1. Overview
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at the Java implementation of Boruvka’s algorithm for finding a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of an edge-weighted graph.
It predates Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms, but still can be considered a cross between the two.
2. Boruvka’s Algorithm
We’ll jump right into the algorithm at hand. Let’s look at a bit of history and then the algorithm itself.
2.1. History
A way to find an MST of a given graph was first formulated by Otakar Boruvka in 1926. This was way before computers even existed, and was in fact modeled to design an efficient electricity distribution system.
找到给定图形的MST的方法是由Otakar Boruvka在1926年首次提出的。这是在计算机出现之前的事情,实际上是为了设计一个高效的电力分配系统而建立的模型。
Georges Sollin rediscovered it in 1965 and used it in parallel computing.
2.2. The Algorithm
The central idea of the algorithm is to start with a bunch of trees with each vertex representing an isolated tree. Then, we need to keep adding edges to reduce the number of isolated trees until we have a single connected tree.
Let’s see this in steps with an example graph:
- Step 0: create a graph
- Step 1: start with a bunch of unconnected trees (number of trees = number of vertices)
- Step 2: while there are unconnected trees, for each unconnected tree:
- find its edge with lesser weight
- add this edge to connect another tree
3. Java Implementation
Now let’s see how we can implement this in Java.
3.1. The UnionFind Data Structure
To start with, we need a data structure to store the parents and ranks of our vertices.
Let’s define a class UnionFind for this purpose, with two methods: union, and find:
让我们为此定义一个UnionFind类,有两个方法。union, 和find。
public class UnionFind {
private int[] parents;
private int[] ranks;
public UnionFind(int n) {
parents = new int[n];
ranks = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
parents[i] = i;
ranks[i] = 0;
public int find(int u) {
while (u != parents[u]) {
u = parents[u];
return u;
public void union(int u, int v) {
int uParent = find(u);
int vParent = find(v);
if (uParent == vParent) {
if (ranks[uParent] < ranks[vParent]) {
parents[uParent] = vParent;
} else if (ranks[uParent] > ranks[vParent]) {
parents[vParent] = uParent;
} else {
parents[vParent] = uParent;
We may think of this class as a helper structure for maintaining relationships between our vertices and gradually building up our MST.
To find out whether two vertices u and v belong to the same tree, we see if find(u) returns the same parent as find(v). The union method is used to combine trees. We’ll see this usage shortly.
3.2. Input a Graph From the User
Now we need a way to get a graph’s vertices and edges from the user and map them to objects we can use in our algorithm at runtime.
Since we’ll use JUnit to test out our algorithm, this part goes in a @Before method:
public void setup() {
graph = ValueGraphBuilder.undirected().build();
graph.putEdgeValue(0, 1, 8);
graph.putEdgeValue(0, 2, 5);
graph.putEdgeValue(1, 2, 9);
graph.putEdgeValue(1, 3, 11);
graph.putEdgeValue(2, 3, 15);
graph.putEdgeValue(2, 4, 10);
graph.putEdgeValue(3, 4, 7);
Here, we’ve used Guava’s MutableValueGraph<Integer, Integer> to store our graph. Then we used ValueGraphBuilder to construct an undirected weighted graph.
在这里,我们使用Guava的MutableValueGraph<Integer, Integer>来存储我们的图。然后我们使用ValueGraphBuilder来构建一个无向加权图。
The method putEdgeValue takes three arguments, two Integers for the vertices, and the third Integer for its weight, as specified by MutableValueGraph‘s generic type declaration.
As we can see, this is the same input as shown in our diagram from earlier.
3.3. Derive Minimum Spanning Tree
Finally, we come to the crux of the matter, the implementation of the algorithm.
We’ll do this in a class we’ll call BoruvkaMST. First, let’s declare a couple of instance variables:
public class BoruvkaMST {
private static MutableValueGraph<Integer, Integer> mst = ValueGraphBuilder.undirected().build();
private static int totalWeight;
As we can see, we are making use of MutableValueGraph<Integer, Integer> here to represent the MST.
我们可以看到,我们在这里利用MutableValueGraph<Integer, Integer>来表示MST。
Second, we’ll define a constructor, where all the magic happens. It takes one argument – the graph we built earlier.
The first thing it does is to initialize a UnionFind of the input graph’s vertices. Initially, all vertices are their own parents, each with a rank of 0:
它做的第一件事是初始化输入图的顶点的UnionFind。 最初,所有顶点都是它们自己的父辈,每个顶点的等级为0。
public BoruvkaMST(MutableValueGraph<Integer, Integer> graph) {
int size = graph.nodes().size();
UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(size);
Next, we’ll create a loop that defines the number of iterations required to create the MST – at most log V times or until we have V-1 edges, where V is the number of vertices:
for (int t = 1; t < size && mst.edges().size() < size - 1; t = t + t) {
EndpointPair<Integer>[] closestEdgeArray = new EndpointPair[size];
Here we also initialize an array of edges, closestEdgeArray – to store the closest, lesser-weighted edges.
这里我们也初始化了一个边缘数组,closestEdgeArray – 来存储最接近的、权重较低的边缘。
After that, we’ll define an inner for loop to iterate over all the edges of the graph to populate our closestEdgeArray.
If the parents of the two vertices are the same, it’s the same tree and we don’t add it to the array. Otherwise, we compare the current edge’s weight to the weight of its parent vertices’ edges. If it’s lesser, then we add it to closestEdgeArray:
for (EndpointPair<Integer> edge : graph.edges()) {
int u = edge.nodeU();
int v = edge.nodeV();
int uParent = uf.find(u);
int vParent = uf.find(v);
if (uParent == vParent) {
int weight = graph.edgeValueOrDefault(u, v, 0);
if (closestEdgeArray[uParent] == null) {
closestEdgeArray[uParent] = edge;
if (closestEdgeArray[vParent] == null) {
closestEdgeArray[vParent] = edge;
int uParentWeight = graph.edgeValueOrDefault(closestEdgeArray[uParent].nodeU(),
closestEdgeArray[uParent].nodeV(), 0);
int vParentWeight = graph.edgeValueOrDefault(closestEdgeArray[vParent].nodeU(),
closestEdgeArray[vParent].nodeV(), 0);
if (weight < uParentWeight) {
closestEdgeArray[uParent] = edge;
if (weight < vParentWeight) {
closestEdgeArray[vParent] = edge;
Then, we’ll define a second inner loop to create a tree. We’ll add edges from the above step to this tree without adding the same edge twice. Additionally, we’ll perform a union on our UnionFind to derive and store parents and ranks of the newly created trees’ vertices:
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
EndpointPair<Integer> edge = closestEdgeArray[i];
if (edge != null) {
int u = edge.nodeU();
int v = edge.nodeV();
int weight = graph.edgeValueOrDefault(u, v, 0);
if (uf.find(u) != uf.find(v)) {
mst.putEdgeValue(u, v, weight);
totalWeight += weight;
uf.union(u, v);
After repeating these steps at most log V times or until we have V-1 edges, the resulting tree is our MST.
4. Testing
Finally, let’s see a simple JUnit to verify our implementation:
public void givenInputGraph_whenBoruvkaPerformed_thenMinimumSpanningTree() {
BoruvkaMST boruvkaMST = new BoruvkaMST(graph);
MutableValueGraph<Integer, Integer> mst = boruvkaMST.getMST();
assertEquals(30, boruvkaMST.getTotalWeight());
assertEquals(4, mst.getEdgeCount());
As we can see, we got the MST with a weight of 30 and 4 edges, the same as the pictorial example.
5. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we saw the Java implementation of the Boruvka Algorithm. Its time complexity is O(E log V), where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices.
在本教程中,我们看到了Boruvka算法的Java实现。其时间复杂度为O(E log V),其中E为边的数量,V为顶点的数量。
As always, source code is available over on GitHub.