At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> 1 Stream, 2 Applications, and 3 Dependencies for Spring Cloud Data Flow []
The Spring Initializr is getting a lot of love lately, and here’s a quick sampling as to why that is.
>> Kotlin’s killer features []
A quick and interesting look at the new kind on the JVM block.
>> Persistence Expert Roundup: What’s coming in 2016 []
Some cool insights and a look at what’s coming in the Java persistence ecosystem.
>> Event Driven Microservices with Spring Cloud Stream []
This is a great writeup on approaching the microservice problem in an intelligent way.
I am doing quite a bit of work recently with Event Sourcing and this piece fits right into that story – so definitely a good read.
>> Swagger for Akka HTTP []
A weird combination here, but now that I think about it, it certainly makes sense using Swagger to document the API of a product like Akka HTTP.
这里有一个奇怪的组合,但现在想想,用Swagger来记录Akka HTTP这样的产品的API当然是有意义的。
>> Spring MVC: Trgger manual validation of a form object []
>> Spring MVC: Trgger手动验证表单对象[]
Really short and really practice tips on manually triggering validation in Spring.
Also worth reading:
>> Simplifying nested loops with Java 8 Lambdas []
>> The Netflix Stack, Using Spring Boot — Part 3: Feign []
>> New Inspections for Java 8 in IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1 []
>> Quick Access to Eclipse IDE Features []
>> Binding Configuration to JavaBeans in Spring Boot []
>> Servlet 4.0’s mapping API previewed in Tomcat 9.0 m4 []
>> Your first Lagom service – getting started with Java Microservices []
Webinars and presentations:
>> Spring Framework 5 – Preview & Roadmap []
>> You, Me and Jigsaw []
>> Rethinking Streaming Analytics for Scale []
>> Spring Data Daily Double – Couchbase and Neo4J []
>> Reactive Web Applications []
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Framework 4.3 goes RC1 []
>> Spring Data Release Train Hopper Goes GA (and SR1)! []
>> Spring Session 1.2.0 RC2 Released []
>> Spring Cloud Stream 1.0.0.RC2 is now available []
2. Technical
>> Getting the Picture []
This is a quick read and a hard-earned lesson – definitely click this one.
>> Obtaining Login Tokens for an Outlook, Office or Azure Account []
I always thoroughly enjoy reading through these kinds of in-depth attacks.
I think it’s good practice to know what’s out there and how it’s getting compromised, when I’m doing my own security implementations.
This one definitely looks like a promising read, so it’s at the top of my weekend reading list.
Also worth reading:
>> How fast are web applications in 2016? []
3. Musings
>> The Cost of Being Right []
A Gary V likes to say – 99% of things don’t matter. Most things you think matter, don’t actually matter.
Gary V喜欢说–99%的事情都不重要。大多数你认为重要的事情,实际上并不重要。
That still makes me cringe a bit when I think of my own need to be “right” in the first few years of my career.
当我想到我自己在职业生涯的头几年需要 “正确 “的时候,这仍然让我有点畏缩。
>> Being shallow is rational []
A high level look at the way most things are changing faster now that they’ve ever been before – and how we need to stop being romantic about the way we learn if we want to adapt.
Also worth reading:
>> Software Rewrite: The Chase []
>> The Problem With Electric Vehicles []
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Here comes leadership []
>> Ignorance has a tell []
>> You totally get me []
5. Pick of the Week
5 本周精选
Continuing on the same general idea as last week’s pick:
>> Being tired isn’t a badge of honor []