At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Event Sourcing in Microservices Using Spring Cloud and Reactor []
All the cool kids of doing microservices – and most are left with a complex and hard to manage mess on their hands.
But there are ways to avoid that – and Event Sourcing is one of the best ways I found to get there.
>> How to verify equality without equals method []
A cool deep-dive into testing the implementation of the equals method using reflection.
>> Exploring CQRS with Axon Framework: Closing thoughts []
The end of a long running series I’ve been following closely, all about one of my favorite topics – Event Sourcing and CQRS.
我一直密切关注的一个长期系列的结束,所有关于我最喜欢的主题之一 – 事件采购和CQRS。
CQRS is definitely not the holy grail, but it sure comes close in some scenarios 🙂
CQRS绝对不是圣杯,但在某些情况下肯定很接近 🙂
>> How to join unrelated entities with JPA and Hibernate []
A cool addition to Hibernate I wasn’t aware of.
>> Java EE 8 MVC: Global exception handling []
A very quick and to the point intro to handling exceptions if you’re doing work with Java EE.
如果你正在使用Java EE工作,这是一个关于处理异常的非常快速和直接的介绍。
>> Save Time by Writing Less Test Code []
Some initial details about a course I’m really excited about (check out this week’s pick for more on that).
Also worth reading:
>> Vulnerability in Java Reflection Library Still Present after 30 Months []
>> Scatter-Gather using Spring Reactor Core []
>> How to call SQL Server stored procedures and functions from Hibernate []
>> StringBuffer and StringBuilder performance with JMH []
Webinars and presentations:
>> Hot Code is Faster Code – Addressing JVM Warm-up []
>> Java 9 – The (G1) GC Awakens! []
>> The Top 10 Advanced Java Talks You Should See to Stay Relevant []
>> Examining Low Pause Garbage Collection in Java []
>> Webinar: Introducing Spring Cloud Task []
>> Webinar: Data Microservices with Spring Cloud Data Flow []
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Batch 3.0.7.RELEASE is now available []
>> Neo4j 3.0 Released with Binary Communication Protocol and Standardised Drivers []
>> Polishing a great release: Hibernate Search 5.5.3.Final []
>> Spring Statemachine 1.1.0.RC1 Released []
>> Spring Session 1.2.0 RC3 Released []
>> Spring REST Docs 1.1.0.RC1 []
>> PrimeFaces 6.0.RC1 Released []
>> Spring Integration 4.3 M2 is Available []
2. Technical and Musings
>> Why You Should Do Periodic Reviews of Legacy Code []
Solid advice for keeping your less visited code for rotting and getting out of sync with the parts of the system you’re actively working on.
>> Evaluating Delusional Startups []
A funny read if you’re out of that game, and hopefully a helpful one is you’re not.
Also worth reading:
>> A Doomed Code Review []
>> Commit messages []
>> Machine Learning, Recommendation Systems, and Data Analysis at Cloud Academy []
>> We know a lot less than we think, especially about the future. []
>> 10 SQL Tricks That You Didn’t Think Were Possible []
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Bury something in the woods []
>> Can’t you find meaning in your personal life? []
>> That could work []
4. Pick of the Week
Almost a year ago, when I started to work on my first course, I wrote that we have so few solid courses in our ecosystem. I know from experience that it takes a long time to put together a good, high quality course – around 6 months of ongoing work – which explains why there are so few of these out there.
That’s slowly changing – Petri’s newly announced testing course is definitely going to be reference material:
The packages have been at 50% off all week (ending today) – so if you’re into testing, pick this one up. If you’re not really into testing, then definitely pick this one up.
I’m excited about this one, not just because it’s about testing, but also about Spring (which is very cool).