How to Access an Iteration Counter in a For Each Loop – 如何在For Each循环中访问一个迭代计数器

最后修改: 2020年 11月 25日


1. Overview


While iterating over data in Java, we may wish to access both the current item and its position in the data source.


This is very easy to achieve in a classic for loop, where the position is usually the focus of the loop’s calculations, but it requires a little more work when we use constructs like for each loop or stream.

这在经典的for循环中很容易实现,因为位置通常是循环计算的重点,但当我们使用for each循环或流等结构时,需要多做一些工作。

In this short tutorial, we’ll look at a few ways that for each operation can include a counter.


2. Implementing a Counter


Let’s start with a simple example. We’ll take an ordered list of movies and output them with their ranking.


List<String> IMDB_TOP_MOVIES = Arrays.asList("The Shawshank Redemption",
  "The Godfather", "The Godfather II", "The Dark Knight");

2.1. for Loop

2.1. for循环

A for loop uses a counter to reference the current item, so it’s an easy way to operate over both the data and its index in the list:

for 循环使用一个计数器来引用当前的项目,所以它是对数据和它在列表中的索引进行操作的一种简单方法。

List rankings = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < movies.size(); i++) {
    String ranking = (i + 1) + ": " + movies.get(i);

As this List is probably an ArrayList, the get operation is efficient, and the above code is a simple solution to our problem.


  .containsExactly("1: The Shawshank Redemption",
      "2: The Godfather", "3: The Godfather II", "4: The Dark Knight");

However, not all data sources in Java can be iterated over this way. Sometimes get is a time-intensive operation, or we can only process the next element of a data source using Stream or Iterable.


2.2. for Each Loop

2.2.for Each循环

We’ll continue using our list of movies, but let’s pretend that we can only iterate over it using Java’s for each construct:

我们将继续使用我们的电影列表,但让我们假设我们只能使用Java的for each结构对其进行迭代。

for (String movie : IMDB_TOP_MOVIES) {
   // use movie value

Here we need to use a separate variable to track the current index. We can construct that outside of the loop, and increment it inside:


int i = 0;
for (String movie : movies) {
    String ranking = (i + 1) + ": " + movie;


We should note that we have to increment the counter after it has been used within the loop.


3. A Functional for Each


Writing the counter extension every time we need it might result in code duplication and may risk accidental bugs concerning when to update the counter variable. We can, therefore, generalize the above using Java’s functional interfaces.

在我们每次需要的时候编写计数器扩展可能会导致代码的重复,并且可能会有意外的错误,涉及到何时更新计数器变量。因此,我们可以使用Java的functional interfaces来概括上述内容。

First, we should think of the behavior inside the loop as a consumer of both the item in the collection and also the index. This can be modeled using BiConsumer, which defines an accept function that takes two parameters


public interface BiConsumer<T, U> {
   void accept(T t, U u);

As the inside of our loop is something that uses two values, we could write a general looping operation. It could take the Iterable of the source data, over which the for each loop will run, and the BiConsumer for the operation to perform on each item and its index. We can make this generic with the type parameter T:

由于我们的循环的内部是使用两个值的东西,我们可以写一个一般的循环操作。它可以接受源数据的Iterable,for each循环将在其上运行,而BiConsumer用于对每个项目及其索引执行操作。我们可以通过类型参数T使其通用。

static <T> void forEachWithCounter(Iterable<T> source, BiConsumer<Integer, T> consumer) {
    int i = 0;
    for (T item : source) {
        consumer.accept(i, item);

We can use this with our movie rankings example by providing the implementation for the BiConsumer as a lambda:


List rankings = new ArrayList<>();
forEachWithCounter(movies, (i, movie) -> {
    String ranking = (i + 1) + ": " + movies.get(i);

4. Adding a Counter to forEach with Stream


The Java Stream API allows us to express how our data passes through filters and transformations. It also provides a forEach function. Let’s try to convert that into an operation that includes the counter.

Java Stream API允许我们表达我们的数据如何通过过滤器和转换。它还提供了一个forEach函数。让我们试着将其转换为包括计数器的操作。

The Stream forEach function takes a Consumer to process the next item. We could, however, create that Consumer to keep track of the counter and pass the item onto a BiConsumer:

Stream forEach函数需要一个Consumer来处理下一个项目。然而,我们可以创建该Consumer来跟踪计数器,并将该项目传递给BiConsumer

public static <T> Consumer<T> withCounter(BiConsumer<Integer, T> consumer) {
    AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
    return item -> consumer.accept(counter.getAndIncrement(), item);

This function returns a new lambda. That lambda uses the AtomicInteger object to keep track of the counter during iteration. The getAndIncrement function is called every time there’s a new item.


The lambda created by this function delegates to the BiConsumer passed in so that the algorithm can process both the item and its index.


Let’s see this in use by our movie ranking example against a Stream called movies:


List rankings = new ArrayList<>();
movies.forEach(withCounter((i, movie) -> {
    String ranking = (i + 1) + ": " + movie;

Inside the forEach is a call to the withCounter function to create an object which both tracks the count and acts as the Consumer that the forEach operation passes its values too.


5. Conclusion


In this short article, we’ve looked at three ways to attach a counter to Java for each operation.


We saw how to track the index of the current item on each implementation of them for a loop. We then looked at how to generalize this pattern and how to add it to streaming operations.


As always the example code for this article is available over on GitHub.
