1. Introduction
One of the most interesting features introduced in Java 8 is effectively final. It allows us to not write the final modifier for variables, fields, and parameters that are effectively treated and used like final ones.
Java 8中引入的最有趣的功能之一是有效的final。它允许我们不为变量、字段和参数写final修饰符,这些变量、字段和参数被有效地处理和使用。
In this tutorial, we’ll explore this feature’s origin and how it’s treated by the compiler compared to the final keyword. Furthermore, we’ll explore a solution to use regarding a problematic use-case of effectively final variables.
2. Effectively Final Origin
In simple terms, objects or primitive values are effectively final if we do not change their values after initialization. In the case of objects, if we do not change the reference of an object, then it is effectively final — even if a change occurs in the state of the referenced object.
Prior to its introduction, we could not use a non-final local variable in an anonymous class. We still cannot use variables that have more than one value assigned to them inside anonymous classes, inner classes, and lambda expressions. The introduction of this feature allows us to not have to use the final modifier on variables that are effectively final, saving us a few keystrokes.
Anonymous classes are inner classes and they cannot access non-final or non-effectively-final variables or mutate them in their enclosing scopes as specified by JLS 8.1.3. The same limitation applies to lambda expressions, as having access can potentially produce concurrency issues.
匿名类是内层类,它们不能访问非最终变量或非有效最终变量,也不能按照JLS 8.1.3.的规定在其包围范围内突变这些变量。同样的限制也适用于lambda表达式,因为有访问可能产生并发问题。
3. Final vs Effectively Final
The simplest way to understand whether a final variable is effectively final is to think whether removing the final keyword would allow the code to compile and run:
public interface FunctionalInterface {
void testEffectivelyFinal();
default void test() {
int effectivelyFinalInt = 10;
FunctionalInterface functionalInterface
= () -> System.out.println("Value of effectively variable is : " + effectivelyFinalInt);
Reassigning a value or mutating the above effectively final variable would make the code invalid regardless of where it occurs.
3.1. Compiler Treatment
JLS 4.12.4 states that if we remove the final modifier from a method parameter or a local variable without introducing compile-time errors, then it’s effectively final. Moreover, if we add the final keyword to a variable’s declaration in a valid program, then it’s effectively final.
JLS 4.12.4指出,如果我们从一个方法参数或局部变量中移除final修饰符而不引入编译时错误,那么它实际上就是最终的。此外,如果我们将final关键字添加到一个有效程序中的变量声明中,那么它实际上是最终的。
The Java compiler doesn’t do additional optimization for effectively final variables, unlike it does for final variables.
Let’s consider a simple example that declares two final String variables but only uses them for concatenation:
让我们考虑一个简单的例子,它声明了两个final String变量,但只将它们用于连接。
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String hello = "hello";
final String world = "world";
String test = hello + " " + world;
The compiler would change the code executed in the main method above to:
public static void main(String[] var0) {
String var1 = "hello world";
On the other hand, if we remove the final modifiers, the variables would be considered effectively final, but the compiler won’t remove them since they’re only used for concatenation.
4. Atomic Modification
Generally, it’s not a good practice to modify variables used in lambda expressions and anonymous classes. We cannot know how these variables are going to be used inside method blocks. Mutating them might lead to unexpected results in multithreading environments.
We already have a tutorial explaining the best practices when using lambda expressions and another that explains common anti-patterns when we modify them. But there’s an alternative approach that allows us to modify variables in such cases that achieves thread-safety through atomicity.
The package java.util.concurrent.atomic offers classes such as AtomicReference and AtomicInteger. We can use them to atomically modify variables inside lambda expressions:
public static void main(String[] args) {
AtomicInteger effectivelyFinalInt = new AtomicInteger(10);
FunctionalInterface functionalInterface = effectivelyFinalInt::incrementAndGet;
5. Conclusion
In this tutorial, we learned about the most notable differences between final and effectively final variables. In addition, we provided a safe alternative that allows us to modify variables inside lambda functions.