + Alt + C
  • Extract parameter – Ctrl + Alt + P / Cmd + Alt + P

6. Conclusion


In this article, we looked at some basic configurations in IntelliJ.


As an example, we created a Java project, added libraries, debugged it, and created an artifact, all in IntelliJ.


Lastly, we looked at shortcuts for some common actions.
