How to Filter a Collection in Java – 如何在Java中过滤一个集合

最后修改: 2018年 7月 30日


1. Overview


In this short tutorial, we’ll have a look at different ways of filtering a Collection in Java – that is, finding all the items that meet a certain condition.


This is a fundamental task that is present in practically any Java application.


For this reason, the number of libraries that provide functionality for this purpose is significant.


Particularly, in this tutorial we’ll cover:


  • Java 8 Streams’ filter() function
  • Java 9 filtering collector
  • Relevant Eclipse Collections APIs
  • Apache’s CollectionUtils filter() method
  • Guava’s Collections2 filter() approach

2. Using Streams


Since Java 8 was introduced, Streams have gained a key role in most cases where we have to process a collection of data.

自Java 8推出以来,Streams在我们必须处理数据集合的大多数情况下获得了关键作用。

Consequently, this is the preferred approach in most cases as it is built in Java and requires no additional dependencies.


2.1. Filtering a Collection with Streams


For the sake of simplicity, in all the examples our objective will be to create a method that retrieves only the even numbers from a Collection of Integer values.


Thus, we can express the condition that we’ll use to evaluate each item as ‘value % 2 == 0‘.

因此,我们可以将我们用来评估每个项目的条件表达为’value % 2 == 0‘。

In all the cases, we’ll have to define this condition as a Predicate object:


public Collection<Integer> findEvenNumbers(Collection<Integer> baseCollection) {
    Predicate<Integer> streamsPredicate = item -> item % 2 == 0;


It’s important to note that each library we analyze in this tutorial provides its own Predicate implementation, but that still, all of them are defined as functional interfaces, therefore allowing us to use Lambda functions to declare them.

需要注意的是,我们在本教程中分析的每个库都提供了自己的Predicate 实现,但仍然是所有的库都被定义为功能接口,因此允许我们使用Lambda函数来声明它们。

In this case, we used a predefined Collector provided by Java that accumulates the elements into a List, but we could’ve used others, as discussed in this previous post.


2.2. Filtering After Grouping a Collection in Java 9

2.2.在Java 9中对一个集合进行分组后进行过滤

Streams allow us to aggregate items using the groupingBy collector.

流允许我们使用groupingBy collector来聚合项目。

Yet, if we filter as we did in the last section, some elements might get discarded in an early stage, before this collector comes into play.


For this reason, the filtering collector was introduced with Java 9, with the objective of processing the subcollections after they have been grouped.

出于这个原因,过滤收集器被引入Java 9,目的是在子收集被分组后进行处理。

Following our example, let’s imagine we want to group our collection based on the number of digits each Integer has, before filtering out the odd numbers:


public Map<Integer, List<Integer>> findEvenNumbersAfterGrouping(
  Collection<Integer> baseCollection) {
    Function<Integer, Integer> getQuantityOfDigits = item -> (int) Math.log10(item) + 1;
        filtering(item -> item % 2 == 0, toList())));

In short, if we use this collector, we might end up with an empty value entry, whereas if we filter before grouping, the collector wouldn’t create such an entry at all.


Of course, we would choose the approach based on our requirements.


3. Using Eclipse Collections


We can also make use of some other third-party libraries to accomplish our objective, either if its because our application doesn’t support Java 8 or because we want to take advantage of some powerful functionality not provided by Java.

我们还可以利用其他一些第三方库来实现我们的目标,这可能是因为我们的应用程序不支持Java 8,或者是因为我们想利用一些Java没有提供的强大功能。

Such is the case of Eclipse Collections, a library that strives to keep up with the new paradigms, evolving and embracing the changes introduced by all the latest Java releases.

这就是Eclipse Collections的情况,这个库努力跟上新的范式,不断发展并拥抱所有最新的Java版本所带来的变化。

We can begin by exploring our Eclipse Collections Introductory post to have a broader knowledge of the functionality provided by this library.

我们可以从探索我们的Eclipse Collections介绍帖子开始,对这个库所提供的功能有一个更广泛的了解。

3.1. Dependencies

3.1. 依赖性

Let’s begin by adding the following dependency to our project’s pom.xml:



The eclipse-collections includes all the necessary data structure interfaces and the API itself.


3.2. Filtering a Collection with Eclipse Collections

3.2.用Eclipse Collections过滤一个集合

Let’s now use eclipse’s filtering functionality on one of its data structures, such as its MutableList:


public Collection<Integer> findEvenNumbers(Collection<Integer> baseCollection) {
    Predicate<Integer> eclipsePredicate
      = item -> item % 2 == 0;
    Collection<Integer> filteredList = Lists.mutable

    return filteredList;

As an alternative, we could’ve used the Iterate‘s select() static method to define the filteredList object:


Collection<Integer> filteredList
 =, eclipsePredicate);

4. Using Apache’s CollectionUtils


To get started with Apache’s CollectionUtils library, we can check out this short tutorial where we covered its uses.


In this tutorial, however, we’ll focus on its filter() implementation.

然而,在本教程中,我们将专注于它的 filter()实现。

4.1. Dependencies

4.1. 依赖性

First, we’ll need the following dependencies in our pom.xml file:



4.2. Filtering a Collection with CollectionUtils


We are now ready to use the CollectonUtils‘ methods:


public Collection<Integer> findEvenNumbers(Collection<Integer> baseCollection) {
    Predicate<Integer> apachePredicate = item -> item % 2 == 0;

    CollectionUtils.filter(baseCollection, apachePredicate);
    return baseCollection;

We have to take into account that this method modifies the baseCollection by removing every item that doesn’t match the condition.


This means that the base Collection has to be mutable, otherwise it will throw an exception.


5. Using Guava’s Collections2


As before, we can read our previous post ‘Filtering and Transforming Collections in Guava’ for further information on this subject.

和以前一样,我们可以阅读我们以前的文章‘Filtering and Transforming Collections in Guava’,以了解关于这个问题的进一步信息。

5.1. Dependencies


Let’s start by adding this dependency in our pom.xml file:



5.2. Filtering a Collection with Collections2


As we can see, this approach is fairly similar to the one followed in the last section:


public Collection<Integer> findEvenNumbers(Collection<Integer> baseCollection) {
    Predicate<Integer> guavaPredicate = item -> item % 2 == 0;
    return Collections2.filter(baseCollection, guavaPredicate);

Again, here we define a Guava specific Predicate object.


In this case, Guava doesn’t modify the baseCollection, it generates a new one, so we can use an immutable collection as input.


6. Conclusion


In summary, we’ve seen that there are many different ways of filtering collections in Java.


Even though Streams are usually the preferred approach, its good to know and keep in mind the functionality offered by other libraries.


Especially if we need to support older Java versions. However, if this is the case, we need to keep in mind recent Java features used throughout the tutorial such as lambdas should be replaced with anonymous classes.


As usual, we can find all the examples shown in this tutorial in our Github repo.

像往常一样,我们可以在我们的Github repo中找到本教程中显示的所有示例。