At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> The best way of logging JDBC statements []
Some cool techniques to set up logging in a Hibernate system or right around the data source.
This one falls in the category – “didn’t know you could do that”.
这个属于–“不知道你可以这样做 “的范畴。
>> What’s new in Spring Data Hopper? []
Some really cool stuff in this latest Spring Data release.
在这个最新的Spring Data版本中,有一些非常酷的东西。
I’m especially interested in the Querydsl stuff – looks like I have something to play with this weekend.
Projections also look like they’re going to really come in handy in some scenarios.
>> Using Java Generics to express variance of Collections and Functions []
Playing with generics is always fun, especially when you sprinkle some Java 8 syntax on top.
玩泛型总是很有趣,尤其是当你在上面撒上一些Java 8语法的时候。
>> Laziness at extreme: developing JAX-RS services with Spring Boot []
A quick and fun way of using Boot outside the core Spring ecosystem.
Also worth reading:
>> Concurrent Recursive Function Memoization []
>> Approaches to binding a Spring Boot application to a service in Cloud Foundry []
Webinars and presentations:
>> RxJava and SWT: Out with Events, in with FRP []
>> Project Jigsaw in JDK 9: Modularity Comes To Java []
>> Live Webinar: Docker for Java Developers []
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Cloud Task 1.0.0.M2 is now available []
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.0.0 M3 Released []
>> Spring Data Geode 1.0.0.APACHE-GEODE-INCUBATING-M2 Released []
>> Ehcache 3.0 Released with Revamped API and Off-Heap Storage []
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache Mesos and Kubernetes 1.0.0.M2 versions released []
2. Technical
>> The Benefits of Hypermedia APIs []
If you’ve been following Baeldung for any amount of time, you know Hypermedia APIs are one of my favorite topics. So I was excited to see this writeup pop up in my RSS feed.
Yeah – go read this one.
>> Locating Common Micro Service Performance Anti-Patterns []
A solid overview of the common things that can go wrong in a microservice architecture.
Some of these aren’t microservice specific, but the ones that are definitely paint a clear picture of the extra complexity in this kind of system.
>> Microservices are about applying a group of Best Practices []
Moving an existing codebase to a microservice architecture is no small feat. And that’s not even taking into account the non-technical challenges.
We definitely need more nuanced strategies based on actual production experience with microservices to help drive these architectural decisions.
Also worth reading:
>> Specifying JSON []
>> How to derive business value from performance monitoring? []
3. Musings
>> Hiring is Broken… And It Isn’t Worth Fixing []
An insightful read on how the hiring process isn’t looking at the right things.
It’s also long enough to fit three cool cartoons 🙂
The interesting thing is that I’ve read about at least two companies trying to take on the challenge just this week – both with non-traditional, depth vs width approaches. So maybe there’s hope.
>> Breach concealment is not a security strategy []
If you find security news and musings about the right way to handle a data breach interesting – then this is certainly worth reading.
>> Email: how to be polite and efficient []
The more email I get, the more I think that writing good email is a black art. This quick writeup has some useful rules to live by when writing that email.
>> Applied Consultant Taxonomy to Prevent Confusion []
More nuanced and practical examples of how scoping and defining different roles is important, and “consultant” really isn’t enough.
更多细微和实用的例子,说明确定不同角色的范围和定义是很重要的,而“顾问 “真的不够。
Also worth reading:
>> They Have To Be Monsters []
>> Is software a neutral agent? []
>> Is There Value in Having Non-Technical People Do Code Review? []
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: