A Guide to Java Profilers – Java分析器指南

最后修改: 2017年 10月 14日


1. Overview


Sometimes writing code that just runs is not enough. We might want to know what goes on internally such as how memory is allocated, consequences of using one coding approach over another, implications of concurrent executions, areas to improve performance, etc. We can use profilers for this.


A Java Profiler is a tool that monitors Java bytecode constructs and operations at the JVM level. These code constructs and operations include object creation, iterative executions (including recursive calls), method executions, thread executions, and garbage collections.


In this article, we’ll be discussing the main Java Profilers: JProfiler, YourKit, Java VisualVM, the Netbeans Profiler, and the IntelliJ Profiler.

在这篇文章中,我们将讨论主要的Java剖析器。JProfilerYourKitJava VisualVMNetbeans Profiler,以及IntelliJ Profiler

2. JProfiler


JProfiler is a top choice for many developers. With an intuitive UI, JProfiler provides interfaces for viewing system performance, memory usage, potential memory leaks, and thread profiling.


With this information, we can easily know what we need to optimize, eliminate, or change – in the underlying system.


This product requires purchasing a license, but also offers a free trial.


Here’s what the JProfiler’s interface looks like:


jprofiler overview probingJProfiler overview interface with features

jprofiler overview probingJProfiler概述界面的特点

Like most profilers, we can use this tool for both local and remote applications. This means that it’s possible to profile Java applications running on remote machines without having to install anything on them.


JProfiler also provides advanced profiling for both SQL and NoSQL databases. It provides specific support for profiling JDBC, JPA/Hibernate, MongoDB, Casandra, and HBase databases.


The below screenshot shows the JDBC probing interface with a list of current connections:


jprofiler database probing 1JProfiler database probing view


If we are keen on learning about the call tree of interactions with our database and seeing connections that may be leaked, JProfiler nicely handles this.


Live Memory is one feature of JProfiler that allows us to see current memory usage by our application. We can view memory usage for object declarations and instances or for the full call tree.


In the case of the allocation call tree, we can choose to view the call tree of live objects, garbage-collected objects, or both. We can also decide if this allocation tree should be for a particular class or package or all classes.


The screen below shows the live memory usage by all objects with instance counts:


jprofiler live memoryJProfiler live memory view

jprofiler live memoryJProfiler实时内存视图

JProfiler supports integration with popular IDEs such as Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ. It’s even possible to navigate from snapshot to source code!


3. YourKit


YourKit Java Profiler runs on many different platforms and provides separate installations for each supported operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, etc.).

YourKit Java Profiler可以在许多不同的平台上运行,并为每个支持的操作系统(Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD等)提供单独的安装。

Like JProfiler, YourKit has core features for visualizing threads, garbage collections, memory usage, and memory leaks, with support for local and remote profiling via ssh tunneling.


YourKit offers both paid licenses for commercial use, with a  free trial, and lower cost or free licenses for non-commercial use.


Here’s a quick look at the memory profiling results of a Tomcat server application:


yourkit tomcat profiling memoryYourKit Java Profiler memory profiling of Tomcat server application

yourkit tomcat profiling memoryYourKit Java Profiler对Tomcat服务器程序进行内存分析

YourKit also comes in handy those times when we want to profile thrown exceptions. We can easily find out what types of exceptions were thrown and the number of times each exception occurred.


YourKit has an interesting CPU profiling feature that allows focused profiling on certain areas of our code such as methods or subtrees in threads. This is very powerful as it allows for conditional profiling through its what-if feature.


Figure 5 shows an example of the thread-profiling interface:


yourkit threads profilingFigure 5. YourKit Java Profiler threads profiling interface

yourkit threads profiling图5.YourKit Java Profiler线程剖析界面</a

We can also profile SQL, and NoSQL database calls with YourKit. It even provides a view for actual queries that were executed.


Though this is not a technical consideration, the permissive licensing model of YourKit makes it a good choice for multi-user or distributed teams, as well as for single-license purchases.


4. Java VisualVM

4.Java VisualVM[/strong]

Java VisualVM is a simplified yet robust profiling tool for Java applications. This is a free, open-source profiler.

Java VisualVM是一个简化但强大的Java应用程序的剖析工具。这是一个免费的、开源的剖析器。

This tool was bundled with the Java Development Kit (JDK) up to JDK 8, but was removed in JDK 9 and is now distributed as a standalone tool: VisualVM Download.

这个工具在JDK 8之前一直与Java开发工具包(JDK)捆绑在一起,但在JDK 9中被删除,现在作为一个独立的工具分发。VisualVM 下载

Its operation relies on other standalone tools provided in the JDK, such as JConsole, jstat, jstack, jinfo, and jmap.


Below, we can see a simple overview interface of an ongoing profiling session using Java VisualVM:

下面,我们可以看到一个使用Java VisualVM的正在进行的剖析会话的简单概述界面。

visualvm overviewJava VisualVM local tomcat server app profiling

visualvm overviewJava VisualVM local tomcat server app profiling

One interesting advantage of Java VisualVM is that we can extend it to develop new functionalities as plugins. We can then add these plugins to Java VisualVM’s built-in update center.

Java VisualVM的一个有趣的优点是,我们可以扩展它,以开发新的功能作为插件。然后我们可以将这些插件添加到Java VisualVM的内置更新中心。

Java VisualVM supports local and remote profiling, as well as memory and CPU profiling. Connecting to remote applications requires providing credentials (hostname/IP and password as necessary) but does not provide support for ssh tunneling. We can also choose to either enable real-time profiling with instant updates (typically every 2 seconds).

Java VisualVM支持本地和远程剖析,以及内存和CPU剖析。连接到远程应用程序需要提供凭证(必要时提供主机名/IP和密码)但不提供对ssh隧道的支持。我们还可以选择启用即时更新的实时剖析(通常每2秒)。

Below, we can see the memory outlook of a Java application profiled using Java VisualVM:

下面,我们可以看到使用Java VisualVM剖析的一个Java应用程序的内存前景。

visualvm sample memoryJava VisualVM memory heap histogram

visualvm sample memoryJava VisualVM内存堆柱状图


With the snapshot feature of Java VisualVM, we can take snapshots of profiling sessions for later analysis.

利用Java VisualVM的快照功能,我们可以对剖析会话进行快照,以供日后分析

5. NetBeans Profiler


The NetBeans Profiler is bundled with Oracle’s open-source NetBeans IDE.

NetBeans Profiler是与Oracle的开源NetBeans IDE捆绑的

While this profiler shares a lot of similarities with Java VisualVM, it’s a good choice when we want everything wrapped in one program (IDE + Profiler).

虽然这个剖析器与Java VisualVM有很多相似之处,但当我们想把所有东西都包装在一个程序中(IDE+剖析器)时,它是一个不错的选择。

All other profilers discussed above provide plugins to enhance IDEs integration.


Below screenshot shows an example of the NetBeans Profiler interface:

下面的屏幕截图显示了NetBeans Profiler界面的一个例子。

netbeans telemetry viewNetbeans Profiler telemetry interface

netbeans telemetry viewNetbeans Profiler遥测界面

Netbeans Profiler is also a good choice for lightweight development and profiling. NetBeans Profiler provides a single window for configuring and controlling the profiling session and displaying the results. It gives a unique feature of knowing how often garbage collection occurs.

Netbeans Profiler也是一个轻量级开发和剖析的好选择。NetBeans Profiler提供了一个单一的窗口来配置和控制剖析会话并显示结果。它提供了一个独特的功能,即了解垃圾收集发生的频率

6. IntelliJ Profiler


IntelliJ Profiler is a simple, yet powerful tool for CPU and memory allocations profiling. It combines the power of two popular Java profilers: JFR and Async profiler.

IntelliJ Profiler是一个简单而强大的工具,用于CPU和内存分配剖析。它结合了两个流行的Java剖析器的功能。JFR和Async profiler。

While there are some advanced features, the main focus is on ease of use. IntelliJ Profiler allows you to get started in a few clicks without any kind of configuration while providing helpful features to assist you in your day-to-day work as a developer.

虽然有一些高级功能,但主要的重点是易用性。IntelliJ Profiler允许你点击几下就可以开始使用,不需要任何形式的配置,同时提供有用的功能来协助你作为一个开发者的日常工作。

As part of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, IntelliJ Profiler can be attached to a process with a single click and we can navigate between a snapshot and the source code as if they were one. Its other features, like differential flame graphs, allow us to visually assess the performance of different approaches and get insights into the runtime operations quickly and efficiently:

作为IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate的一部分,IntelliJ Profiler可以通过一次点击附加到一个进程上,我们可以在快照和源代码之间浏览,就像它们是一体的一样。它的其他功能,如差分火焰图,使我们能够直观地评估不同方法的性能,快速有效地了解运行时的操作。

IntelliJ Profiler works on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

IntelliJ Profiler可以在Windows、Linux和macOS上工作。

7. Other Solid Profilers


Some honorable mentions here are Java Mission Control, New Relic, and Prefix (from Stackify) – these have less market share overall, but definitely, do deserve a mention. For example, Stackify’s Prefix is an excellent lightweight profiling tool, well-suited for profiling not only Java applications but other web applications as well.

这里值得一提的是Java Mission ControlNew RelicPrefix(来自Stackify) – 这些产品的总体市场份额较小,但绝对,值得一提。例如,Stackify的Prefix是一款优秀的轻量级剖析工具,不仅适用于剖析Java应用程序,也适用于其他Web应用程序。

8. Conclusion


In this write-up, we discussed profiling and Java Profilers. We looked at the features of each Profiler and what informs the potential choice of one over another.


There’re many Java profilers available with some having unique characteristics. The choice of which Java profiler to use, as we’ve seen in this article, is mostly dependent on a developer’s selection of tools, the level of analysis required, and the features of the profiler.
