A bit of a quicker one this week, as I’m writing it in between Spring IO sessions.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Thymeleaf 3 – Get Started Quickly with Thymeleaf 3 and Spring MVC [codeleak.pl]
A quick and to the point intro to using Thymeleaf with Spring, hopefully getting the industry one step closer to never touching a JSP file ever again.
>> How to Split JUnit Tests in a Continuous Integration Environment [semaphoreci.com]
A solid, thorough writeup focused on intelligently separating the way different tests run in a CI pipeline. Very useful stuff.
>> 13 Decks Java Developers Must See to Stay Updated [takipi.com]
Some very interesting slide-decks worth going over. Not only for the subject matter, but also to see what the cadence of a good talk looks like.
Also worth reading:
>> Cyclops-react Organises the Cambrian Explosion of Java 8 Libraries [jooq.org]
>> Modern Architecture with Containers, Microservices, and NoSQL [eisele.net]
>> JUnit vs Spock + Spock Cheatsheet [jakubdziworski.github.io]
>> High-Performance Java Persistence – Chapter 16 – Caching [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Eclipse Platform on Java 9 b118 [waynebeaton.wordpress.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Modular Java Applications with OSGi [infoq.com]
>> Types Working for You, Not against You [infoq.com]
>> Microservices at Spotify [corejavainterviewquestions.com]
>> Interview with Simon Ritter on Java 9 [infoq.com]
>> Live Webinar: Refactoring with IntelliJ IDEA [jetbrains.com]
>> Compositional I/O Stream in Scala [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Session 1.2.0 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring IO Platform 2.0.5.RELEASE [spring.io]
>> Spring Integration 4.3.0 Release Candidate Available [spring.io]
>> Spring Boot 1.4.0.M3 Available Now [spring.io]
>> Spring LDAP 2.1.0 Released [spring.io]
>> Hibernate OGM 5 is out! [in.relation.to]
>> Spring LDAP 2.1.0 Released [spring.io]
2. Technical
>> Cleanup Temp Files [techblog.bozho.net]
This is a quick writeup that I was thinking would make the “Also word reading” section below.
这是一个快速的写法,我在想它可以成为下面的 “也字阅读 “部分。
But, temporary files and applications that just keep growing and growing is such a common and overlooked problem that I think it’s really worth thinking about if you’re writing that kind of app.
Also worth reading:
>> Understanding CSP, the video tutorial edition [troyhunt.com]
>> X1 Instances for EC2 – Ready for Your Memory-Intensive Workloads [aws.amazon.com]
3. Musings
>> Dirty Hacks Are OK [techblog.bozho.net]
“I know this is not the best advice I’ve given” – that cracked me up.
But, in all seriousness, once you know the rules, yes, sometimes it’s definitely OK to break them.
>> CodeFX Leveled Up [codefx.org]
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece, from so many points of view.
First, it’s a clear, ambitious plan that I’m sure Nicolai is going to execute on well.
But more importantly – it represents forward movement in a space where so many people sit still for years and years – blogging. It’s quite easy to find yourself settle in a rhythm and doing the things that you’ve always been doing.
Shake things up!
>> The Gravitational Force of Wage Labor [daedtech.com]
An interesting read on the dynamics of longer term consulting engagements.
>> DDD Is Expensive Is A Myth [sapiensworks.com]
Like all the other DDs, Domain Driven Design may look like it’s more work at the beginning, but overall, the level of clarity that it brings into a system dwarfs the time it takes to understand and implement.
>> Simple Asynchronous Microservices using Lambda Architecture [vanillajava.blogspot.com]
A good first step towards understanding the Lambda architecture.
>> Lessons learned from delivering a test automation workshop [ontestautomation.com]
I’m doing more workshops this year, so I enjoyed going through this one. Have a look if you’re interested in either side of the workshop experience.
Also worth reading:
>> Analytics First [dandreamsofcoding.com]
>> To ELK or Not to ELK? That Is the Question [loggly.com]
>> Does it even make sense to move to San Francisco? [swizec.com]
>> Going dark: online privacy and anonymity for normal people [troyhunt.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: