In this quick tutorial we’re going to convert a Reader into a String using plain Java, Guava and the Apache Commons IO library.
在这个快速教程中,我们将使用普通的Java、Guava和Apache Commons IO库将一个Reader转换为一个String。
This article is part of the “Java – Back to Basic” series here on Baeldung.
本文是Baeldung网站上“Java – Back to Basic “系列的一部分。
1. With Java
Let’s start with a simple Java solution that reads characters sequentially from the Reader:
public void givenUsingPlainJava_whenConvertingReaderIntoStringV1_thenCorrect()
throws IOException {
StringReader reader = new StringReader("text");
int intValueOfChar;
String targetString = "";
while ((intValueOfChar = != -1) {
targetString += (char) intValueOfChar;
If there is a lot of content to read, a bulk-read solution will work better:
public void givenUsingPlainJava_whenConvertingReaderIntoStringV2_thenCorrect()
throws IOException {
Reader initialReader = new StringReader("text");
char[] arr = new char[8 * 1024];
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
int numCharsRead;
while ((numCharsRead =, 0, arr.length)) != -1) {
buffer.append(arr, 0, numCharsRead);
String targetString = buffer.toString();
2. With Guava
Guava provides a utility that can do the conversion directly:
public void givenUsingGuava_whenConvertingReaderIntoString_thenCorrect()
throws IOException {
Reader initialReader = CharSource.wrap("With Google Guava").openStream();
String targetString = CharStreams.toString(initialReader);
3. With Commons IO
3.使用Commons IO
Same with Apache Commons IO – there is an IO utility capable of performing the direct conversion:
与Apache Commons IO相同 – 有一个IO工具能够进行直接转换。
public void givenUsingCommonsIO_whenConvertingReaderIntoString_thenCorrect()
throws IOException {
Reader initialReader = new StringReader("With Apache Commons");
String targetString = IOUtils.toString(initialReader);
And there you have it – 4 ways of transforming a Reader into a plain String. Make sure to check out the sample over on GitHub.