Java Web Weekly, Issue 127 – Java网络周刊》第127期

最后修改: 2016年 6月 1日


At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.


Here we go…


1. Spring and Java


>> Zero Downtime Deployment with a Database []

It’s no coincidence that this is first on the list this week – Marcin wrote a well researched, solid and referenceable resource for handling deployments in production.


>> Back to the CompletableFuture: Java 8 Feature Highlight []

Brushing up on the basics is always a good idea, and the CompletableFuture was such a useful addition in Java 8.

补习基础知识总是一个好主意,CompletableFuture是Java 8中一个非常有用的补充

The fact that the examples are built using Marvel superheroes is just gravy.


>> JVM JIT optimization techniques []

A comprehensive introduction to the underpinnings of how the JVM actually optimizes and runs code.


>> The Open Session In View Anti-Pattern []

A low level and highly useful deep-dive into how using the Open Session In View “solution” is essentially a code smell for a root problem in the architecture of the system.

一个低层次的、非常有用的深入探讨,说明使用Open Session In View “解决方案 “本质上是对系统架构中的一个根本问题的代码嗅觉

>> Oracle Moves In Strange Ways []

A very interesting lesson in the history of Java EE and a quick read.

这是一堂非常有趣的Java EE历史课,读起来非常快。

>> Why Microservices Should Be Event Driven: Autonomy vs Authority []

As it’s becoming clearer and clearer after the ruckus has died down – microservices require a fundamentally different way of architecting our systems.


>> How to use PostgreSQL’s JSONB data type with Hibernate []

Some Hibernate goodness with the JSON support in PostgreSQL.


Also worth reading:


Webinars and presentations:


Time to upgrade:


2. Technical


>> Modelling Microservice Patterns in Code []

An writeup that can define and clarify the mental model of certain client-server interactions.


Also worth reading:


3. Musings


>> The emergence of historical mega breaches [] and >> Dating the ginormous MySpace breach []

Some very interesting things happening in the security ecosystem this week, with a few unprecedented data breaches seeing the light of day all at once.


>> Bridging the Communication Gap Between Developers and Architects []

Consensus about what an “architect” should be is unlikely, but defining a few useful things that they should definitely do is easier. Some interesting take-aways here.

关于 “建筑师 “应该是什么的共识是不可能的,但定义一些他们肯定应该做的有用的事情则比较容易。这里有一些有趣的收获。

>> OutcomeOriented [] and >> ActivityOriented []

Organizing teams well is a tough nut to crack. If you’re working on cracking it – these two short writeups are a good read.


Also worth reading:


4. Comics


And my favorite Dilberts of the week:


>> How did people do sarcasm before the internet? []

>> I remember a time when I had to listen []

>> The least important thing I do is more important than all of you put together []

5. Pick of the Week

5 本周精选

>> Immortality Begins at Forty []