Difference Between @NotNull, @NotEmpty, and @NotBlank Constraints in Bean Validation – Bean验证中@NotNull、@NotEmpty和@NotBlank约束之间的区别

最后修改: 2018年 10月 11日


1. Overview


Bean Validation is a standard validation specification that allows us to easily validate domain objects by using a set of constraints declared in the form of annotations.

Bean Validation 是一种标准的验证规范,它允许我们通过使用以注解形式声明的一组约束来轻松验证领域对象

While overall the use of bean validation implementations, such as Hibernate Validator, are fairly straightforward, it’s worth exploring some subtle, yet relevant, differences regarding how some of these constraints are implemented.

虽然总体而言,使用Bean验证实现,例如Hibernate Validator,是相当直接的,但关于如何实现其中的一些约束,值得探索一些微妙的、但相关的差异。

In this tutorial, we’ll explore the differences between the @NotNull, @NotEmpty, and @NotBlank constraints.


2. The Maven Dependencies


To quickly set up a working environment and test the behavior of the @NotNull, @NotEmpty, and @NotBlank constraints, first we need to add the required Maven dependencies.


In this case, we’ll use Hibernate Validator, the bean validation reference implementation, for validating our domain objects.

在这种情况下,我们将使用Hibernate Validator,bean验证参考实现,来验证我们的域对象。

Here’s the relevant section of our pom.xml file:



We’ll use JUnit and AssertJ in our unit tests, so make sure to check the latest versions of hibernate-validator, GlassFish’s EL implementation, junit, and assertj-core on Maven Central.

我们将在单元测试中使用JUnitAssertJ,因此请确保检查hibernate-validator, GlassFish的EL实现junit,以及Maven中心的assertj-core

3. The @NotNull Constraint


Moving forward, let’s implement a naive UserNotNull domain class and constrain its name field with the @NotNull annotation:


public class UserNotNull {
    @NotNull(message = "Name may not be null")
    private String name;
    // standard constructors / getters / toString   

Now we need to examine how @NotNull actually works under the hood


To do so, let’s create a simple unit test for the class, and validate a few instances of it:


public static void setupValidatorInstance() {
    validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();

public void whenNotNullName_thenNoConstraintViolations() {
    UserNotNull user = new UserNotNull("John");
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotNull>> violations = validator.validate(user);
public void whenNullName_thenOneConstraintViolation() {
    UserNotNull user = new UserNotNull(null);
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotNull>> violations = validator.validate(user);
public void whenEmptyName_thenNoConstraintViolations() {
    UserNotNull user = new UserNotNull("");
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotNull>> violations = validator.validate(user);

As expected, the @NotNull constraint won’t allow null values for the constrained field(s). However, the field(s) can be empty.


To better understand this, let’s look at the NotNullValidator classisValid() method, which the @NotNull constraint uses. The method implementation is really trivial:


public boolean isValid(Object object) {
    return object != null;  

As shown above, a field (e.g. CharSequence, Collection, Map, or Array) constrained with @NotNull must be not null. An empty value, however, is perfectly legal.


4. The @NotEmpty Constraint


Now let’s implement a sample UserNotEmpty class and use the @NotEmpty constraint:


public class UserNotEmpty {
    @NotEmpty(message = "Name may not be empty")
    private String name;
    // standard constructors / getters / toString

With the class in place, let’s test it by assigning different values to the name field:


public void whenNotEmptyName_thenNoConstraintViolations() {
    UserNotEmpty user = new UserNotEmpty("John");
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotEmpty>> violations = validator.validate(user);
public void whenEmptyName_thenOneConstraintViolation() {
    UserNotEmpty user = new UserNotEmpty("");
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotEmpty>> violations = validator.validate(user);
public void whenNullName_thenOneConstraintViolation() {
    UserNotEmpty user = new UserNotEmpty(null);
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotEmpty>> violations = validator.validate(user);

The @NotEmpty annotation makes use of the @NotNull class’ isValid() implementation, and also checks that the size/length of the supplied object (of course, this varies according to the type of object being validated) is greater than zero.


In a nutshell, this means that a field (e.g. CharSequence, Collection, Map, or Array) constrained with @NotEmpty must be not null, and its size/length must be greater than zero.


Additionally, we can be even more restrictive if we use the @NotEmpty annotation in conjunction with @Size.


In doing so, we’d also enforce that the object’s min and max size values are within the specified min/max range:


@NotEmpty(message = "Name may not be empty")
@Size(min = 2, max = 32, message = "Name must be between 2 and 32 characters long") 
private String name;

5. The @NotBlank Constraint


Similarly, we can constrain a class field with the @NotBlank annotation:


public class UserNotBlank {

    @NotBlank(message = "Name may not be blank")
    private String name;
    // standard constructors / getters / toString


Along the same lines, we can implement a unit test to understand how the @NotBlank constraint works:


public void whenNotBlankName_thenNoConstraintViolations() {
    UserNotBlank user = new UserNotBlank("John");
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotBlank>> violations = validator.validate(user);
public void whenBlankName_thenOneConstraintViolation() {
    UserNotBlank user = new UserNotBlank(" ");
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotBlank>> violations = validator.validate(user);
public void whenEmptyName_thenOneConstraintViolation() {
    UserNotBlank user = new UserNotBlank("");
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotBlank>> violations = validator.validate(user);
public void whenNullName_thenOneConstraintViolation() {
    UserNotBlank user = new UserNotBlank(null);
    Set<ConstraintViolation<UserNotBlank>> violations = validator.validate(user);

The @NotBlank annotation uses the NotBlankValidator class, which checks that a character sequence’s trimmed length is not empty:


public boolean isValid(
  CharSequence charSequence, 
  ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext)
    if (charSequence == null ) {
        return true; 
    return charSequence.toString().trim().length() > 0;

Funny enough, the method returns true for null values. So we might think that @NotBlank does allow null values, but it actually doesn’t.


The @NotNull class’ isValid() method is called after the @NotBlank class’ isValid(), hence forbidding null values.


To put it simply, a String field constrained with @NotBlank must be not null, and the trimmed length must be greater than zero.


6. A Side-by-Side Comparison


So far, we’ve taken an in-depth look at how the @NotNull, @NotEmpty, and @NotBlank constraints operate individually on class fields.


Let’s perform a quick side-by-side comparison, so we can have a bird’s eye view of the constraints’ functionality and easily spot their differences:


  • @NotNull: a constrained CharSequence, Collection, Map, or Array is valid as long as it’s not null, but it can be empty.
  • @NotEmpty: a constrained CharSequence, Collection, Map, or Array is valid as long as it’s not null, and its size/length is greater than zero.
  • @NotBlank: a constrained String is valid as long as it’s not null, and the trimmed length is greater than zero.

7. Conclusion


In this article, we looked at the @NotNull, @NotEmpty, and @NotBlank constraints implemented in Bean Validation, and highlighted their similarities and differences.

在这篇文章中,我们看了Bean Validation中实现的@NotNull@NotEmpty@NotBlank约束,并强调了它们的相似性和差异。

As usual, all the code samples shown in this article are available over on GitHub.
