Java Web Weekly, Issue 113 – Java网络周刊,第113期

最后修改: 2016年 2月 26日


At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Spring Boot with Scala []

This is very cool if you’re into Scala.


I’m personally moving towards Clojure instead of Scala, but this still looks quite interesting to me.


>> Log management in Spring Boot []

How to configure logging in Spring Boot (without having to go the native XML route) – very quick and to the point (much like Boot).

如何在Spring Boot中配置日志记录(无需走原生XML路线)–非常快速,直奔主题(很像Boot)。

>> JUnit 5 – Basics []

Thought last weeks JUnit 5 post was all there was? Think again 🙂

以为上周的JUnit 5帖子就是全部内容了?再想想吧 🙂

I’m super excited about finally seeing some actual progress in the JUnit space, so this series should be fun to read and follow along with.


>> (Ab)using Java 8 FunctionalInterfaces as Local Methods []

As always, a very nice exploration of a lambdas in Java 8.

一如既往,这是对Java 8中的lambdas的一次非常好的探索。

And I can no longer call lambdas “new”, they’re now just an arrow in the quiver.

而且我不能再把lambdas称为 “新”,它们现在只是箭筒中的一支箭。

>> Java EE 8 MVC: Working with form parameters []

A quick writeup that continues to explore the mapping of parameters to Controllers in Java EE 8. Very quick and to the point.

这是一篇快速的文章,继续探讨Java EE 8中参数与控制器的映射。非常快,直奔主题。

>> JetBrains Releases Kotlin 1.0 []

Kotlin isn’t something I’ve done any actual work with myself. But it is the official 1.0 release of what looks to be a language with some interesting syntax choices – which doesn’t happen all that often.


Also worth reading:


Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Automate Deployment & Management of Docker Cloud/Virtual Java Microservices with DCHQ []

Docker containers, continuous delivery of microservices and Event Sourcing.

Docker容器、微服务的持续交付和Event Sourcing。

Yep, every word of that sentence is an overused buzzword, yet the article solid and detailed, so worth a careful read if you’re doing work in this area.


>> Bind Parameters for Database Queries []

This weeks installment of the “Web Security Basics” series – getting into some foundation aspects of input sanitization.

本周的 “网络安全基础知识 “系列的一部分–进入输入消毒的一些基础方面。

And of course, SQL injection is not the only game in town.


>> Default HotSpot Maximum Direct Memory Size []

Getting into some of the low level JVM details of direct memory access and sizing.


Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> Why do you write accessor methods? []

An “back to basics” style exploration of a core object oriented concept – accessor methods.

对面向对象核心概念的 “返璞归真 “式探索–访问器方法

>> Splunk vs ELK: The Log Management Tools Decision Making Guide []

A solid guide to picking a log management tool and getting the most out of it.


>> Escaping the Legacy Skill Quicksand []

Common sense advice about stepping up your tech skill game.


>> Controlling vehicle features of Nissan LEAFs across the globe via vulnerable APIs []

Hacking a connected car – this is scary stuff.


Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> You probably shouldn’t put your suggestions in form of questions []

>> He’ll be under-communicating all day []

>> It sounds better when you don’t do the math []


5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

I recently discovered I writer that I’m thoroughly enjoying:


>> The Gervais Principle, Or The Office According to “The Office” []