Guide to SDKMAN! – SDKMAN指南!

最后修改: 2020年 7月 30日


1. Overview


With the new release cycle of Java, developers might need to manage parallel versions and different builds of Software Development Kits (SDK) in their environment. So setting the PATH variable can become a real pain at times.


In this tutorial, we’ll see how SDKMAN! can help to manage the installation and selection of SDKs with ease.


2. What Is SDKMAN!?


SDKMAN! is a tool to manage parallel versions of multiple SDKs, which SDKMAN! call “candidates”.

SDKMAN!是一个管理多个SDK并行版本的工具,SDKMAN!称之为 “候选”

It provides a convenient Command-Line Interface (CLI) and API for listing, installing, switching, and removing candidates. Moreover, it takes care of setting environment variables for us.


It also allows the developers to install JVM-based SDKs like Java, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, and Ceylon. Maven, Gradle, SBT, Spring Boot, Vert.x, and many others are also supported. SDKMAN! is a free, lightweight, open-source utility written in Bash.

它还允许开发者安装基于JVM的SDK,如Java、Groovy、Scala、Kotlin和Ceylon。还支持Maven、Gradle、SBT、Spring Boot、Vert.x等许多其他工具。SDKMAN!是一个用Bash编写的免费、轻量级、开源的工具。

3. Install SDKMAN!


SDKMAN! is supported by all major operating systems, and it can easily be installed on all Unix-based systems. Moreover, it supports Bash and Zsh shells.

SDKMAN!支持所有主要的操作系统,它可以很容易地安装在所有基于Unix的系统上。此外,它还支持Bash和Zsh shells。

So let’s begin by installing it using the terminal:


$ curl -s "" | bash

Then, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.


We might need the zip and unzip packages installed to complete the installation process.


Next, open a new terminal or run:


$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"

Lastly, run the following command to ensure the installation worked. If all went well, the version should be displayed:


$ sdk version
SDKMAN 5.8.5+522

For more customization, please refer to the installation guide on the SDKMAN! website.


To see all the available commands, use the help command:


$ sdk help

4. List All SDK Candidates


So, let’s start by listing all the available SDK candidates.


$ sdk list

The list command shows all the available candidates, identified by a unique name, the description, the official website, and the installation command:


Available Candidates
q-quit                                  /-search down
j-down                                  ?-search up
k-up                                    h-help
Java (11.0.7.hs-adpt)      
                                   $ sdk install java
Maven (3.6.3)      
                                  $ sdk install maven
Spring Boot (2.3.1.RELEASE)
                             $ sdk install springboot

Therefore, we can use this identifier to install the default version of a candidate like Spring Boot (2.3.1.RELEASE) or Maven (3.6.3). The specified versions in this list represent the stable or LTS versions of each SDK.

因此,我们可以使用这个标识符来安装Spring Boot(2.3.1.RELEASE)或Maven(3.6.3)等候选版本的默认版本。该列表中的指定版本代表每个SDK的稳定版或LTS版。

5. Install and Manage Java Versions


5.1. Listing Versions


To list the available versions of Java, use the list command. The result is a table of entries grouped by the vendor and sorted by version:


$ sdk list java
Available Java Versions
Vendor       | Use | Version | Dist    | Status | Identifier
AdoptOpenJDK |     | 14.0.1  | adpt    |        | 14.0.1.j9-adpt
Amazon       |     | 11.0.8  | amzn    |        | 11.0.8-amzn
Azul Zulu    |     | 14.0.2  | zulu    |        | 14.0.2-zulu
BellSoft     |     | 14.0.2  | librca  |        | 14.0.2.fx-librca
GraalVM      |     | 20.1.0  | grl     |        | 20.1.0.r11-grl
...     |     | 16.ea   | open    |        | 16.ea.6-open
SAP          |     | 14.0.2  | sapmchn |        | 14.0.2-sapmchn

We’ll need this command each time we want to check, switch, or manage the storage of candidates.


5.2. Install a Java Version


Let’s say we want to install the newest build of Java 14 from Azul Zulu. Therefore, we copy its identifier, which is the version from the table, and we add it as an argument in the install command:

比方说,我们想安装Azul Zulu公司最新的Java 14版本。因此,我们复制它的标识符,也就是表中的版本,并将其作为参数添加到install命令中。

$ sdk install java 14.0.2-zulu
Downloading: java 14.0.2-zulu
In progress...
########### 100.0%
Repackaging Java 14.0.2-zulu...
Done repackaging...
Installing: java 14.0.2-zulu
Done installing!
Setting java 14.0.2-zulu as default.

SDKMAN! will download and unzip this version into a directory on our computer.


Moreover, it will update environment variables so that we can use Java in the terminal immediately.


We can verify the status and the usage of any version by using the list command. Consequently, the version 14.0.1 is now installed and in use:

我们可以通过使用list命令验证任何版本的状态和使用情况。因此,版本14.0.1 i现在已经安装并正在使用。

$ sdk list java
Available Java Versions
 Vendor    | Use | Version | Dist    | Status    | Identifier
 Azul Zulu | >>> | 14.0.1  | adpt    | installed | 14.0.1.j9-adpt

In addition, it’s possible to install Java or any custom version from a computer with the same command but by specifying the path of binaries as an additional argument:


$ sdk install java custom-8 ~/Downloads/my-company-jdk-custom-8

5.3. Switching Between Versions


We can control the switching between versions in two forms, temporarily:


$ sdk use java 14.0.1.j9-adpt

or permanently:


$ sdk default java 14.0.1.j9-adpt

5.4. Remove a Version


To remove an installed version, run the uninstall command with the targeted version:


$ sdk uninstall java 14.0.1.j9-adpt

5.5. Display the Versions in Use


To check the current version of Java, we run the current command:


$ sdk current java
Using java version 14.0.2-zulu

Similarly, the last command has the same effect as:


$ java -version

To show the version by SDK on our machine, we can run the current command with no arguments:


$ sdk current
java: 14.0.2-zulu
gradle: 6.2.2

6. Using SDKMAN! with an IDE


The installed SDKs are stored in the SDKMAN! directory which defaults to ~/.sdkman/candidates.


For example, the different versions of Java will also be available under the ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/ directory and the subdirectories are named after the versions:


$ ls -al ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/
total 0
drwxrwxrwx 1 user user 12 Jul 25 20:00 .
drwxrwxrwx 1 user user 12 Jul 25 20:00 ..
drwxrwxr-x 1 user user 12 Jul 25 20:00 14.0.2-zulu
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 14 Jul 25 20:00 current -> 14.0.2-zulu

Therefore, the currently selected version of Java will also be available as current in that directory.


In the same vein, Gradle or any other SDK will be installed under the candidates directory.


In this way, we can use any particular version of Java, for example in our favorite IDE. All we have to do is to copy the path of a specific version and set it in the configuration of our IDE.


6.1. IntelliJ IDEA

6.1.IntelliJ IDEA

In IntelliJ IDEA, open “Project Structure”, then open “Project Settings”. In the project configuration, we can add a new Java version by selecting “New…” from the “Project SDK” section:

在IntelliJ IDEA中,打开 “项目结构”,然后打开 “项目设置”。在项目配置中,我们可以从 “项目SDK “部分选择 “新… “来添加一个新的Java版本。

Project Structure dialog in IntelliJ

We can also define the version of Java, Gradle, or Maven to use in the “Build Tools” section:

我们还可以在 “构建工具 “部分定义要使用的Java、Gradle或Maven的版本。

Maven Configuration in IntelliJ

Gradle Configuration in IntelliJ

Gradle Configuration in IntelliJ

Tip: The version of Java must be the same as used in “Project SDK” for Gradle or Maven.

提示:Java的版本必须与Gradle或Maven的 “项目SDK “中使用的相同。

6.2. Eclipse


In Eclipse open “Project Properties”, select “Java Build Path”, and then switch to the “Libraries” tab. Here, we can manage the new SDK of Java via “Add Library…” and by following the instructions:

在Eclipse中打开 “项目属性”,选择 “Java构建路径”,然后切换到 “库 “标签。在这里,我们可以通过 “添加库…… “并按照说明来管理Java的新SDK。

Library managment in Eclipse

We can also control the installed SDKs for all the projects. Open “Preferences” under the “Window” menu, and then go to “Installed JREs”. Here we can manage the SDK of Java via “Add…” and by following the instructions:

我们还可以控制所有项目所安装的SDK。打开 “窗口 “菜单下的 “偏好”,然后进入 “安装的JREs”。在这里我们可以通过 “添加…… “并按照说明来管理Java的SDK。

Installed JREs in Eclipse

7. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we’ve shown how SDKMAN! can help us in managing different versions of Java SDKs among other Java Environment tools such as Maven.

在本教程中,我们展示了SDKMAN!如何帮助我们在其他Java环境工具(如Maven)中管理不同版本的Java SDKs。