Java Web Weekly, Issue 111 – Java网络周刊》第111期

最后修改: 2016年 2月 12日


At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Reactive Spring []

A quick announcement of the plans towards the reactive programming in Spring 5.

迅速宣布对Spring 5的反应式编程的计划

>> How to enable bytecode enhancement dirty checking in Hibernate []

An interesting Hibernate 5 feature – using bytecode enhancement to do dirty checking. Quick and to the point.

一个有趣的Hibernate 5功能–使用字节码增强来做脏检查。快捷而有针对性。

>> Dear API Designer. Are You Sure, You Want to Return a Primitive? []

Good API design is hard – that much should be clear by now.


But we’re all working towards getting better at it, and this writeup definitely makes some good points towards that.


>> Designing your own Spring Boot starter – part 1 []

The first steps in putting together a Spring Boot style auto configuration – leveraging the wide array of flexible annotations in Boot.

Spring Boot风格的自动配置放在一起的第一步–利用Boot中广泛的灵活注释。

This is no longer a new concept, but it’s still super powerful, especially if you chose to go beyond what the framework provides out of the box.


>> Preventing Session Hijacking With Spring []

Solid read on protecting your system against session fixation attacks with Spring Security.

关于用Spring Security保护你的系统免受会话固定攻击的可靠阅读。

>> Java for small teams []

This looks like a very useful collection of tactics and general practical advice for your first few years of doing Java work.


I haven’t read the whole thing, but the bits that I did read, I fully agreed with.


>> IntelliJ IDEA Pro Tips []

A good array of more advanced tips to using IntelliJ well.


Getting the most out of your IDE can really make a day to day difference in your coding flow. I personally learned the most out of pairing sessions and watching my pair do stuff better than I did.


So this is definitely recommended reading if you’re an IntelliJ user (I’m not).


>> Announcing Extras for Eclipse []

And on that note – here’s some Eclipse goodness as well.


Also worth reading:


Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Data breaches, vBulletin and weak password hashing []

Read up on this if you’re doing any kind of security online. Good stuff.


>> Elasticsearch Cluster in a Jiffy []

>> Elasticsearch Cluster in a Jiffy []

To the point options to bootstrap an Elasticsearch cluster. I’ll definitely give this a try soon, as I’m doing a lot of Elasticsearch work lately.

谈到bootstrap Elasticsearch集群的选项。我一定会很快试一试,因为我最近在做很多Elasticsearch的工作。

>> Jepsen: RethinkDB 2.2.3 reconfiguration []

As always, if you’re interesting in the inner-workings of how persistence works, have a read.


This one is about RethinkDB – which I’ve personally never used, which didn’t make this piece any less interesting.


Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> Costs And Benefits Of Comments []

Another interesting installment in the “comments” series.

评论 “系列中的另一个有趣的部分。

This one is on my weekend reading list, but I wanted to include it here because I really enjoyed the past writeups.


>> Working with feature-toggled systems []

>> Final part of Feature Toggles []

The final two parts in what is now a complete reference article on using feature toggles in a system.


>> Mistakes Dev Managers Make []

I fully agree that doing a good job as a manager comes down to trust. The trust the manager has in the team, and of course the way to team trust (or doesn’t trust) the manager.


>> Taobao’s Security Breach from a Log Perspective []

Yet another security breach story, and of course something that could have been avoided with just a few straightforward safeguards in place.


Looks like I timed the announcement of my next course – Learn Spring Security – at the perfect time 🙂

看来我宣布我的下一个课程–学习Spring Security–的时间很合适 🙂。

>> The 5 Golden Rules of Giving Awesome Customer Support []

Good advice all around.


Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> You read those same policies last week []

>> Did you know it was hideous before I told you? []

>> I don’t do that []


5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

After a couple of months of winding down after the intensity of writing and recording the Master Class of my last course, I’m finally well rested and ready to announce my next big project:


>> Learn Spring Security

> > Learn Spring Security