Java Static Analysis Tools in Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA – Eclipse和IntelliJ IDEA中的Java静态分析工具

最后修改: 2017年 7月 24日


1. Overview


In our introduction to FindBugs, we looked at the functionality of FindBugs as a static analysis tool and how it can be directly integrated into IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ Idea.

在我们的FindBugs介绍中,我们探讨了FindBugs作为静态分析工具的功能,以及如何将其直接集成到Eclipse和IntelliJ Idea等IDE中。

In this article, we’re going look into few of the alternative static analysis tools for Java – and how these integrate with Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.

在这篇文章中,我们将研究一些替代性的Java静态分析工具–以及这些工具如何与Eclipse和IntelliJ IDEA集成。

2. PMD


Let’s start with PMD.


This mature and quite well-established tool analyzes source code for possible bugs, suboptimal codes and other bad practices; it also looks at more advanced metrics such as cyclomatic complexity for the codebase it analyzes.


2.1. Integration With Eclipse


The PMD plugin can be directly installed from Eclipse Marketplace. The plugin can also be manually downloaded here as well. Once installed, we can run the PMD check directly from the IDE itself:

PMD插件可以直接从Eclipse Marketplace安装。该插件也可以手动下载这里。安装后,我们可以直接从IDE本身运行PMD检查。

pmd eclipse run

It’s worth noting we can run PMD at the project level or at individual class level.


The results are shown below – with different colors for different levels of the finding which ranges from “warning” to “blocker” in the increasing order of severity:

结果显示如下–不同的颜色代表不同级别的发现,其范围从 “警告 “到 “阻止”,严重程度依次递增。

pmd eclipse result

We can dig into the details of each entry by right clicking it and selecting “show details” from the context menu. Eclipse will display a brief description of the issue and possible remediation how to solve it:

我们可以通过右键单击每个条目并从上下文菜单中选择 “显示细节 “来挖掘其细节。Eclipse将显示问题的简要描述和可能的补救措施,以解决这个问题。

pmd eclipse options
pmd eclipse details

It’s also possible to change the configuration of the PMD scan – we can do that in the menu, under Window -> Preferences -> PMD to launch the configuration page. Here, we can configure scan parameters, rule set, result display settings, etc.

也可以改变PMD扫描的配置 – 我们可以在菜单中,在Window -> Preferences -> PMD下启动配置页面。在这里,我们可以配置扫描参数、规则集、结果显示设置,等等。

If we need to deactivate some specific rules for the project – we can simply remove them from the scan:


pmd eclipse config

2.2. Integration With IntelliJ


Of course, IntelliJ has a similar PMD plugin – which can be downloaded and installed from the JetBrains plugin store.


We can similarly run the plugin right in the IDE – by right-clicking the source we need to scan and selecting PMD scan from the context menu:


pmd IntelliJ run

Results are displayed immediately but, unlike in Eclipse, if we try to open the description it will open up a browser with a public web page on finding information:


pmd Intellij result

We can set the behavior of the PMD plugin from the settings page, by going to File -> Settings -> other settings -> PMD to view configuration page. From the settings page, we can configure the rule set by loading a custom rule set with our own testing rules.


3. JaCoCo


Moving on – JaCoCo is a test coverage tool – used to keep track of unit test coverage in the codebase. Simply put, the tool calculates the coverage using a number of strategies e.g.: lines, class, methods, etc.


3.1. Integration With Eclipse


JaCoCo can be directly installed from the marketplace. An install link is also hosted on the official site available here.


jacoco eclipse run

The tool can be executed from project level to individual method level. The Eclipse plugin uses different color schemes to pinpoint what portion of the code is covered by the test cases and what is not covered:


jacoco eclise coverage

Our method is dividing two provided integer parameters and return the result. If the second parameter is zero it will return a max value for the integer data type.


In our test case, we’re only testing out the scenario where the second parameter is zero:


jacoco eclise coverage test

In this case, we can see that line 6 is colored in yellow. Only one branch of the ‘if’ condition is tested and runs in our simple test. Therefore it’s not completely tested and marked in yellow.

在这种情况下,我们可以看到第6行的颜色是黄色的。在我们的简单测试中,只有 “如果 “条件的一个分支被测试并运行。因此,它没有被完全测试,被标记为黄色。

Furthermore, line 7 has green color – it means that it is fully tested. Finally, line 9 is highlighted with a red color, which means that this line is not tested at all by our unit tests.


We can see a summary of the test coverage where it displays how much code is covered under unit tests in class level and package levels:


jacoco eclise coverage summary

3.2. Integration With IntelliJ IDEA

3.2.与IntelliJ IDEA的集成

JaCoCo is bundled by default with the latest IntelliJ IDEA distribution, so there’s no requirement to install the plugin separately.

JaCoCo默认与最新的IntelliJ IDEA发行版捆绑在一起,所以不需要单独安装该插件。

When executing unit tests, we can select what coverage runner we need to use. We can run the test cases either at the project level or at the class level:


jacoco intellij run

Similar to Eclipse, JaCoCo displays results using different color schemes for the coverage.


jacoco intellij coverage-2

We can see the summary of the test coverage where it displays how much of the code is covered under unit tests in class level and package levels.


jacoco intellij coverage summary

4. Cobertura


Finally, it’s worth mentioning Cobertura – this is similarly used to keep track of unit test coverage in the codebase.


The latest version of Eclipse doesn’t support the Cobertura plugin at the time of writing; the plugin does work with earlier Eclipse versions.


Similarly, IntelliJ IDEA doesn’t have an official plugin which can execute the Cobertura coverage.

同样地,IntelliJ IDEA也没有一个官方插件可以执行Cobertura覆盖。

5. Conclusion


We looked at integration with Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA for three widely used static analysis tools. FindBug was covered in a previous introduction to FindBugs.

我们研究了三种广泛使用的静态分析工具与Eclipse和IntelliJ IDEA的集成情况。在之前的FindBugs介绍中已经介绍了FindBug。

The source code of this tutorial can be found in the GitHub project – this is a Maven-based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.
