At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Stagnation with Java EE 8: Can the Java Community Make a Difference? []
The Java EE story unfolding.
Java EE的故事正在展开。
>> JUnit 5 M1 []
The official announcement of the very first milestone of JUnit 5. Good stuff – it looks like it’s time to give this one a real try.
官方宣布了JUnit 5的第一个里程碑。好东西 – 看起来是时候给这个人一个真正的尝试了。
>> JUnit 5 – Dynamic Tests []
And speaking of the first milestone of JUnit 5, Nicolai is of course continuing to explore the very cool aspects of JUnit. This one is about the concept of a dynamic test, which can potentially be quite powerful.
说到JUnit 5的第一个里程碑,Nicolai当然会继续探索JUnit非常酷的方面。这一篇是关于动态测试的概念,它可能是相当强大的。
>> How to Get Started with Java Machine Learning []
A quick overview of machine learning in the Java ecosystem. It’s a bit of a shame that Mahout has been abandoned in this space, as it was showing some promise a few years back.
>> Robot Framework Tutorial 2016 – Integration with Jenkins []
Solid intro to setting up the Robot Framework with a new Jenkins 2.0 server from scratch. Definitely one to bookmark for if/when you have to do that.
坚实的介绍了如何在新的Jenkins 2.0服务器上设置机器人框架,从头开始。如果你需要这样做,一定要把它收藏起来。
>> The best way to detect database connection leaks []
DB connection leaks are never fun and almost never easy to find and solve. This is a good introduction to how you may handle that.
>> Stackoverflow: 7 of the Best Java Answers That You Haven’t Seen []
A fun an interesting idea – having a look at a few of the top questions about Java on StackOverflow.
Some of these brought me right back to the Operating Systems course in college 🙂
其中一些让我直接回到了大学的操作系统课程中 🙂
Also worth reading:
>> Hibernate Tips: How to map native query results to entities []
>> HTTP-RPC: A Lightweight Cross-Platform REST Framework []
>> Run your Spring Boot application on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk []
>> CVE-2016-5007 Spring Security / MVC Path Matching Inconsistency []
>> Updating Hibernate ORM in WildFly []
Webinars and presentations:
>> Understanding Parallel Stream Performance in Java SE 8 []
>> Validating JsonObjects In JAX-RS With Bean Validation And Java EE 7 []
>> Just Enough App Server with WildFly Swarm []
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security 4.1.1 Released []
>> Spring IO Platform 2.0.6.RELEASE []
>> Spring Cloud Task 1.0.1.RELEASE is now available []
>> Spring Cloud Brixton.SR3 is available []
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.0 GA released []
>> Spring for Apache Kafka 1.0.2 available now []
>> Java DSL for Spring Integration 1.2 M1 and 1.1.3 are available []
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2 is Here! []
2. Technical and Musings
>> Jepsen: VoltDB 6.3 []
Another deep analysis of a persistence solution that doesn’t quite do what it advertises yet, but is on the right track to getting there.
These kinds of in-depth dives into the low level problems of a persistence implementation are priceless to really learn about the mindset, the approach and the practical way of looking things when it comes to persistence.
>> The REST Report []
Some thoughts about REST in the ecosystem today.
>> How Collaboration Humanizes the Enterprise []
This piece is both a bit sad and a bit encouraging.
Organizations do inherently run into well-understood issues with scale, but it’s still so very rare to find an organization that is successfully navigating these issues and not just patching them up.
>> For those of you thinking about moving into the test automation field []
Advice worth reading even if you’re not planning to do test automation full time but simply in parallel to your day to day work.
>> Benefits of Serverless Architectures []
Continuing the discussion, this piece has a look at the benefits and reasoning behind a Serverless architecture.
>> Baeldung Q2 2016 Report []
And the quarterly inside look at the numbers of is out.
If you didn’t know, I publish this report regularly giving curious readers an inside look into how the site is doing.
Also worth reading:
>> Introducing unverified breaches to Have I been pwned []
>> About Inhouse Coderetreat []
>> Dynamics of Change: Why Reactivity Matters []
>> Planning for the wrong kind of scale []
>> On not knowing []
>> Getting to grips with cloud computing security on Pluralsight []
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: